
  1. SniperGoose

    Good pigeon diet?

    I was wondering what you guys feed your pigeons? Currently, I feed mine this feed: I've heard really good things about...
  2. RainValleyFarm


    What is the best feed for larger breeds? I have a Peking duck and what I believe is a New Hampshire red rooster. They're about 11 weeks old. I'm worrying about them growing too quickly and getting too heavy for their legs. I currently have them on pier in a flock raiser which is a 20% protein. I...
  3. DoubleYolk123

    Balanced diet for hens to stop feather picking

    Hi Everyone 👋 So I’d like to ask everyone, how many treats they feed their chickens, what treats and how often. Basically, my chickens are losing feathers and according to the vets it’s a parasite in their skin, which they are on medication for. However they also pluck at each other a lot and...
  4. Ssutor

    Duck food

    Hi Everyone, I feed my ducks Dodson and Horrell pellets each day, mixed with a blend of corn, seeds and sweetcorn (I think) from the farmer over the road who has had poultry a long time. They get fresh kale/spring greens most mornings, dried mealworms and roam for buggs all day. Is there...
  5. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Can Chickens Overeat Feed?

    Just wondering (as I watch the girls stuff themselves on their winter bedtime mash): can chickens eat too much feed? Are they like goldfish with no instinctual limit? I always leave feed out free choice all day. Additionally, I supplement with small amounts of healthy treats (always less than...
  6. B

    Hen with a swollen face

    Hi everyone, My hen Ginny has had a swollen face on both sides for a few days, sometimes looking very pale. She's around 10 months old and we were assured she'd had all her vaccinations when we got her. She's had no change in diet since we got her. Recently the pen has been infested with red...
  7. M


    Crazy question: how much grit does one, adult chicken need? My girl is recovering nicely from a raccoon attack but has a damaged beak so struggles to eat hard things. Her gullet (?) is filling and I couldn’t convince her to peck at the bowl of grit I provided. So with my daughter’s help, we...
  8. L

    New to raising waterfowl—Ducks

    Hello, I am new to raising ducks/ drakes. Started off with 3 ducklings from TS, which are now 4 months old; one Khaki Campbell and 2 Pekins. Still waiting to see more gender confirmation signs.. besides quacking/ rasping. Will have a few khaki Campbell gals arriving which will hopefully be able...
  9. R

    Non-layer chicken feed?

    As i mentioned in another post. I have invalid chicken. She has layed two eggs in her 2 years of life, not because she is not a layer hen but because I don't want her laying. These two eggs came after we started a mealworms diet, and they almost caused her death, my mom had to literally pull the...
  10. D0EF51A3-C5BC-4712-BDE2-00BF8202C19A.jpeg


    Pheasant salad
  11. RayrayB

    Diet and Egg-bound hen

    Hi! I've had two hens in the last month that have become egg bound. One was a 2 year old barred rock, who after a soak and massage was able to pass the egg on her own. The other was a 1 year old silkie who was very sick by the time I found her, and I ended up having to remove the egg on my own...
  12. T

    Duck diet and tips please!

    Hi everyone! I’m a new duck mom and am looking for helpful hints and tips on how to make sure my babies grow up big and strong. They’re 6 weeks right now almost 7. I have them on 20% protein chick food. I did some reading and found that I should get niacin for them, so will definitely be doing...
  13. Nolagurl1956

    Watery poop

    Morning. Not sure where I should post this inquiry??? One of my hens has liquid poops with just a little soft stool. This has been going on for at least a week. My apologies I haven’t been able to find the right forum where this is discussed. Les, the Silver Wyandotte, has an average diet...
  14. What you need to know before you get your parrot.

    What you need to know before you get your parrot.

    To start, I love parrots. I am from Australia, the land of parrots and have grown up seeing wild cockatoos and lorikeets. I now have parrots of my own, all natives; cockatiels, a budgie, princess parrots, a bourke's parrot and currently three crazy galahs I'm fostering. I love having them and...
  15. FrostyWind

    Can an insectivore only eat Black Solider Fly larvae and survive?

    Hi Good Day I'd like to know if Insectivores could eat only Black Solider flies or they need a variety of different insects too? Like birds that only eat insects like a Wren? Can they survive from only eating black Solider fly larvae? Thank You
  16. chubybubby

    I have taken in 3 abandoned chickens

    Hello my name is daisy. Im now, as of today,going to care for 3 chicken hens my step dad abandoned. At our house. He is no longer living here with us. Soo I've decided to join this group in order to learn about information that will help care for the hens. Care as in their health, feeding ...
  17. MountainWoman73

    Dietary supplements for blue eggs

    I have two one year old EE's who lay blue-green eggs. Like many colored egg layers, their eggs started out with beautiful bright coloring and over the last year they've gotten lighter. Some days they look white instead of blue. I know this can be related to age, diet, or stress. They're not...
  18. emu6200

    10 day old Emu chick diet

    Hi I have a 10 day old emu and for now, I'm feeding it emu starter chick pellets mixed with spinach and kale. I feed it a random amount until it gets full or stops eating, but how much emu starter pellets should I really be feeding it at 10 days old? Should I add more fruits or vegetables along...
  19. johnwesleybarke

    Red Legged Partridge (Chukar) orphans

    I came home 3 days ago and a Red Legged Partridge was 'waiting' outside our duck pen. She had about 10 chicks with her. They were so tiny. I think they were hatched the same day. Then I left them alone. Today we came home to find her outside out back door and she all the chicks under her wings...
  20. R

    Yearly shots for dogs with seizures

    I have a Schipperke (M) 7 yrs old. I also have a 8 yr. Rescue (m) . My Schipperke Started his 1st seizure about 3yr old. They got really bad. He was having 3-5 each week and were very long (25 min.) The Vet gave him some Meds after several tests and did nothing! I also didn't like the side...
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