
  1. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    What can i grow my chooks?

    I’m thinking about growing some crops for my girls, and i need some help on what i can grow. I was thinking about Oregano Alfalfa, and some kind of lettuce (not iceberg). Any ideas? Mainly looking for leafy-type Or grassy crops.
  2. HappyHippyChick

    Four Skinny chickens and one filled out

    This appears I have a cross breed of an Ayam cemani who has an appetite and she is in good shape. She is very active in foraging. The 4 other chickens are Salmon Favorelles and it doesn't appear they like food and it is getting alarming. I have chick food as they are approximately 4-5 months...
  3. B

    Best alternative for grass?

    Was wondering if yll have any ideas on a great alternative to grass? I was originally thinking frogfruits but cannot find it anywhere on google whether it is toxic to chickens or not. I do let them out quite often so I do want something they can graze on. If you have any suggestions for sure...
  4. H

    Flies in the chicken yard

    hi everyone, so I’ve got my ducks and chickens in a fenced in yard about 1600 square feet. It’s all dirt at this point after they’ve eaten pretty much any grass. I’ve noticed that I’m starting to see a lot of flies in the area probably from the ground being compacted and there waste sitting on...
  5. J

    Seeds to Sow

    Hello, I have a question about sowing seed in my yard. I would like to surface sow some grass seed all throughout my yard that my chickens and white embden geese will be able to graze and peck at. I'm not sure which types would be best surface sown and how to keep my chickens from eating the...
  6. cottoncandys

    Grass blockage??

    So I stupidly gave my chickens some grass the other day, they have grit idk what went wrong, BUT one of my silkies has grass stuck in her vent and it feels stuck when I barely pull on it. She still wants to eat food and drink water. Her poops have been watery like something is blocked in her...
  7. DrVix2021

    Muddy garden!

    Hi there, My beautiful clan, as I expected (!!)… have wrecked the garden. I live in England (wet winter!) and we have a garden that goes around the house. At the front there’s raised grass with two trees (that’s fine). Then on one side they have a pond and flat stones. We have a big driveway...
  8. Aliceisalive

    Permethrin - Yard treated Safe to eat grass?

    Hi all! I am staying at my MIL house, with my 4 dogs and 3 chickens. She has a ton of cats and fleas are all over the backyard. We did so much research, decided permethrin was our best bet to battle them. Safe via ratio chart at .50 it’s been sunny and dried out over 24 hrs. (Yes cats were kept...
  9. StinkyAcres

    Dry lube on mower deck safe?

    The recent grass clipping thread reminded me...I'm sick of grass sticking to the underside of my mower deck and creating nasty, moldy clumps that drop all over the lawn and driveway. I've heard of people spraying dry lube (graphite, silicone, or Teflon) to keep the grass from sticking. Will...
  10. N

    Huge run, small coop... what next?

    I have a run that is over 460 square feet. I live in the city, in Arizona, so it's pretty hot here and the amount of space isn't terrific. But my run had a pretty significant amount of grass and it's 100 percent gone. I have 12 hens, and at the minimum 4 square feet per hen, that's quite...
  11. Z

    Balance between feed and vegetation

    Hi, I have a flock of chicken, which I provide feed for and are also allowed to graze around within an ample space that is covered with different types of grasses and shrubs. I know that an adult chicken eats between 100 grams to about 120grams. So, if a chicken can graze as they wish, is it ok...
  12. lin9

    grasses around chickens

    my young hens have devastated my small grass patch that I planted with plugs a few years ago. Last summer hens didn't hurt the grass. Then a bear killed those girls and I bought new chix last October. These recent hens have demolished my grass plot. What is good to plant that won't hurt them...
  13. Painting in the Grass

    Painting in the Grass

    Very tranquil activities..
  14. WatkinsCluckers


    Has anyone had issues with their free range chickens when it comes to grass stickers/burrs/goat heads? I live in Texas and every yard has some sort of sticker down here. I haven’t allowed my chickens out their run yet because I’m concerned that they’ll get hurt walking in the grass. Has anyone...
  15. T

    Help. Flies and NO grass

    We have 5 backyard chickens in south Texas. They have an eglu coop & run (with extensions for adequate space). As first time chicken owners were coming across 2 problems that we haven’t been able to google ourselves out of and could use some help. We let them free range the yard daily (usually...
  16. M

    Grass seeds?

    Hi all! My girls free range in my backyard. They don't pull up/dig up grass at all and in fact are keeping it trimmed so we don't have to mow or anything. We think we want to put down some grass seed since our backyard was patchy and funky before we even had a flock. Any grass you recommend...
  17. chickbee

    Ground cover recommendations

    We have 8 spoiled backyard hens in our medium-sized backyard. They free range daily. Our grass/weeds have been eaten by them and all green has disappeared. Just dirt now! We are going to fence off a small area to possibly put sod down for our kids’ play area. For the surrounding areas and bulk...
  18. R

    Creating a pasture in the AZ sun

    Hello, I am trying to create a pasture on my land for my chickens to free range. I live in southern AZ near Tucson. I was wondering has anyone ever attempted a pasture in the desert? If so, what tips, tricks, and info can you give me to make this go as smooth as possible. Thanks!
  19. TexasChick47

    Grazing box for my girls

    I'm planning to put in a grazing box in the run for my young ladies. Any recommendations for what kind of grass to plant and where to get SMALL quantities? has an indoor grass growing "box" for cats, dogs, pet birds etc. Can I scatter that seed in my grazing box? Suggestions, please.
  20. Sire12

    Which type of grass seed should I buy for a free range yard - fast growing and hard wearing

    They have created a few blank spots here and there in the garden so I'm going to fence it off and sow some grass seeds to even it all back out, which kind is best for this? They hens usually have free range of the whole backyard, are there any types of grass seeds which would suit best for this...
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