
May 4, 2019
Hello, I am trying to create a pasture on my land for my chickens to free range. I live in southern AZ near Tucson. I was wondering has anyone ever attempted a pasture in the desert? If so, what tips, tricks, and info can you give me to make this go as smooth as possible. Thanks!
Gonna need a lot of water ...

The chickens would prefer a bunch of mesquite bushes ... shade, protection from hawks, still lots of weeds grow around them too ...
Gonna need a lot of water ...

The chickens would prefer a bunch of mesquite bushes ... shade, protection from hawks, still lots of weeds grow around them too ...
have you grown in this area? I plan on having all of that, its just the initial grow is what I'm having trouble with.
No, I don't grow grass ... but, use to haul off semi-truck loads of hay off of farmers fields, that were watered via pivots ... and huge well pumps ;)

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