
  1. creedatticus

    Silkie with Feathers?

    My silkie is about 10 weeks old, and some of her feathers aren't fluffy like the rest! Her wing and feet feathers are waxy and look like normal feathers. Why is this, and is there anyway to make it fluffy?
  2. MolliMonster99

    Runner duck molting?

    Hi everyone! My Runner duck Frances seems to be molting? He has a couple of bald spots on his wings and I can see he's got some new feathers starting to grow on the tips of his wings (you can see the feathers growing outwards). He seems to be losing more feathers than the others, but they all...
  3. The chicken nurd

    Possible sick hen

    Hey everyone I have one hen who has feathers missing but I’m not sure if she’s getting picked on or something else Is going on I noticed this a few weeks ago but didn’t think anything of it at first because she was acting fine and while she’s still acting normal it does look like it’s gotten a...
  4. Katharina is loosing her down feathers

    Katharina is loosing her down feathers

    While i held her on my lap this evening she lost a lot of her down feathers. Hard molt in progress? 20220621_222450_rotated.jpg
  5. M

    My hen stares frozen at my foot and shakes her feathers aggressively

    I have a 1 year old Brahma hen. When I sit outside with her and don't have socks or shoes on she will run up to my foot, freeze, and stare at it. The other day she did something even more strange though. While she was staring, her feathers slowly rose and she did a very quick and aggressive...
  6. H

    Black on Buff Orpington’s Tail Feathers?

    Hey all! I have a mix of breeds, all 18 weeks old (Australorps, barred rocks, buff orpingtons) my orpingtons have black on their tail feathers (photos below) Mites? Disease? I checked and didn’t see any mites or bugs on them and I use the deep litter system for their coop so I can’t put DE in...
  7. BookThief

    Unknown Predator

    Sorry it's long. If you don't want to read, here's the very short version: 1 chicken dead with no known cause, 1 missing. Some of the live chickens and ducks have saliva on them but no injuries or broken bones. What happened? The full version: Last night, my fiance woke me up at 4:30am and...
  8. G

    Unidentified Mohawk Chick

    So I've just joined, partially to ask this question. We have 1 chick that as its getting bigger is growing a bit of a mohawk. We know the breeds of all of our chickens except for this one. It started as just 1 feather sticking up about 2 weeks ago. Any ideas? My wife thinks Polish but I have to...
  9. RueBuckaroo

    patch of missing feathers

    my muscovy male has had this rough patch of missing feathers on his side for as long as i can remember. they never really grew back in, not even when he molted. i’m not sure what it is. he’s well fed, gets the nutrition he needs, he’s healthy. what could this possibly be? and how can i fix his...
  10. girlandher15chickens

    New Chick Owner !!!!! Any Advice ? Some Questions as well.

    Hi Everyone , I just set up my account. I just got 6 new baby chicks about 2 weeks ago. So They are around 3 weeks old. I have 2 cinnamon queens , 2 rhode island reds , and 2 comets. All of my chicks are growing bum feathers, like a little tail, except one of my rhode island reds. She has a...
  11. W

    Feather loss

    Hello. Any idea what’s going on with my hen’s back? None of my other hens are missing feathers. We do have a rooster.
  12. bibzybean

    Why does my hen's back feathers look like this?

    My head hen is usually a creamy white colour, but her bum feathers look absolutely horrible. She has had similar issues in the past but they usually clear up on their own, however I have never seen her look this bad. Physically, she's fine - fat, eats and drinks plenty, runs around - but her...
  13. Gearhead846

    How cold is too cold for my ducklings??

    Hello, I have 3 khaki cambell ducklings that are seven weeks old and fully feathered and have been outside for a couple of days even when it drops down to 25🥶 but the weather forecast for where I'm at says that there is going to be a low of 0 degrees in the next few days and I need to know how...
  14. L

    Bumblefoot and missing feathers on chest?

    I just bought 3 quail hens 2 days ago and just noticed their feet have some droppings stuck on and lumps. The white hen is also missing a patch feathers on her chest. They preen quite a lot but I haven't seen them pull any out and plus there are no feathers laying around in their cage. So maybe...
  15. R

    Missing feathers, barbs still in tact

    Yesterday, I noticed that one of my girls looked like she had injured her neck. She is one that is very skittish around us, so the only time I could inspect her is at night. I couldn’t see any broken skin, but the back of her neck and onto her back, she’s missing feathers but still has the barbs...
  16. Mdico19

    6 week old chick looks greasy

    I currently have 6 week old chicks and one of them for the past 2 weeks has had different looking feathers. Feathers almost look wet or matted. Does not look like she is missing any feathers they just do not look nearly as full as the other chickens. I do have 6 different breeds so I am...
  17. B

    Color Genetics

    Hi everyone, Forgive me if this is one of those eye roll questions. I’ve tried to use the genetic calculator and since I’m not a rocket scientist, can someone tell me what colors I might expect out of the chicks from a yellow roo mixed with light gray hen? (I know about the frizzle/smooth...
  18. S

    Lack of feathers on 6week Orpington

    Hey guys is the lack of feathers on this Buff at 6+weeks old an issue? Is there anything I can do to help her along Someone suggested vitamins in the water. Cheers for any help
  19. X

    My Ducklings Have Feathers on Their Legs!?

    Hey so, I am new to keeping ducks but not to chickens as I've had those before ducks. Currently has 9 ducklings, just about a month old by now. Previously had 10, casaulty to disease. Two different breeds, 4 silver appleyards and 5 welsh harlequins. Used to have 5 silver appleyards. They are all...
  20. ChickenPickle

    Hard broken feathers on the feet.

    My silkie rooster gets sand burs sometimes and when I was picking some out I noticed his feet were very scaly I picked at it a little and they seemed to come off easy. Maybe just dry skin? But his feathers on his feet were also a bit weird. Some of them were super har and they were spilt down...
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