
  1. C

    Foot swelling no bumblefoot scab

    We have a 4 month old Ameraucana with a swollen right foot. It’s been swollen for a month now and she has a limp. We treated it as bumblefoot with soaks and wrapping but it never changed and no scab appeared. We stopped bandaging it after 5 days because the bandage seemed to be doing more harm...
  2. emmagat


    Hey guys, I think I’m in trouble here. One of my chickens a respiratory bacterial infection pretty bad, and some of my others seems to be developing it. What’s the best antibiotic that I can buy? I know Corid is for coccidiosis and it’s for cows, but there’s a dosage for chickens that they can...
  3. ShrekDawg

    Baytril dosage

    Is the dose on the bottle correct orrrr ??? I don’t want to accidentally overdose my birds but don’t want to underdose either. I’ve seen varying things. Also if it is correct, it would be 0.3 on the syringe right? For 6-7 lb hen? Don’t worry, I will measure them to get an exact weight beforehand...
  4. BSallee

    HELP!! My Silver Laced Wyandotte has had wry neck since August

    My little girl has had wry neck since August. She can eat and drink on her own now but she still loses control of her head and it will twist under her and almost windmill till she regains control. I have her inside and I take her out to visit her sisters and she can walk around with her head...
  5. Henry&Friends

    Safe-guard dewormer for goats dosage for hens

    I have a wheezing, sneezing hen, which I suspect has gapeworm. Today, on my way to work, I spent ~$30 on liquid safeguard 10% dewormer for goats, knowing from this site that its okay to use in chickens. My wheezing hen is separated, in my basement ATM but I am planning on treating the whole...
  6. yesterDAYNE

    Tyclosin 500 powder for turkey dosage?

    So awhile ago I bought some of this Tyclosin 500 powder off a Ukraine website that said it was basically just powder Tylan 50%. It has dosages on it, but I am kind of dumb when it comes to directions sometimes and I'm not very good at math. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    How Long to Keep Pullet on Amoxicillin & Corid?

    I originally posted about my ill, 6 month old BO pullet here. In a nutshell, she went off her feed and was having pretty explosive green diarrhea, often chunky and reminiscent of c. perfringens photos I've seen on the web. Despite all that, she was still energetic (and a huge pain in my ass per...
  8. MelissaRose

    Safeguard dosage

    Hello! I have a three year old silkie rooster (his name is Bloom) who I believe has worms. He lost a lot of weight, he poop is slightly green, he's less energetic. He still eats though. He's also been sleeping in a nest box which is something he hasn't done for awhile. I lost a hen and this...
  9. HeatherKellyB

    Help Please (Poop Pics just in case of any Sensitivity)

    Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. On two separate occasions in the past couple of days, I've noticed a teeny tiny bit of slimey orangish possibly reddish stringy (not worms or wormy) matter in some feces in the brooder with my nine 3 & 4 week old chicks. I wanted to treat with...
  10. rascal66

    Need help with chicks with potential Coccidia

    I have about 30 chicks in my barn and just yesterday I noticed poop that seemed a little bloody. Sure enough i confirmed it to be bloody poop today. (Im used to seeing intestinal shedded poop). I have Corid and will start, but can someone help me confirm dosage? And would it help at all to feed...
  11. A

    Help with amoxicillin dosage!

    Hey everyone, so I just picked up some amoxicillin for my chicken who I’m pretty sure has a respiratory infection. I’ve read that the dosage for chickens is 125mg twice daily. My problem is that the pills come in 500mg and are not solid so I can’t divide them up. It’s just a powder capsule. My...
  12. alcstreetman

    Antibiotic question - second round?

    I have a little lavender orphington that's about 9 weeks. She has struggled since she was about a week old and I'm still not sure what is wrong. She started to act sick around 1 week, eyes closed, squinting, and sleepy but no other symptoms, no drainage, nothing. I treated my flock with corid...
  13. emmagat

    Tylan Dosage

    So I’ve heard that Tylan can be bought in powder form and injection form and I need it for my chickens. I can’t find the powder form anywhere without having a prescription, but my local Tractor Supply has the injection form. I just feel really squeamish about injecting something into an animal...
  14. ScavengerBird

    Precautionary Dosing?

    I just purchased 6 chicks from the local Rural King, none seem to be sickly, all are eating drinking, etc. One, however, has a little bit of runny poop and it's back end seems to be bothering it, it preens very frequently back there, as if it's itchy.... Horror stories have me assuming the worst...
  15. purpletiger

    Please Help! Tylan 50 dosage for 8 week old chick?

    Hi everyone! I have an sweet little bantam easter egger named Darling that may be showing signs of a respiratory illness. She keeps one of her eyes closed. It doesn't look irritated, red or swollen but she does keep it closed most of the time. I've noticed a few days ago her pecking was off when...
  16. Soleil_A

    Roundworms, please help!

    Hello! So my mom just found out my chickens have round worm. I went to tractor supply and bought Wazine, but I have no idea how much to give them. I only have 3 chickens, all 6 weeks and up. I have a 3 gallon waterer. They got it at the worst time! I’m going on a boat trip until July 5th, and...
  17. tiffanyduke

    Tylan 50 dosage for a Gosling

    What is the dosage of Tylan 50 for a one-month-old Gosling? She's sneezing and has puffy eyes.
  18. Lazy Farmer

    Corid Dose for young Pullets

    Off hand.. what is the mixture for this Corid "LIQUID" per one gallon container? For multi age treatment. I misplaced my notes.. thank you
  19. MamaHen11

    Wazine 17 Dosage

    hi all! I was going to treat my flock with wazine 17, But I only have 15 birds. It says for everyone 100 birds, use one fluid ounce in 1 gallon of water. I just want to check that it was still OK to make a batch with a ratio of one fluid ounce to 1 gallon of water for a flock so small, or if I...
  20. UrbanChick35456

    Aspirin dosing

    Hi! I have a silky with a hurt leg. It's been hurt for quite a while and she hops around on one leg. The muscle seems to be gone, like the leg feels much smaller than her other leg. I can tell she's in pain because her back tail feathers kind of vibrate and her movement is slightly limited...
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