crop bulge

  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    EE hen with crop full of air, what is it?

    Majestic had been adjusting her crop ALOT the past week but she was fine otherwise. Yesterday she wasn't very social and wasn't even interested in banana! She was closing her eyes a lot and walking slowly. She was still eating food though and drinking water. I picked her up and felt her and she...
  2. sparklez

    Is this water belly? Strange bald swollen abdomen and crop in young hen

    I have a 10 month old hen who as far as I can tell is acting normal and comfortable (tail up, color in comb, eating, walking, trotting with the flock when let to free range) over the last 5 or so days I noticed poop building up on her so today after she free ranged for almost 3 hours I soaked...
  3. Crazy chickn lady


    I'm not sure if the photos clearly show it, but if you have a look at her crop, it isn't the same as my other chickens crop and I'm so worried. She's only started laying, today she laid her third egg all up, but laying an egg seems like a big challenge for my girl. She takes half a day trying...
  4. A

    Orpington hen 2.5 yo with chronic diarrhea for 11 months and pendulous crop

    We have a beautiful english silverlaced orpington, Ada Lovelace, and she nearly died last November (it's August now) but she still had chronic diarrhea and I feel so bad for her. I'm hoping if I post what we've been through the last year and perhaps some of you will have tips to help rid her...
  5. B

    Crop Issues

    This I'd a 7 week old "Colunbian Rock Cross" and I have noticed that her crop seems to be different than that of the other girls in my flock. Based on what I found on the internet, I think it was an impacted crop, as it was very firm. I separated her and only gave her water for a day, ans made...
  6. Landerb

    Polish hen choking, hiccuping or sneezing?

    Hello, all, My polish hen just started doing this weird thing— something between a sneeze and a hiccup? She seems to be having trouble breathing, but the behavior seems to be episodic. We just began mixing pellets into their food, so could she possibly have one stuck in her throat or something...
  7. Gencab

    Swollen crop?

    Confused on this one and could use some opinions/advise. Chicken Breed: Columbian Wyandot Bantam Source: Chackle Hatchery Age: 8 weeks Type: Cockerel Diet: Kalmbach chick feed. Chick grit added few days ago. Current Symptom: Enlarged fluid or air filled sack covering all of front breast. Soft...
  8. ivytalks

    Duckling's crop is bigger and hardened

    Hello, everyone! I have two ducklings that a neighbor of mine couldn't care for anymore, and he couldn't tell me their exact ages but I reckon they're just a couple of weeks old. So, yesterday evening I noticed the youngest one's crop looked a bit bigger than usual but I thought maybe it had...
  9. kaleighmarie1213

    5wk old Silkie chick abcess

    My daughters silkie named Raven is not acting normal. Here is all I know... she is 5 weeks old, none of the others are affected as far as I can tell. She is a silkie/frizzle mix I hatched from an online order. They've been kept indoors and food/water cleaned nearly daily. Held often and quite...
  10. katie_94

    Crop issue? Quail spit up water, lethargic, and dropped wings

    While in the quail run, I noticed one of the female quails had dropped wings and was closing her eyes a lot and walking very slowly. I gently picked her up and she spat out/threw up water which I could assume at first she had a little hiccup with her crop. I also saw her poop but it was white...
  11. Flowerfairy

    Impacted crop?

    A few days ago I noticed a protrusion in my chicken, Carmens chest. It looked like she had a large lump in her chest-almost like hanging breasts. I have always been concerned about her flopped over comb and wasn’t sure if that was a indication of something wrong. I looked up symptoms and came...
  12. NubbyRyuu

    Pepper Could Use Some Help

    So around 3pm est today, I noticed Pepper's crop hadn't gone down. I was gonna feed her when I saw hoe big and felt how hard it was, like a rock. I got her to drink water and massage her crop, but after a couple hours on and off, it's very slowly gone down. The weird part is this strange...
  13. 6

    Egg Binding Cures: Making sure I tried everything

    Yesterday one of my hens had an impacted crop. I dealt with it like I usually do, and have been able to cure them every time. That same day, around 12 pm, she began to act like herself and went into the hen house to lay...However, she did not lay. Later that evening she began to sit around. I...
  14. R

    3 week old chick sudden death, ?Crop related

    Hi all, this afternoon I found one of my 3 week old chicks dead. I noticed last night she was acting a little “off”, wouldn’t lay down with the others and stood on her own sleeping. No fluffed feathers or obvious shortness of breath. Today when I picked her up I noticed her crop was full, and I...
  15. B

    SLW hen death... hurting + looking for insight

    My favorite hen died two days ago after being sick for around 3-4 days. She was a SLW, only 14 months old... I would have said she was my healthiest animal if you'd asked a week ago. She was strong and adventurous, her voice was sweet and musical. She had such a pretty voice! I couldn't...
  16. MichelleMillar

    Swollen squishy crop on Chick

    I noticed tonight when cleaning out the brooder that my fav little chicks crop is swollen and squishy. None of the other chicks are like this. I assume this isn’t normal? The other day she was ripping the paper towel in the brooder up. I’m very worried this is my first time with chicks. She is...
  17. roseschickies

    Impacted crop?

    my poor chicken...her crop feels like an overstuffed hackey-sack. She has diarrhea, but still has a good appetite. I did give her some olive oil and massages it a few times today. She lets some pretty stinky gas out of her mouth after the massage. She's still walking around and looking for food...
  18. Three Musketeers


    Updated: March, 17th 2021. Hi all, This is my first post on this forum, so hopefully I am posting this in the right section. *DISCLAIMER [1]: I'd like to start off by stating that it is always best to go to a veterinarian - specifically one specialized in poultry if possible. I am currently...
  19. cluelesschickmother

    Starved chicks... one dead and one with enlarged crop!!

    I will preface by saying that I am really screwed up... I start with the story of what happened and end with my plead for help. We purchased two three week old splash silkie chicks to add to our flock of juvenile silkies from a wonderful small local hatchery. They supplied us with what we...
  20. Lushlylex

    Is it a normal bulge or sour crop?

    My baby silkie chick has a pretty large crop bulge when I picked her up tonight. She’s pooping normally and has a normal appetite, but she shakes her head/twitches every now and again. I’m not sure if that’s normal or if I should be worried about sour crop. She’s about 2 weeks old, give or take...
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