
  1. Gearhead846

    How cold is too cold for my ducklings??

    Hello, I have 3 khaki cambell ducklings that are seven weeks old and fully feathered and have been outside for a couple of days even when it drops down to 25🥶 but the weather forecast for where I'm at says that there is going to be a low of 0 degrees in the next few days and I need to know how...
  2. prestoconfuoco

    Cracked/bleeding bill and skin near eye -- frostbite or dry skin, or something?

    Hi everyone, I live in upstate NY (as in really upstate), so it gets very very cold here. My drakes in particular have had peeling skin on their bills for a few months, but it always looked very normal to me so I didn't worry about it very much -- just normal shedding dead skin-cells type of...
  3. H

    How cold is too cold for outdoors?

    Hello! Beginner chick owner here. I've ordered some cold-hardy laying breeds specifically so that I could have my ladies out year round once they're fully grown (Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Australorp). Before I get my cold is too cold for them to be outdoors? I have...
  4. Jelibaen

    Ducks in -40C, duck mum freaking out

    So its the middle of our great Canadian Winter now and its currently sitting at -38C WITHOUT the windchill. Feels like -44C. I have 8 ducks in my 8x12 coop. Lots of thick straw, heated water buckets and a little shrub cover to offer some smaller area for them but man I am freaking out. They are...
  5. moisture

    Upcoming cold-front with chicken not used to cold, and don't have the supplies

    Wasn't sure to post this in the Emergencies area or the Flock Maintaining area, if it was wrong to post here let me know. Next week here (near Seattle) we have a cold front coming with possibly some snow. Normally I wouldn't be worried about snow, but it's the cold that comes with it this time...
  6. Joyfillednomads

    Quail hatching... is wonderful. Every loss is tough tho

    44 eggs 30 hatched (so far) 1 failure
  7. F

    Frostbite, vent gleet, curly toes, and molt

    So some backstory. My blue wheaten ameraucana chickens name is Gimble. Gimble has curly toe paralysis. We live in Northern BC. It's actually been super mild so far, with temps right at freezing. So my girls have been moulting for a good month and a half while Gimble just started about a week...
  8. Chickadee00


    Since it's getting colder here I wanted to rub my girls' combs with Vaseline, when I saw this strange white spot on Phoebe. Does anyone know what this is? I always thought frostbite is darker, thanks!
  9. Liv's chickens

    Rooster’s head has turned purple from cold

    Hi everyone, I have a bantam rooster who I’m concerned about because his entire face has turned a purple color. The coldest it’s been is in the 20s but it’s obviously affected him quite a bit already. He did get some frostbite last year and the very tips of his comb ended up falling off, but...
  10. katie_94

    Coturnix quail and the Florida winter

    Hi fellow Floridians, Winter is here and temperatures are dropping. I live on the east coast towards the north near St. Augustine. I'm a first-time quail parent and have coturnix quails of mixed ages (older ones are 3 and 4-5 months old) which I'll be introducing them eventually to our new...
  11. mypoorducky

    Can I keep my ducks in the cold?

    Hello all. I have some ducks, about a month old. They're about halfway done with growing out their feathers. Since I still lack any sort of proper feed at the moment, I give them much more access to forage in my backyard, however I worry it may be too cold for them. It's very cold outside, not...
  12. chickenGrant

    Pecking out feathers STILL! HELP!

    Hey everyone, I am going to apologize in advance for how long and confusing this may be. Alright here we go… By the way these Chickens are just over one year old. So last winter (winter of 2020) is when it all started, I noticed a fair amount of feathers were missing on two out of the three...
  13. S

    Polish Chickens with mixed flock

    Good morning all! Three questions about POLISH HENS. With a mixed flock how long did it take to inter-grate your polish with other chickens? And do you trim their little mop tops? And lastly how do they fair in the weather? I have been reading they don’t do well outdoors in cold climates...
  14. Chickadee00

    Chicken colds

    Hello, my 3 cochin chickens seem to have a cold, they sneeze a bit. When I picked one up and heard them breath it sounded like they have a runny nose, can't see any mucus coming out of their noses though. I've tried giving them camomile and sage tea, I've given them radish, a bit of onion with...
  15. D

    Baby Quail Passed Away - was it from Exposure?

    Dearest backyard chicken community, A tragic event took place at our urban farm this morning. Would it be possible for you to help me find the reason? So about two weeks ago I hatched 7 quail. As I kept the incubator on just in case, a really long time after the last chick, about 5 days, there...
  16. G

    What does my chicken have?????

    I have had my first three chickens for a month now and still only once chicken is sick/ill. She (a lavender araucana pullet) was initially separated for a week and a half due to sneezing, gasping/gaping, a foul odour and lethargy. She was taken to the vet (who didn’t deal with chickens, none...
  17. Skylexa

    How cold can my chicks tolerate?

    Our weather in TN can be very wild. It can go from 80°F days to 40°F nights very quickly. Setting up a heating system in our coop is quite complicated, so we try to avoid heating as much as possible. Currently, tonight, it's 54°F. Our chickens are about two and a half months old. We have three...
  18. M

    Snow is coming (in May), Silkie chick question :)

    Hi chicken folk! New to backyard chickens, new to chickens:) This forum has been so educational and helpful🙏🏻. My silkie chicks are 6 weeks old, recently moved outside to coop with covered run. If given the option they will stay huddled on the ground outside the coop, not in the coop with the...
  19. M

    Should I use the heat plate?

    We just moved our birds outside... 3 chickens who are 8 weeks old and 2 ducks who are 6 weeks old, they are all feathered. Tonight’s low is supposed to be 47 degrees... I bought a heat plate for cold nights but it seemed to make the coop too warm. Is that too cold for them or will they be alright?
  20. F

    Cold snap - are my 5.5 week old chickies safe?

    Hey there, not sure if this is the right category but given that the news today says we're going to get a cold snap tomorrow with snow and below-freezing temperatures, I'm wondering if my 5-and-a-half week old Easter Eggers will be OK in their coop. They just moved in there a few days ago. They...
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