
  1. alluzivesducks


    Ducky had started to externally pip 24+ hrs ago and made some holes! When i could finally see his beak through the hole i noticed the membrane still covering most of it. I decided to peel back more of the shell and use a wet Q Tip to damp the membrane and move it so the duckling could breathe...
  2. Diveks

    Egg bound hen!

    Hello so ill keep it short, so its been almost two days and my hen seems to be egg bound. First day she seemed egg bound but after a few hours seemed okay, turns out the egg hasn't passed yet and she is straining again. I tried to let her naturally pass it but it doesn’t seem like she will...
  3. sammi_lynn12

    First egg!

    I got my first egg on Saturday from my Rhode Island Red hen! She laid Saturday and today but my question is why aren't my Australorps laying yet? My two autralorps are three weeks older than the rest of flock and have not laid yet. My barred rocks and RIR are the same age and as of right now...
  4. A

    When is day 18???

    Hello so this is my first time incubating eggs and I know that it is one day after you set them in the incubator until it is day 1. I just overthink a lot and don’t know if it is tommorow at 12:00 am or Sunday at 12:00 am, but I put them in the incubator on day January 9, 12:00 am so I just...
  5. proudduckowner22

    Questions on Muscovy ducks hatching goose eggs

    Hey y’all, I am gearing up already for hatching goslings next spring, and was curious on letting Muscovy ducks hatch out most of my goose eggs next spring (I only have 1 pair of geese, they are Chinese geese) and I was also wondering how many goose eggs can one Muscovy hen hatch out in a clutch...
  6. S

    After nearly three years I find out my rooster is a hen! (Questions and concerns!)

    Hi everyone, I recently have my chicken inside my home, because of a recent bumblefoot scab removal Original thread here: Well he’s been inside sense 12/02 per vet request, things have been going great...
  7. C

    Seasonal Variation in Egg Quality

    Hello, I recently read a book that mentioned how one chef trained in the EU had to learn how to cater different recipes based on the seasonal quality of eggs. This is something you see having chickens, but I never thought to adjust recipes for it. I was unable to actually find any recipes that...
  8. Launchpad

    Duck egg questions

    So my Pekin female, Daphne, has been laying eggs consistently for a couple of weeks now. Only once did I fail to find an egg... until yesterday and today. I didn't turn the coop completely inside out but I searched all her nesting spots. Its possible im missing it but I've found them every...
  9. currythecockerel

    Hen laid deformed egg!

    Hi everyone, I’m a bit alarmed because this morning my leghorn hen laid an egg but it seemed to be missing some shell. In the past few weeks she has also laid eggs which looked a little cracked but I thought it was because I might’ve accidentally bumped them or something. She gets a diet of...
  10. 5

    Emu egg question

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer already but I thought I would ask. I have an egg on day 34 and its ends are different temps. there both cold to the touch but the sides have different temps, the side with the letter on it is a little warmer than the other side. Is this a dead egg? Here is...
  11. PXL_20221020_140547018.jpg


    Culprit identified! Eggers McNugget is not in distress because there is something wrong with her coop...just something with her butt.
  12. 0

    Duck in “labor” when laying egg

    My silver appleyards have just started laying and one of them, Vidia, is odd. The day before she laid her first egg we noticed her butt was “heavy” (that’s what we call it - you can see their butt looks a little heavier, and since these guys have a bulldog stance it’s very noticeable). During...
  13. V

    Strange brown and white circles on yolk!?!

    I know yolks have white dots to show fertility but a couple of our recent eggs have multiple spots on them and they seem surrounded by dark orange and white? I can’t find ANYTHING online about this and it’s turning me off of my eggs 😂 Someone please help!
  14. Launchpad

    Pekin female laid first egg. Need nutritional advice

    Hello all. So Daphne (pictured) is just over 6 months old and laid her first egg (pictured) this morning (it seems a little small but I think this may be normal for the first egg(s)). I knew it was coming as she has been sleeping in the coop in the same spot and making her little nest in the...
  15. C

    [Solved] I turned a cracked hatching egg

    One of our hens stopped brooding a couple of eggs for seemingly no reason so we took them in to a makeshift incubator. Thing is that we aren't sure when they were laid, so we've just been turning them every day. One of the eggs that ended up getting cracked (and repaired with candle wax) has...
  16. Zen Wildlife Rescuer

    Eggs Disappearing?

    Hi all. I have a flock of 5 chickens. (1 roo and 4 hens.) 2 of my girls are laying and I make sure to collect their eggs late in the morning to make sure the eggs don’t get dirty or cracked. Yesterday, only my Orpington laid. (Or so I thought) Today when I walked by the coop I glanced at my...
  17. D

    What is this thing in my egg…and it moves!!!!

  18. M

    Is this egg fertilized?

    I have six chickens, they all just started laying. Does this egg look fertilized? Thanks!
  19. C

    1 eggs..sigh

    so I got 3 hens which were born 1 day after the other, just as there momma laid them (if you see my other post, its the black cross, and white leghorn). Anyway, the 3 of them are 8 months old, but 2 of them have been laying since 22 weeks of age, the 3rd has never laid an egg, but she keeps...
  20. Featherlove23

    First egg

    One of my two ducks laid her first egg today. I won't have believed it was from a duck because of how small it was. But my husband saw the whole thing. Said she tried to lay it in the duck pool. That it popped out just as she jumped in. It was a soft shell but we're getting them oyster shells...
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