
  1. Little Coop on Salt Creek

    pullets eating pine shavings

    uggh! We did our first major revamp of our new coop today. We went from 2 stacked nesting boxes to a row of 4 boxes. Girls are looking like they might be getting close to laying and our roo is starting to woo them. So... we wanted to make a few changes. We went from this: to this...
  2. P

    Poult Grit Help

    Hi all, I'm new to the turkey/chicken raising world. I have an Eastern Wild Turkey poult. He's just under a week old. I have him in a brooder with 24% chick starter by DuMor, water, heat lamp, and a box that he loves to play in and on. I occasionally let him out on supervised romps around my...
  3. ToriMclgal

    How Much To Feed Bantams

    Hi, y'all! I have a Bantam hen (Japanese-Nankin cross) who I know overeats because her crop is ALWAYS hard and I never see not eating. She is housed with two smaller pullets who don't stand up for themselves at the feeder. I've researched and researched, but I have not been able to find an...
  4. glloyd203

    Worried About My Ducks!

    Hi all! So this is my first time raising ducks and chickens, and so far, things have gone quite well. They're all about 2 months old now and I've had them since they were just a couple days old. No issues at all with the chickens yet, but over the last few days, I've noticed that my 4 ducks...
  5. M

    Enlarged Gullet

    One of my laying hens has an extremely enlarged gullet. I picked her up and I can feel the Grain and food in it and noticed that the feathers are gone off the bottom of it, it is pink skin showing. I'm worried that she's not digesting her food or getting any nourishment. She seems to act just...
  6. UlmerChickens

    New baby chick won't eat

    We just got a new day old chick and she's not eating much. We are giving her some chick starter but it seems to be a bit too large for her. Any ideas of what we should feed her as an alternative?
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