eye injury

  1. fudgethechicken

    Chicken Shut in Coop Door!

    So one of my teenage chicks was trying to escape the coop as my sister was leaving and got herself shut in the door...at first we thought she had a broken neck and wasn't going to make it but she then was able to move just fine so we threw out that idea. However, there was a lot of blood around...
  2. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Chicken attacked by dog, eye and neck injury. Breathing weird. Help!

    Hello! Today we were throwing some scraps to the chickens and the dog got a piece of food. One of the hens, Rosa, got too close and my dog attacked her. She is about a year old hen of the Isa Brown breed. She is currently in a cage in a warm, quiet bathroom in the basement. She is wrapped in...
  3. R

    Bloody discharge from Easter egger’s eye

    Hey everyone! I picked up two 3 month old Easter egger girls last weekend and everything has been great until today I noticed one of my girls’ eyes was covered in blood. If you look closely at the pics, you can see 3 bumps around the eye (top, bottom and back) her other eye is normal and she is...
  4. Squeak61

    Injured eye

    Hi everyone. My Cochin’s eye on one side is completely stuck shut, and her nostril on the same side is bloody with crusty blood. The other side is completely fine. Her breathing sounds a little congested. Any clues as to what could be going on? What should I do?
  5. UpstateMamma


    I have a 2 yo buff Orpington that has a swollen face around her right eye. It came on in a matter of hours, she was fine when I let them out in the morning yesterday, then in the afternoon it was swollen. I gave her .5ml children’s Benadryl yesterday, along with some antibiotic ointment on the...
  6. jaks2578

    Ameraucana Eye Injury

    Good morning all, I am a little confused and need your help. Friday evening I noticed my Ameraucana’s left eye was swollen, watery, and pretty much featherless. I have read articles advising to flush eye injuries with saline and apply Neosporin around the eye. Then other articles advise to...
  7. emmakate

    help! chick pecked in eye

    my 3 month old chicken pecked my 5 week old chick in the eye really aggressively and she’s having trouble opening that eye. what do i do??
  8. Ginmary

    Damaged eye....help

    One of my young Seramas (approx. 2 1/2 months) got stuck between the dog kennel and the wall. I think one of the big ones may have chased him in there. I found him stuck and when I unstuck him and got him out, I saw that his right eye is damaged. I can't tell if the eye is still there or not...
  9. J

    Swollen, possibly injured eye and thick mucus? substance in mouth

    1) What type of bird , age and weight: Either golden comet or isa brown, 11 months old, female 2) What is the behavior, exactly: she has thick mucus in mouth, swollen (eye completely shut) on right side. There was dried blood around her eye but it has been cleaned. She can walk and stretch her...
  10. MamaPeahen

    Injured eye on hen, please help!

    I just checked on my hens and peafowl, who have been with a friend of mine in their chicken coop, and infuriated to find that one of my hens, Thelma, has a big problem with her eyes. They are both swollen, one much more than the other, and the right eye is almost completely shut, oozing with...
  11. Chickenunsernam

    Eye injury-- NEED SOME HELP!

    Hello everyone! So my rooster Francis (the rooster on my profile except he's all grown up and fabulous now) got attacked by two puppies we had (I gave them away) and he got some neck injuries. Now he was recovering from that and he started eating and drinking on his own again until one of my...
  12. D

    Injured Hen

    **Photo is fairly graphic ** I lost 2 hens to a raccoon attack and had 1 hen survive the attack with injuries last Tuesday night. Her throat and shoulder was ripped up a bit but I was able to clean it up and use a spray on bandage recommended to me. Her eye is also hurt and I’m at a loss. It has...
  13. 1

    Cloudy eyed rooster

    A week ago my young rooster suffered a major blow to his eyes by a sliding door. Since then, I’ve washed his eyes out with a homemade saline solution three times a day, and have put terramycin on two times a day. His right eye seems to be doing okayish, but his left pupil has been...
  14. hbomb

    Silkie with swollen eye/face. Injury?

    I noticed my silkie roo had some swelling above his eye last night around 9pm. He also had a small blood spot in the center of his comb (did not appear to have swelling there). I checked him again at 530 this morning and the swelling seems to be worse. The photo is from last night. I'm thinking...
  15. SherryLynn51

    Crazy in love with Chickens

    Hello! I'm so thrilled to find this wonderful community. My name is Sherry Lynn and I'm the proud owner of 4 Plymouth Rocks, 3 Amberlinks, 3 browns, 3 comets, 4 Americaunas, 1 Asian, 1 Australorp, 1 Indian Blue Runner duck, 1 brown duck, 1 Pekin duck, 1 silkie, and 2 Polish. I started out...
  16. Sunny-Side Up

    Help! Chicken with closed eye, what do I do?

    Just barely I went out to check on my chickens and noticed a problem. My Barred Rock's left eye was closed. Sometimes she would open it, but I think it hurts to do so. There's no swelling or other problems, just the fact that she's keeping it closed. I'm sure it will be fine, but I definitely...
  17. Nicole473

    HELP! My male pekin duck attacked my other male

    So my both male Pekin ducks have been fighting lately and very aggressively. One of them injured the other eye. The first picture has like some foam coming out of it and then the other is when I spray water and the foam disappears. I don't know how I can cure it or what I can use. Can you help me?
  18. lorlcopter

    3 week old chick right eye injury

    I noticed today for the first time that my 3 week old Black Copper Marans probable cockerell has some kind of problem with his right eye. There appears to be a fleshy element in the bottom right corner, possibly a damaged nictitating membrane. I asked my chick’s breeder if she had any idea what...
  19. Miriah132

    Bulging eye!

    I picked up this girl for free today from a person who wouldn’t be able to help her. Her eye has been bulging like this since she was a week old and she’s 17 weeks now, no other symptoms, just the eye. The previous owner took her to the vet and they tried some drops but when they didn’t work the...
  20. T

    HELP ASAP!!!

    I have a silkie hen and her eye is swollen as shown in this picture. I gave her tylan 50 last night. Her other eye was closed and today was open after the injection. So I see some improvement on that eye. But this swollen eye has me panicking as a first time silkie owner. I have removed her and...
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