
  1. W

    To eat, or not to eat?

    One of my hens had a freak accident this morning. She was found, hanging by her neck, in between the gate and the fence at about 8:30 am. Sunrise was at 6:30, so she couldn’t have been there any longer than about 2-3 hours. She wasn’t sick, had no known health problems, and it was wasn’t a...
  2. S

    How to stop dogs from eating chickens??

    Hello, so just today I was out and about and my younger sister carried 2 of our chickens out from their normal run and I to our backyard. Only problem was that when the dogs were let out. They ate both of them. What can I do to stop this behavior in the future? I have heard that tying a piece of...
  3. Q

    Hen just died in me, should I worry about the rest of the flock.

    I went out to check on the broody ladies this evening because we should have hatch any day now. But I noticed my Easter egger, who is not broody, in a nesting box. All the other ladies were on the roost tucking themselves in for the night. She was standing in almost a squat with her wings...
  4. M

    float test photo analysis

    i believe these eggs to be 17 days old, no signs of life anymore during candling.. does the float test show signs of life or no?
  5. M

    are my duck eggs alive?

    i have no idea how far into development these are / are they alive? help
  6. bridgetamelia98

    Quail all found slaughtered!?

    This morning I went out to check on my button quail and all but 1 were dead, they are housed with a chicken and a rooster and a larger coturnix quail and have never had any problems until this morning where there was a pile of them in their little wooden house on the bottom floor I don’t know if...
  7. alexandhammy

    Mysterious Death in flock - Please help

    I have a flock of 2 drakes and 5 ducks, theyre in a closed coop with three roosters. I went into the coop today and one of the ducks had a broken neck. Nobody else was injured or dead. There was no blood, no apparent puncture wounds. I checked to see if she could have got stuck somewhere but...
  8. M

    Day 25 Is it dead or should I keep waiting?

    I know someone whose been trying to hatch chicks with no luck. I visited him on day 23 and asked if I could have the one egg he hadn't tossed yet. I set up a temporary incubator in the bathroom as it's the only place I can get enough heat and humidity at the moment. There is no movement from the...
  9. mypoorducky

    My duckling died 30 minutes ago

    Hello all. I am here because me and my little brother are panicking and crying. I bought a duckling from my neighbor's kids who were trying to get rid of it so they could get a cat. We played with and cared for it for multiple weeks. Though we could only keep it indoors most the time (we took...
  10. TundraFang

    Chicks suddenly dying

    So I had six Silkie chicks and they've had pasty but that won't go away. I've switched their food, given nutri-drench, and even fed them mash but nothing works. They show no other symptoms until right before they die. They start gasping for breath and eventually pass out and die. This happens...
  11. torch21

    Chicks Suddenly Dead

    Hello all. One of my cochin bantams became broody so we allowed her to hatch out a few eggs fertilized by our silkie rooster. She hatched three and they have been doing quite well with her out in the coop. Most days we shut the mama up in the coop with the little ones with their own food and...
  12. Crazy Duck Lover

    Thinking back on a past attack

    So I had a duck flock already established since 2016, and in 2018 I hatched out more ducklings. I believe it was like 10. Anyway, I ended up integrating, and moving them in with the rest of the flock at my pond, which was fenced off in chicken wire (that was a mistake! they took it down real...
  13. C

    How many chickens have you had total and how many lost?

    How many total chickens have you/currently have and how many chickens have you lost to illness or predators? Don't include chickens slaughtered for meat, please. That is a controlled kill. We have owned a total of 24 chickens, We have lost 7 to predators and 2 to illnesses. Our ratio sucks. To...
  14. luckysamara199

    Dead cat? No explanation?

    first of all thank for taking the time to read and answer this. I am extremely sad my cat he was about 10 years old he went missing last wensday and we called his name multiple times because he always comes when you call his name and he always comes back. And today we went out to look for him...
  15. K

    One of two chicks died.

    I got 2 chicks from a store on the 16th. They were both a little sick. We were going to get 3 chicks, but the mother didn’t want her to go. Unfortunately, we were informed that the 3rd had died, the mother was sick. The male chick has blue around his eyes, he doesn’t open them a lot. The female...
  16. W

    Why did my chicken die??

    Hi all! I was so sad to discover one of my 2yr old Bielefelder hens dead in the coop this morning. Nestled into the corner at a funny angle. No signs of illness or injury previously. It looks like she fell off the roost (only 1.5 feet high) and got wedged between the feeder and the walls, OR she...
  17. eveleychook

    HELP! Day 21 Still No Pips!

    I bought a few fertile Vorwerk eggs. It is now day 21 and there are still no pips to be seen. I set up 10 eggs and only 2 have survived since then, (could they just be late hatchers?). Does anyone have experience hatching Vorwerk eggs? Thanks in advance.
  18. K

    Drake duck like limps then dies

    I have two drakes and yesterday on of them started limping badly but there was no injury that I could see and so I thought I would let it go for a day or so and see if it gets worse or better etc before treating him. This morning I come out to let them out and he is dead. Laying there with...
  19. C

    Older hens killed pullets

    we had 4 pullets about 8 weeks. They’ve all been integrated for a few weeks. Things were going well. Not much bullying just the odd peck here or there. Yesterday we found two pullets scalped. One dead and one almost dead. I can’t say it was 100% the older hens but that’s what I’m guessing. When...
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