
  1. J

    Sick HELP hen black austrolorp

    Watery diarrhea (seen both yellowish and green w clear whitish), somewhat lethargic, comb turning pale, not eating as much, drinking corrid solution 2 tsp per gallon because it seemed like coccidiosis. She is on third day of treatment and is now roosting but still doesn’t seem too much better...
  2. T

    Hen suddenly ill - staggering, not eating, not drinking, very sleepy

    Hello - we rescued 4 commercial barn hens 3 weeks ago (our first ever). 1 has been bullied badly (ironic as she is the largest, with most feathers - but is also the most timid and very sweet) and we have had to intervene a couple of times. The last 2 nights we’ve gone to lock them in the coop...
  3. H

    How to save this chick

    Hello this chick is just about two weeks old, she is having pasty butt since about 3 days ago. I attached some picture of her and her stool. Can anyone give me some suggestion? Thank you so much!
  4. GermanKennhuhn

    Diarrhea?(Poop pics)

    Hi folks, lately my flock’s droppings have been a bit runny, but I’m not sure what could be causing this. I doubt it’s coccidoisis, because they’ve been treated with corrid. Could lice cause this? We’ve been dealing with them, but are treating with permethrin. Also, a few hens have dirty butts...
  5. N

    What's wrong with my chicken's comb

    Hi all, I'm new to chickens and can use some help. This is Ms. Red who is 8 months old and from Flagstaff AZ. Flagstaff is not your typical Arizona warm sunny weather. We live in the mountains where it's super dry and snowy and drops below freezing almost every wintery night. Red sleeps with...
  6. C

    Chickens poopy butts-some runny, some like dried on butt feathers

    Hi there, I have 7 chickens. 4 out of my 7 chickens have runny poop. Which makes them have runny poppy butts. They are 10 months old. They are on Purina premium Layena crumbles from tractor supply. I also feed them their crushed egg shells and purina poultry grit. I give them my bread scraps, my...
  7. Herne13

    Two different problems, two different chickens

    okay, i have two chickens i am asking about the first, Spoons, is a mix breed and about 2 or so years old and she is greatly lacking in butt feathers, has had some laying issues and diarrhea. She is the first picture. They did just recently have a long run of eating apples that had fallen from...

    Hi my name is Tammy and I love this site.

    My name is Tammy and we bought 6 chickens April 13th 2019. I am married with 2 girls ages 14 & 20. We have 2 dogs and indoor cats. We kept the baby chickens in a brooder in our mud room. Then moved them to a coop that we set up in our Pole barn. Now my husband is just finishing the run to attach...
  9. D

    HELP: shell-less eggs, broken soft shell (in vent), white and foamy diarrhea.

    Hey Friends, I don't have much more to add outside of the title besides the fact that my sweet Spam is clearly not feeling too well and is lethargic. I've found a few odd bits of soft shell that someone had clearly passed in the coop, though I wasn't sure who. Then I found or or two signs that...
  10. Darcy414

    Is my hen being extra broody or is she sick

    My rock buff, Goldie has been in the nest box for days now. I have taken her out and she poops and eats a little something and then goes right back in a nesting box. She also has not laid an egg since she started doing this. It’s been about a week. I check on them twice a day. Make sure there...
  11. ChickenLove1113

    Lost a sweet girl today, completely unexpected

    I have used BYC for almost a year now to find some of the most useful info when it comes to caring for my hens. This is my very first post, and unfortunately, it’s one that comes with some heartache. I have a small little backyard flock - three sweet Red Sex Link hens. They are 9 months old, and...
  12. Coye16

    2.5yr Pekin Bantam: Advice Please: Sick, Grieving or Lonely?

    Hi Everyone Abit of background: Afew weeks ago I posted a thread about my Pekin Bantam - she had a swollen eye/ earlobe with a tick on which we removed. She was lethargic & not eating much & after 2.5 days the swelling did not go down. We took her to the vet who gave her an antibiotic injection...
  13. B

    Watery Poo & Odd Shaped/Soft Shelled Eggs

    First, apologies for not being able to find the list of symptoms/conditions to answer, I will try my best to remember from other posts I've read. I brought a point of lay Sussex hen a few months ago who has finally started laying in the past week. First, I noticed that she consistently did...
  14. C

    Help (again) my Salmon faverolle cant stand!!!!!!! (Day 4: update)

    hello I had recently posted about my salmon favorelle who cant stand on her feet. its been a few days and she has become more alert. Day 1 she very exhausted and tired. we thought she overheated..we fed her some yogurt the firs day because she wouldn't eat solid foods..same happened the next...
  15. MIchickenlady

    11 mo. BO Bloody poo, bald pasty vent

    Hello Everyone. I have an 11 month old Buff Orpington named Tiny-tiniest of our flock of four BO hens. Nine days ago she started having diarrhea, and same day other chickens pulled out her messy rear end fluff before I noticed what was happening. She eats grass and her regular feed-layer crumble...
  16. Hua

    Possible egg peritonitis

    Hi everyone! I have a chicken that isn't feeling too well and I can't figure it out. I think it might be egg peritonitis, but I haven't dealt like anything like that before so I'm not sure. She's a 10 month old easter egger that looks like a red sex link, but lays green eggs very regularly. The...
  17. jennybvcr

    5 Day Old Duckling Help - GI Distress

    I came home from work to find my Cayuga didn't seem like she is feeling 100%. I will list the symptoms and what I have done. If anyone can offer advice it would be appreciated. My other Cayuga didn't make it during shipment so I really REALLY don't want to lose Sonia Duckstoyevsky! The first...
  18. CannedMonster

    Chick’s Poop

    Should I be worried about this? I’m not sure if I’ve seen a solid poop from this little one yet. It behaves normally and eats, drinks and is active. It’s 5 days old. It has had pasty butt a couple of times. I have added a little ACV to their water.
  19. DireC

    Strange acting chicken!

    Hello everyone! My grandfather has been having an issue with one of his roosters. He has found it in the “dead chicken” pose at least three times with its right leg stuck out behind it stiff as a bored. He said it appeared to be 95% dead every time, it’s eyes are dialates, and it has a...
  20. M

    Dead Hen this morning

    Hello. I am brand new here and pretty new with owning my own chickens (it's been about one year). Yesterday I was late getting out to the chickens. It was almost dark. When I opened the door, Curious Georgia was sitting in the nesting box with her head facing the back corner. I thought it was...
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