heat lamp

  1. SniperGoose

    Heat lamp

    So in the four years we've had our chickens, we've never bothered with heat lamps. Chickens have been totally fine, and no frost bite to speak of. Plus I've seen stories of coops burning down because of said heat lamps. But of course, my father took the advice of some lady who always heats her...
  2. wamtazlady

    Coop fire due to heat lamp

    Just read that this happened in Helena MT a day or two ago. A heat lamp in a chicken coop caused the coop to catch fire. Chickens and rabbits were killed. Then the wind spread the fire to a storage building filled with hay. Hay is a total loss. From there the fire went to another building...
  3. Xotomi

    Unprepared Hatchery Mixup

    We adopted our flock from the previous property owner. He had way too many chickens and no early months special feeding regimen. We hatched our first eggs last winter and did very well caring for them. I did not lose a single hatchling. Our birds are huge compared to their parents. But this...
  4. K

    Winterizing Fall-Born Chicks

    I have 2 Red Sex hens that will hit 6 weeks at the end of October, in a climate (higher altitude in E. Washington Cascades) guaranteed to hit below zero (F) in late Dec/Early Jan for at least a few days to 2 weeks. Considering getting a radiant heater from Cozy Coop, will this be enough to keep...
  5. marleebear

    Heat mats; are they safe?

    I live up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where temperatures in the winter go down to -40°C. (No, I'm not kidding. ) Typically, I only keep my hens in the spring through fall and give them back to my uncle in the winter to live in his heated, insulated and very large coop. This year, I'm considering...
  6. H

    Heat Plate vs. Heat Lamp

    Hello, I am currently 2 days away from lockdown with my 12 coturnix Quail eggs. I bought a Heat Plate a few months ago from UKPoulty, which said it was suitable for Quail chicks. But now I am having pre-hatch anxiety and double checking absoloutly everything and I read a few threads on here last...
  7. Waterwitch232

    Heat on Chicks

    So I just got some little chicks one is maybe a little under a week old the other four are just days old so they are about half the size. Now I have a heat lamp on them and there are two boxes one “hot” and one “cool” there’s a hole so they can jump in between. I have it at about 90-95 and I see...
  8. ColleenRyan

    How Do I Hatch Duck Eggs?

    This weekend my beloved pet ducks were taken and killed by a predator while they were spending some time in the yard like they did every evening. I had been letting the female duck keep the eggs she had been laying and putting the ones she laid in the yard into the hutch for her after I found...
  9. Keeperoflock

    Well, I Did It....

    My almost 7 week old chickies have flown the coop. I mean brooder. They are out in the coop with 2 huddle boxes and a heat lamp, straw and they have each other.... The coop is 8x8 by 9high. Part of it is insulated but part isn't. The forecast is calling for lower to middle 60's and 40's at...
  10. carlyducks

    Heat lamp temperatures for ducklings

    Anyone know the temperatures the heat lamp is supposed to be each week for ducklings? Everywhere online says something different.. :/
  11. Cook1805

    To keep the heat lamp or not to keep?

    We live in Missouri and if you live here as well you'll know how crazy the weather has been. Within the same week we go can from a beautiful 80 degrees to a bone chilling 30 with freeze warnings. My chicks were moved to their coop outside which is a side shed off of our garage (no outside access...
  12. Kharris75

    Heat lamp advice needed

    Our two chicks are about 4 weeks old, they hatched the weekend of March 23. The heat lamp is registering at about 80-85 degrees and occasionally the chicks sleep on that end of the box, but have been spending more time towards the middle of the box and hanging out on the roosting pole. My house...
  13. S

    New to chickens need advice to do it right

    Hi folks, our family decided to start with 3 blue australorp and 3 silver lace. We live in. South Florida and have a question about heat lamp. Temperature is 80 to 90 most days. Should I still use a heat lamp?
  14. G

    9 week olds first night in coop. Low of 32 degrees

    Hi everyone. This may be a dumb question that has been asked a million times, but I just moved my chicks into the coop at 9 weeks old. It is only 2 of them, on their own roost because my guinea is not very nice to them and especially does not like sharing a roost just yet so no warm cuddles from...
  15. Kharris75

    Heat lamp help

    My son just hatched chicks in his classroom and we got two. We are first timers and don’t want to mess this up. I got a 75w red reptile heat lamp and have them in a plastic bin with paper towels, food and water. My thermometer on the side of the bin reads 84. The chicks hatched within the last 4...
  16. H

    Heat Lamp needed or Spoiled Chicks?

    Lately it's been about 75 to 80 at night, so I haven't turned on the heat lamp. Since doing this my almost 4 week old chicks will whine and fuss for some time. I know they are plenty warmth, food, water, and nothing out of the norm. Is this normal adjustment to no heat lamp?
  17. mommachick5

    New Chicken Momma

    Hi everyone- My husband and I recently bought a small farm (32 acres) in Ohio. He was raised in the country and I wasn't. So I am learning everything I can, I am a reader and studier, so it's been fun. We got 10 chicks last week and have been keeping them in a big container (I think you call...
  18. Keeperoflock

    Heat Lamp Losing Power?

    Ok, I've noticed something weird about my heat lamp. At night before I go to bed the brooder temp says 92/93. When I get up it will say somewhere around 87. Is it possible for the lamp to weaken? There's no drafting going on and the sides of my brooder are 3 feet high or possibly a bit...
  19. MagnoliaMegs

    Brooder box design DIY

    Preparing for chicks last year as newbies this was our first attempt at a Brooder box. Not dog proof, We learned the hard way. After moving it to the safety of a guest bathroom tub with baby gate in doorway, we raised 6 chicks successfully last year. Box worked great. This year I had plans in...
  20. A

    First time incubating - built a makeshift 'brooder" - criticism welcome

    G'day all!! So I have 7 eggs in the incubator at the moment, and from candling I can see - 1 seems to be a dud -3 seem fertile but no veining (only 1 day in when I checked) -3 fertile with slight veining (lumps seperate from the yolk) They were all laid within two days of each other (one or...
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