Crop issue? Quail spit up water, lethargic, and dropped wings


Oct 14, 2021
While in the quail run, I noticed one of the female quails had dropped wings and was closing her eyes a lot and walking very slowly. I gently picked her up and she spat out/threw up water which I could assume at first she had a little hiccup with her crop. I also saw her poop but it was white and runny/watery. I isolated her into a box with electrolyte water and her own food with mealworms. I saw her drink but eat very little or not at all. I just went to check on her and I found her laying on her side, eyes closed, and breathing out of her mouth. Her chin was wet so I think she spat out water again. I propped her back up.

It's hard to tell, but i think her crop is sticking out? She also feels thin. I found no injuries on her. None of the other quails are exhibiting the same behavior/symptoms. Can't afford a vet. I wash my hands thoroughly after and before handling her.


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update: she shook her wings a bit and passed away in my hands.

if anyone has any insight as to what might've happened, I'd still appreciate it.
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From your description of her poop, I would guess that she hadn't been eating for a while.

What are you feeding your birds?
What is your set up like?
Are any of your other birds showing any symptoms?

I'm so sorry for your loss.
From your description of her poop, I would guess that she hadn't been eating for a while.

What are you feeding your birds?
What is your set up like?
Are any of your other birds showing any symptoms?

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Quails are eating purina flock raiser crumble and occasional fresh fruits/vegetables or seeds on the side while avoiding any parts toxic like apple seeds.
Set up consists of coop and run on the ground. Coop is about 2'x3'3' and run is about 4'x6'x10' (may be larger actually). Coop has pine shavings. They spend most of their time in the dirt run which has automatic feeder/waterer, sand bath box, and hiding spots.
None of the birds are showing any symptoms but I'll keep an eye.

It's so sad to lose one especially a girl. I don't know how she could've passed only thing I can think of related to starvation atm is the pecking order?
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Seeds, fruits/vegetables are treats, and shouldn't make up more than 10% of their feed. If you can, I would recommend getting some game bird crumble.

How old was she? Chicks need 28-30% protein, so while the flock raiser is okay for adults, it's not going to give chicks (up to 6-8 weeks) enough nutrition for their needs.

If you can, you might want to send your bird to a state necropsy lab to rule out disease.
Seeds, fruits/vegetables are treats, and shouldn't make up more than 10% of their feed. If you can, I would recommend getting some game bird crumble.

How old was she? Chicks need 28-30% protein, so while the flock raiser is okay for adults, it's not going to give chicks (up to 6-8 weeks) enough nutrition for their needs.

If you can, you might want to send your bird to a state necropsy lab to rule out disease.
Don't know how old. Don't know is she was the older quails or the young batch. We had a young batch still eating 28-30% (5-7 weeks old) that wasn't ready to be mixed in with the older quails (4-5 months old) but my parents went ahead against what I said and mixed them and I couldn't tell them apart from then on. as of now, they're all 8+ weeks old and not all are laying is why they're eating flock raiser. TS is limited in options and I don't know if I can afford what's on Chewy.

the automatic feeder has a lot of food in it for them to help themselves to with the seeds/fruits/vegies occasionally on the side as in they'd sometimes have days or a week without those sides. but the food is always there and filled. i make sure to clear out the crumbles that reduced to dust.

can't afford necrospy and my parents dont want to. my parents dumped these birds on me and didn't help besides build the coop and they keep interfering which i believe making matters wose. sorry, i'm just so upset that i'm not doing enough or well enough and could lose the whole flock. i've gotten attached to them.
It sounds like you're doing what you can. Keep a close eye on your other birds for symptoms, but it's possible that she just wasn't as strong as the others. It does happen.

If I'm not mistaken a basic necropsy is only about $30. It's something to think about.
It sounds like you're doing what you can. Keep a close eye on your other birds for symptoms, but it's possible that she just wasn't as strong as the others. It does happen.

If I'm not mistaken a basic necropsy is only about $30. It's something to think about.
I'll keep a close eye on the others.

i hope it's that cheap but even if i wanted to i can't! Found out while I was at work my mom put the body in the freezer and I have work tomorrow and the day after so I won't have time to do it myself and I know she won't want to so i think it's impossible at this point. just like how she culled this other quail i was helping from my other thread:

i'll check with the vet on my day off just in case for next time (which I hope not). Thanks for your input, I do appreciate anything.
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How has the temp been where you are? I’ve found that some quail just don’t adjust to the cold well. Sometimes youngsters may have internal issues that you don’t see until their system is stressed, and the cold could be that stress.

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