
  1. A

    Harvesting Question

    So I have discovered a rooster among the 6 pullets I had purchased. I have also discovered a male guinea of the 3 I have left from the 4 I purchased along side the pullets. The guinea has now taken to attacking the rooster whenever they are in the same section of their confinement (indoor or...
  2. wat_da_cluck

    Americauna Pullet ate 24" nylon string

    Rock and a hard place here. I found the chicken when when she had swallowed about 12" of the 24" nylon, braided, impossible to break, thick string. Tied off the end in hopes the vet could remove it. I called the local avian vet, took her in, did an xray, gave her liquids, $300 later I was...
  3. E

    2 groups of chicks, multiple mums!

    Basically after advice, I had 2 lots of chicks hatch at the same time in the same 5 different mums! So I have a chicken pen with a shed inside, my chickens managed to hatch chicks in opposite corners of the shed. I didn’t think they’d hatch tbh but on Saturday morning a little chick...
  4. TK421

    When will new mama start eating again?

    We slipped 11 chicks under my broody Barred Rock 5 days ago. We notice she‘s a very good mama. I had no idea that she would feed them treats (that I give her) or that she would show them where food was and break up their crumbles into even smaller pieces. Fascinating! but that’s my question...
  5. V

    Will American Buff Geese eat the trees?

    I am planning to get a trio of American Buff geese (in fact I have a trio all lined up) but we just realized that geese will eat new trees. We have around 10 acres of forest behind our house, which we aren't concerned about, and an acre of lawn (with a TON of clover every year) plus an acre or...
  6. Jemima Duck

    Ducks ate Silicone sealant???

    I went to let my ducks out of their new coop this morning (made out of an old shed, with lino covering the bottom and up the walls a bit, sealed using a (EDIT: Acrylic sealant)) to see that the water in their waterer was a horrible opaque pinkish colour. I was dumbfounded... Until I noticed a...
  7. centrarchid

    Broody Hen Eating a Dog Day Cicada

    This morning as chickens started to stir, I heard a broody hen (with week old chicks) roosting in weed patch start cackling like she was being attacked. I was inside at time so commotion was fairly loud. When I ran outside one dog was sitting by the door and two others were playing in the...
  8. S

    Chickens won’t eat

    I switched my girls off of their chick feed and started feeding them fodder. They will not eat it, I’ve mixed some of their old chick feed in it so they would try it but they just don’t eat. What should I do?
  9. LunaMarieWolf

    Anyone else breed/raise rabbits here?

    Hey everyone! I was just looking at who all breed/raises rabbits on here. Whether it is for meat, fur, or just pets. I haven't been doing this for long. I just reallt started going crazy with it the ending of 2018 into 2019. Had a few fallbacks with neighborhood cats and even rats getting...
  10. M

    Are these eggs still good?

    Left unwashed, how long will eggs last at room temperature? I have quite a few that I haven't eaten yet. They have been unwashed and I have heard that they can last 6 weeks or so.
  11. rascal66

    Chicks won't stop trying to eat pine shavings

    As the tittle says, I have a few Cornish chicks that do whatever they can to scratch away the paper towel and dig and eat the pine shavings underneath.... Not sure how to persuade them to stop. :( unless I just cut it out or replace with hay maybe?
  12. JessWolo

    Clear liquid from vent

    Hi all! I’m hoping I can get some answers and insight from more experienced duck owners. I have 4 runner girls, about 5 months old. 2 of them just started laying this week (not sure which 2). As of today, I noticed one of my girls just not acting herself. Kind of going off on her own, not...
  13. Swastik Choudhari

    Chicken ate house lizard! Harmful?

    So i was just doing my daily routine . i spotted that my chickens have hunted two lizards. They were running around with it and other chickens running to catch the chicken. Later they caught another lizard. While doing this running thing they just breaked the two lizard in pieces and eveyone ate...
  14. B

    What would happen if a hen didn't eat for 3 days?

    Hey! Just curious, don't worry my chickens are perfectly healthy! But what would happen if they didn't eat for 3 days straight? (I have 6 hens, we are getting about 1-2 eggs a day because its winter, my grandpa put a timed light in the backyard in the coop. So in the morning I think from 5-7...
  15. Thechickentrainer1999

    Question about...

    Is there anyway to get chickens to stop eating plastic and trying to eat nails? It's all in the yard and I don't know what to do. GOD bless.
  16. hihuckleberry

    Safe to eat eggs from a broody hen?

    Hi all — i’m really new to chickens. Wondering if it’s safe to eat unfertilized eggs that have been sitting under a broody hen? i usually collect every day but missed a couple of days. Eggs smell and look normal... but were warm from her body heat. Is it ok to eat??
  17. Stacyoung13

    How long are they good ?

    Hi , I'm going on vacation in a couple of weeks and will be gone for 10 days. I have PVC feeders throughout my runs, they will hold more than enough food for them. I also have a PVC watering system that I've temporarily rigged for constant water flow, (just slight stream). So food and water is...
  18. Grits&Eggs

    Dawn Dish Soap

    Was doing a cleaning of my coop linoleum -unbeknownst to me the chickens knocked over the dawn dish soap and started having at it, you can lead a chicken to water....but you can't make them drink, so what else can I do? and why the heck did they eat soap? Yuck! will they even be around...
  19. N

    Chickens eating water nipple! Help!

    Title says it all, really. I have a 5 gallon bucket with four water nipples in the bottom, and the whole thing is suspended. This works well for the most part, but my chickens are so voracious I've had to replace two nipples now. There has to be a better solution to watering the flock! Has...
  20. A

    Eating eggs from an attached chicken

    I became too trusting of my environment after letting my chickens free range and never locking their run/coop door for a while. One weekend I was away, came home and found one half eaten in the coop and another dismantled around the back of the coop. My fault as I have a very safe setup and...
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