
  1. sasquautch

    How many times should bantam baby chicks drink in an hour?

    How many times should bantam baby chicks drink in an hour? We have 2 bantam babies who have been in the brooder since around 6pm last night. We have dipped their beaks in water many times and they will peck at dirt in their box (or the newspaper under the shavings :hmm), but can't seem to get...
  2. C

    New 14 week old pullets won't drink

    Hi, I purchased 5 x 14 week old pullets 2 days ago from the supplier where they were raised, I believe undercover. We hav fed and watered them, leaving the feed and water outside the cover of the coop. We noticed they weren't eating or drinking so moved the food and water closer to the cover...
  3. TheRealFowlLove

    Chicken is Alert but Stays in Coop and Only Drinks Water

    Hi all! Long-time member of the Backyard flock and I want to take a moment to thank you all for your posts in the past because I have solved almost every chicken problem I've had with this site. However, I haven't found one pertaining to my situation this time so I have to make my own. I have a...
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