
  1. W

    Wry neck/blood in poop

    I had to treat my chicks this year with Corid twice, within a couple weeks. All seemed fine after the second round. A few days ago, one of my older hens found her way into the baby chick pen and terrorized the now 6-7 week old babies. The next day, I realized my silkie had wry neck. I have no...
  2. K

    Unsure what’s up with our hen…

    Hey all!! I made a post a little while back about my hen having worms. We treated for worms and she seemed to be getting better!! We did the dose each day for 5 days and then we did one more at the 14 day mark just to make sure we got everything. Worms were never present in poo. Now she is...
  3. S

    Help- pullets have bloody poop after 7 day corid treatment!

    Today was the first day they had bloody poop! We are 5 days after a completed 7 day treatment of corid for cocci. I just started them on nutri drench and probiotics and fresh berries and oatmeal past two days. Today there was bloody poop in the coop. No one is acting off at all! We were...
  4. M

    Can't figure out what's happening

    Looking for any ideas on what might be going on. We brought 4 new pullets into our flock. 2 cream legbar and 2 EE's. The EE's are older by a few weeks. I have now lost both legbar. Both seemed to have the same symptoms. Also a few from my older flock seem a bit off. There was red in the pullets...
  5. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Molting Hen Is Acting Poorly - Treatment Needed?

    My 4.5 y/o EE, Darla, is going through a pretty extreme molt. She's at the bottom of the pecking order and always pretty awkward, but is acting even more confused and flustered than usual, and is otherwise very low energy. This is normal for her during molts. However, I noticed the following...
  6. R

    Help: Sick Hen? Egg bound?

    My hen has been acting strange since yesterday. She laid her first egg last Friday and hasn’t laid since. Yesterday she started to refuse food and hold her tail feathers down. She keeps to herself in the darkest part of coop, so I assumed she was egg bound, I didn’t feel anything on her abdomen...
  7. S

    Cocci and recovery (is my hen getting better)

    Recently had what we're 99% sure is a coccidia outbreak amongst our flock. Most of the girls seem to be doing reasonably fine, but our lavender orpington Lilly seems to have it the worst and is having a rough recovery. Our splash maran and bielefelder hens also seem to have it but are having a...
  8. asher42069

    Help!! Possible Cocci and Swelled Crop/Sour Crop? Pics attached

    On Saturday I noticed one of my silkies had a swollen crop, not hard, balloon like. She has had ACV in her water since, I’ve given her some warm water mixed with veg oil, massaging her crop whenever I get a chance from neck to breast, and started monistat on Monday 2x a day. Monday I noticed two...
  9. Jasfarm

    Emergency! Cocci???

    Hi - I have 7 mixed chicks that are 8 weeks old. They just moved outside with their sisters (separated of course). I just found one poo that looks like blood is maybe in it? Just this one and it looks like tomatoes almost but they haven’t eaten anything other than grass, dirt, whatever they...
  10. C

    Coccidiosis in 9 week pullets - will they survive?

    I have a flock of 9. Two have coccidiosis. I noticed them both with their fluffed up look, lethargy and sleepy eyes. I treated immediately by replacing their regular water with water with Corid in it. This is day 2 of the treatment and I do notice the first bird picking up more energy than when...
  11. Kattzombiee

    Cocci or something more serious now?

    Hi all, 2 weeks ago we had our first sign of coccidiosis with our babies (now 6 and 7 weeks old, then 4 and 5) it was the obvious first signs with bloody Poo from one or two chicks, and another one had very mucusy poo. I got corid, I followed 1 tsp to 1 gal dosage for 7 days. Things were cleared...
  12. Chickenwithnobrim

    Feeding back eggs during amprol treatment

    Im treating my whole flock for coccidiosis due to a chick having it that im brooding indoors, and this includes 2 grown outdoor hens. Im not a huge fan of eggs and only one is laying right now so i feed their eggs back, usually 3 eggs once a week. So heres the big question: Is there enough...
  13. Chickenwithnobrim

    Help!! Sick chick

    So i have 3 chicks and one has been having slightly odd poops and seems sick. It had really light tan poops and now just had really bad diarrhea with some mucus on my hand. They are on unmedicated feed and im concerned about coccidiosis. I can pick up meds tomorrow but im not even sure if thats...
  14. Yabadabadoo

    Corid Expiration Date

    Hi there! I have chicks that are showing some signs of cocci and so I am planning to treat them. (Two weeks old, one is a little hunched up, drowsy, lethargic, yellow/mucusy poop.). That said, I pulled my corid and it expired January 2022. My local feed supply is out and so I am looking to...
  15. HensAndFriends

    Opinions: Medicated Chick Feed and Corid

    Been reading a lot about using medicated feed and corid in waterers, and was curious what everyone's opinions were on this subject? Medicated chick feed usually contains: 0.0125% amprolium Corid contains: 9.6% amprolium (example dosage: 2.5ml per quart of water) Some people say that you can...
  16. B

    Treating possible cocci in ducks and chickens

    Two days ago my hen passed, her droppings were very watery and yellow. She had first started acting unwell about the day before and she stopped eating and was drinking lots. Unfortunately the vets aren’t able to do anything for us as they said that they don’t usually have any calls with hens...
  17. S

    Sick hens!

    One of my ~2 year old Leghorns has diarrhea and stopped laying about 5 days ago, and she used to lay everyday. I did find a large soft shelled egg in the coop yesterday, though, that I assume is hers. I also noticed my ~4 month old Silkie has what looks to be bloody poop. I found 2 spots...
  18. Tarynj


    Second time this week I have seen blood in 6 week old chickens. Just moved them to into old adult chickens coop (the adults are in new bigger coop) which was cleaned but maybe not spotless- so wondering if they caught cocci from them? They have never had any o virus signs but not sure what else...
  19. O

    Do they need corid?

    Unfortunately I had a case of Cocci hit my mixed flock of turkeys and chickens. Today is day 5 of treatment and I have baby turkeys hatching. Will they need to have corid as well?
  20. henfriend1998

    URGENT, PLEASE HELP! Severe adult Cocci, worms in my flock or something else?? how to treat my girls and get them to recover big and strong?

    i have two hens (Frida a buff brahma and Agnes a silver laced wyandotte) inside right now with what we think is Cocci. all of the symptoms but our fecal float came back clear. the vet and a relative let is know that its possible the parasites just arent shedding eggs, and that we shouldnt rule...
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