
  1. danpeters9497

    Fast growth rate.

    So looking into meat birds I have obviously come across the ever present cornish cross. Which seem to be a Cornish and Plymouth rock? Not sure if that's right or not. Either way where do the fast growth genes come from? I've seen the multiple different ranger breeds that also have a relatively...
  2. Mr D

    Fine versus Coarse Meat

    I’ve heard that, for example, Dorkings and Bresse have fine meat, while Cornish and Jersey Giants have coarse meat. I have only eaten store bought chicken and self-slaughtered Buff Orpingtons. Can someone explain the texture (and if applicable the taste) differences between Coarse and fine meat...
  3. M

    She's a he...

    I'm new to all this and I thought we had everyone figured out. My hens just started laying, so it's very exciting for me. So I'm looking up which eggs go with which hen, color wise. I realize that my black langshan hasnt laid any eggs. My dad has been saying for a while that Shadow was a boy but...
  4. MissMarple

    Is there a certain age to cull?

    Cornishes? I have 2 accidental buys; one of them is my avatar. They were labeled something else but as they quickly outgrew everyone, I realized I had 2 Cornish hens/roos. I've now had to separate them from everyone else (the rest of the older flock, 10, our slightly younger and smaller flock of...
  5. Countrymanfowl

    Cornish Cross Weight at 8 Weeks?

    I understand that Cornish X's should be slaughtered at about 9 weeks of age and males will be around 10 pounds, females around 8. Is this true? Or are these numbers too high?
  6. lrobb88

    Moving Cornish cross outside

    Hi there, I know that there are LOTS of threads about moving chicks outside, but I can’t find much applicable information aside from the classic “reduce the heat by 5 degrees a week.” I’m raising 25 Cornish cross which are a little over four weeks. They’re ALMOST fully feathered (a few bald...
  7. rascal66

    Chicks won't stop trying to eat pine shavings

    As the tittle says, I have a few Cornish chicks that do whatever they can to scratch away the paper towel and dig and eat the pine shavings underneath.... Not sure how to persuade them to stop. :( unless I just cut it out or replace with hay maybe?
  8. Rammy

    Meat Chickens

    Just got 10 Cornish cross meat birds. Freezer camp in a few weeks. Should I get feed for meat birds or can they eat regular chick feed?
  9. TheCakeIsAWolf

    Black Copper Marans Cornish Cross

    Does anyone have any Black Copper Marans X Cornish hybrids? If so do they retain the somewhat dark egg colour of the Marans or does it look like a standard grocery store brown egg? Does breeding a Cornish rooster to Marans hens yield sex linked birds? I'm looking to have meet birds who have eggs...
  10. C

    What have you cross your CX with?

    Any pictures and stats, of the F1 cross, or first generation of the cross would be greatly appreciated. :wee Live and carscass :D
  11. Yeet

    Bald spot on chicken?

    Hello! So I have a 'rescue' chicken named Bagel, and hes a pretty goofy guy. I got him from a lady after he was bought for meat production and ended up being the victim of some pretty harsh bullying by his brothers and sisters. He had a leg injury and couldnt stand, so I helped him out and now...
  12. Broad Breasted Bronze

    Broad Breasted Bronze

    The following information is all coming from Cackle Hatchery. The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is considered by some to be the largest and heaviest of the turkey variety. The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. The Bronze Broad...
  13. henryhen

    What kind of bird is this?

    Hi everyone, we bought these two birds yesterday but don’t really know what they are. They are fairly small. They were described as Bantums but I don’t think so. I’m thinking more English game bird or Cornish game bird. Can someone confirm please? I’m also assuming they are hens and...
  14. BCChicky

    Feeding advice required please!

    Hello all, I have a flock of 12 days old Cornish Cross broilers. I have never had meat birds before and need some advice on feeding as there are so many differing opinions. The articles section on BYC says that a light should be left on during the night to encourage feeding but I am fearful...
  15. Dr.Dale

    ISO: Heritage Cornish near NC

    I would like to find a good breeder of heritage Cornish in or near NC. I need a couple of roosters to breed, and I am open to color or even flexible on age as long as they have good genes.
  16. Thechickentrainer1999

    Are cornish cross chickens usually vaccinated since they're meat chickens?

    Are cornish cross chickens usually vaccinated for mareks, etc... and what about tractor supply? Do they vaccinate theirs?
  17. Thechickentrainer1999

    CC (Cornish Cross) as pet?

    I know this question has been asked before, but I was thinking about raising a cornish cross as a pet/laying hen. I know they get big really fast but I was wondering if I raised it on regular chick starter and eventually regular laying hen food, would it turn out just fine? I would definitely...
  18. kinkachy000

    White Laced Red Cornish - suddenly a cockerel? Confused!

    Hello! A little while ago, I posted a picture of my then-8 week old white laced red cornish, Flenderson. Everyone said that she was a pullet and I agreed! Small yellow comb, no waddles - every sign of being a female! She even came from a pullet bin (which I know isn't 100% all the time). She...
  19. C


    I'm looking to get new hens. First one were free and just didn't really know about breed and all this other stuff that I now know I want .But now, different story. We have always ate breast meat, so now I will like some decent heritage breed meat, no Cornish X and yes I'm aware it will be a lot...
  20. F

    Ontario - White Rock Broiler vs Cornish X?

    So the internet is a wonderful thing, except I can't tell when we are all talking about the same breed. So sorry if this has been asked, but I couldn't find it when I searched. So Ontario folks, I am looking at buying meat birds from either Frey's or Bonnie's hatcheries and they list White...
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