
  1. Primal Chickens – 6 chicken keeping secrets from the evolution of chickens

    Primal Chickens – 6 chicken keeping secrets from the evolution of chickens

    When I got started with backyard chickens, I was excited by the idea of fresh eggs every day and I had this romantic idea of chickens pecking around contently in my garden. But the reality was very different. They trashed more veggie gardens than I would like to remember, turned the chicken run...
  2. TheMaineHomestead

    Egg Color Variation and Improvement by Diet

    For a long time I'd thought younger birds produced darker egg colors and that the shade of the color reduced over time. After reading this article I found otherwise. How do other folks think color works based on first-hand knowledge and evidence? Does hen age matter? Thanks!
  3. Borg bird

    Help!!! I love my Cornish x (as a pet). How to keep them healthy?

    Yes, I's a doomed pet. But I'm good at doing the extra leg work for the things I love ( doomed or not). These 3 Cornish x are almost 3 weeks, and are technically for my sister's ffa project. But, they definitely won't make show. They have been given a high protein diet and fed 24/7. I...
  4. DaviJones

    Leftover Herbs as a Treat Any concerns?

    I recently made a salad which included the fresh herbs parsley and mint and was wondering if that'd be a good treat. Neither herb is poisonous right? I'm kinda worried about the parsley. Thank you in advance! They are 8-10 weeks old. Have grit(just small rocks that I found in the dirt, I...
  5. Alexander Howard Hattingh

    Arabian partridge

    Hi all I was hoping I could get some advice for care and breeding of Arabian partridge. Do any of you own some and what do I need to look out for when keeping them? Are they aggresive toward each other and other birds? Where do they prefer to nest? Are they cold hardy? What type of diet do...
  6. AnneDrum

    Egg production problem in pastured chickens (fed sorghum, barley and oats)

    Hi everyone. I have 16 chickens. 4 roosters and 12 hens, 8 months old. I am getting between 2-5 eggs per day from the girls and on very few occassions, 6 or 7 eggs. I feel this is too low. If they lay a minimum of 3 eggs per week per hen, I should be getting at least 5 eggs a day. such lovely...
  7. MamaHen11

    Shed Intestinal Lining

    hi all! How often should I expect to see intestinal tissues in droppings?
  8. Walrus Eggman

    hemp for chickens?

    Hello just after any thoughts and comments about this story that was on the abc and anything about hemp for chickens? ABC story
  9. S

    underweight mallard drakes???

    hello! first time poster and duck owner. about two months ago, my family and i acquired some mallard ducks from some terrible living conditions. we live out in the desert; it reaches 120 in the summer sometimes. not exactly an ideal place to own ducks to begin with, but the people who owned...
  10. FirstTimeClucky

    Chicks losing weight?

    About three weeks ago I bought three Silkie chicks. One was 6 weeks old, the others about 3 weeks. I've been picking each of them up every day or two, to tame them and get them used to being handled. They are getting noticeably bigger, but today I noticed their keel bones are sticking out, which...
  11. A

    If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again!!

    I know this is a long story, but I have been following this website for 2 years and kept hens for 18 months, and only now, after my utter initial failures and more recent successes, do I feel I have a story to tell. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading! In Feb 2016, I thought it would be cool...
  12. virginia bear

    Calcium issues

    Hi everyone! I've had my sweet flock since last March (4 girls: dominique, buff orpington, australorpe and an ameraucana). The dom, buff, and australorpe are happy, healthy, and great egg layers. Heres my problem: the Ameraucana (about year and 1/2 old) now lays one very thin-shelled egg MAYBE...
  13. LivGreeley

    Raising Mallard Ducklings

    Hi all, new to this forum but looking for some advice. I am a veterinary technician and trying to obtain an assistant position with my local animal control officer. With that said she's a coworker at my veterinary hospital and good friend of mine. A few weeks ago she got a call about two...
  14. 3

    Molting hen?

    Hey BYC, Around the beginning to mid May, my only chicken, a 3 year old barred rock Martha, became broody. We decided to order fertilized eggs for her to hatch resulting in two chicks mid June. Almost two weeks ago I noticed Marthas comb want the deep red and straight up as it usually was. I...
  15. dehowery

    is it ok to feed ?

    Our fig tree is starting to ripen so I have included the figs as part of their diet, is this ok? I hope so because I have no way of keeping them out of it. Also they really seem to love Blackberries, are those ok to feed? Since my duck just died I am worried about what the girls (6 chickens) are...
  16. D

    Cant get chicken medicine -- chick is having a hard time breathing

    my chick is having a hard time breathing. I dont know much about the chickens i have but i know they are between 8 months to a year old. one of them is not eating very much and is standing in place. she sounds like shes having a hrd time breathing and i dont really know what to do. I've called...
  17. Ducktown

    Duckling diet change when ducks start foraging

    I have a 3 week old duckling on a chick starter diet. Now that it has grown, I'm letting it roam around the garden, and it eats enormous amounts of insects, earthworms and slugs. Should I change the diet to a bit less protein rich feed, or is it OK to continue feeding it the same way. She...
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