
  1. Tarynj


    Second time this week I have seen blood in 6 week old chickens. Just moved them to into old adult chickens coop (the adults are in new bigger coop) which was cleaned but maybe not spotless- so wondering if they caught cocci from them? They have never had any o virus signs but not sure what else...
  2. O

    Do they need corid?

    Unfortunately I had a case of Cocci hit my mixed flock of turkeys and chickens. Today is day 5 of treatment and I have baby turkeys hatching. Will they need to have corid as well?
  3. henfriend1998

    URGENT, PLEASE HELP! Severe adult Cocci, worms in my flock or something else?? how to treat my girls and get them to recover big and strong?

    i have two hens (Frida a buff brahma and Agnes a silver laced wyandotte) inside right now with what we think is Cocci. all of the symptoms but our fecal float came back clear. the vet and a relative let is know that its possible the parasites just arent shedding eggs, and that we shouldnt rule...
  4. T

    RIR Pullets

    We have two RIR pullets(I think they’re both pullets) about 7.5 weeks old. One is smaller and one is larger. Yesterday we noticed the smaller one was not as active as she had been, today she is keeping one of her eyes closed unless I force it open and appears normal. She just seems a little more...
  5. B

    Button Quail Chick Diarrhea

    Hi all, I have a clutch of eight 4-day old button quail chicks. They are in a brooder and have their mom with them. Today I was cleaning their brooder and noticed 2 types of concerning droppings: 1) dark poops 2) diarrhea I'm very worried about any disease spreading with these babies, as they...
  6. 1Crzychknlady

    Recovering from cocci baby chicks

    On Friday I began noticing a few of our 2 wk old chicks being lethargic and having runny bloody poo. I separated the two that had those symptoms (I ended up separating a third chick the following day bc she began showing those symptoms also). I began corid on all the chicks we have and added a...
  7. Futrmakr

    I wonder if it's my yard?

    I am just at a loss at this point. I am on my 4th flock. I kept losing adult chickens to what I thought was Cocc. They were freeranged and sleep in coop at night. So for the new group, I decided they would be confined, just in case they kept getting into something out on our land. I decided to...
  8. edenking48

    Chick Diarrhea- very watery

    I had 5 9 week old chicks of various breeds. one died last week, I got them about a week and a half ago from a breeder. Since we have had them they have had diarrhea that is VERY watery. They are being fed chick starter (unmedicated), not sure what they were given before we picked them up...
  9. P

    Please help! Cocci, worms? Or something else?

    I have a flock of 15 girls and about a week and half ago I found blood in stool and immediately treatment them all with Corid, I did the regular dose for 7 days and now I’m doing the half dose for another 7 days in water, some who looked a bit off got it for 3 days through syringe. I did not...
  10. tacosta1009

    Blood in Feces

    Hi, all! I saw some blood in one of the chickens feces over a week ago and I started to treat with Corid, until I could get a fecal. In the end, they got 7 days of Corid I got a fecal done and it came back positive for tapeworms. I gave them Panacur, it’s been a couple of days and I found...
  11. 6

    Maybe Not Cocci…?

  12. Goosebaby

    How to Treat Coccidia and Giardia?

    My geese have had an on and off sickness that causes white watery diarrhea for awhile, I took two of my geese to a new vet not far away on Saturday, fecal test results just came in yesterday, they have cocci in their droppings plus a gram positive bacteria the vet says she strongly thinks is...
  13. T

    Sick silkie

    About 3 weeks ago we treated our young flock for cocci, (5 days). One ameraucana was sluggish and anything we tried didn’t help, so we tried Corid. All seemed good after that. Today our silkie is just sluggish and sleeping. This morning would not eat or drink. Gave some nutridrench and separated...
  14. F

    Coccidiosis in my chciks. 11 Dead so far.

    I had 15 white leg horn chicks. They are around 10 weeks old now. Last week I went out to find 5 of them dead. I wasn't sure what happened so I made sure to clean out the coop very well and give them fresh food and water. Well they keep dying. I am pretty sure its cocci. They are fluffy and...
  15. EggsNchooks

    Cocci?? Help please

    Hi, I live in Australia and it’s heading into winter. We’ve had a bit of wet weather where I live and I was cleaning out my cages and noticed one of my big chooks has had mucus blood in its poo and one of the little pullets. (they live in different enclosures). None of them appear to be sick...
  16. R

    What to do after 5-Day Corid treatment?

    Hi all :frow I have a flock that is on the final day of a 5-Day Corid treatment for cocciodiosis. What are some recommendations to do after treatment for supplements? I've seen some posts recommend a smaller dose Corid preventative treatments. Some have even said to supplements with...
  17. eclectic-em

    intestinal shed or cocci?

    hi all! i have some 3.5 week old chicks and tuesday i found this i only saw this one abnormal dropping so i just kept an eye out but everyone was active and eating/drinking well. 1 of the 5 is a bit smaller than the rest and hasn’t featured out as much but since they’re EEs i wasn’t sure if...
  18. HoneyHillHens

    Cocci poop?

    So got five two day old chicks yesterday from my local feed store. All acting normal, running around flapping their wings. checked on them before bed. Found this, should i start treating with Corid? Or is it a normal poop? It has a slightly red tinge to it. Can i treat chicks that young? Also...
  19. M

    Dying chick with cocci, corid treatment help

    I have a 3 week old chick that I believe has cocci. The chick will not eat or drink. I bought corid, 9.6 and put 9ml in a gallon of water. I gave the chick a little with a syringe. But have not seen any improvement in the past couple hours. Should I give more? How much? Or should I give...
  20. M

    Recurring coccidiosis

    I’ve had a difficult battle with coccidiosis this year in our Polish bantams. This morning we lost the last of our birds we hatched last year. We lost ALL 5 of the birds we hatched last year :( The pattern is: - there was an initial outbreak of coccidiosis (confirmed by worm count). We treated...
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