heat lamp

  1. A

    First time incubating - built a makeshift 'brooder" - criticism welcome

    G'day all!! So I have 7 eggs in the incubator at the moment, and from candling I can see - 1 seems to be a dud -3 seem fertile but no veining (only 1 day in when I checked) -3 fertile with slight veining (lumps seperate from the yolk) They were all laid within two days of each other (one or...
  2. Bird Lady Outlaw

    Heat Lamps and Brooders

    Well my chicks are obviously aren't going to arrive today so I guess I have some time to research my setup. I'm second-guessing myself I have a plastic tote that I used to brood my chicks last fall but I had it in the garage. The garage is cold and doesn't have electricity I'm wondering if I...
  3. GracieJ

    I have a few questions - anyone fancy a challenge? :)

    Hello :) Okay so I've looked through various different threads but couldn't find any specific answers that satisfied my questions on Call ducks. I have a drake, Jem and a hen, Myrtle, and she has laid and is 10 days into sitting on her first clutch. I'd be ever so grateful if someone on here...
  4. chickitychickity

    Will a heat lamp create a fire even if it doesn’t fall?

    I have tested and tested the height of our heat lamps. The temps where the brooder will be will range between 30-50 farenheight. When placing the lamp in the box the temps range between 70-120. In order for my chicks to be warm the lamp will have to hang 12” above the shavings. It’s secured in...
  5. CapricornFarm

    Teflon coated heat lamps killing birds!

    These poor folks had 7 hens drop dead in their coop suddenly after changing their heat lamp bulb! Please be very careful and do not use shatter resistant bulbs. Teflon fumes kill birds very quickly!
  6. Derek Kwas

    Heat Lamp on all night?

    Hello, my family and i have 4 chickens roughly the age of 9 months old that are laying eggs. With the cold temperatures that we are experiencing here in Illinois we've been keeping the heat lamp on all night for them that's roughly 4 feet off the ground. Is this ok? Will it hurt them? Is there...
  7. ShanaMcS

    To use a heat lamp or not

    Hello! It's down in the 30°s lately, which seems like Antarctica to us Floridian's, and I'm worried for my sweet girls. They seem fine, but it's been pouring rain too. They free range and have access to their coop all day. I have five. I use Sweet PDZ in their coop and fine bedding in their...
  8. Functional Rustic

    Introducing Functional Rustic

    Good morning Back Yard Chickens from Functional Rustic on this cold Michigan day. I joined the duck loving community back in May of 2017 when we got our Muscovy ducklings. Not only have I learned a lot about ducks; those quirky creatures inspired me to start my own repurposing business out of...
  9. cluckkatie

    Garage Transition?

    I'm thinking that once my chicks are four weeks, I'll take them out of the brooder and move them into the garage. It gets down to thirty degrees in there. Will it be too much of a drastic temp drop for them? Or do you think I should keep the lamp on in the garage and then eventually taper off? I...
  10. Prima Heat Lamp

    Prima Heat Lamp

    Rugged and reliable heat lamp used to warm lambs, goat kids, chickens, ducks, puppies or for any animal that is sick or cold. Common heat lamps are often blamed for barn fires, scorched wool and overheating. The “Prima” is better in every way—strength, safety, protective guard, and hanging...
  11. Chickens are the best

    How Cold is too Cold?

    it's pretty cold tonight (the low is 17) and wicked windy. I have a repurposed shed with ventilation cut into the top and 13 chickens. They all sleep on the roosting bars (except one of them, although there is plenty of room) The roosting bars are below all of the ventilation except for the west...
  12. BrandonMcfly

    Chicken heating?

    Hello I have two cute girl red link chickens and it's been getting cold at night 60s I know not cold everyone but it's cold for us where we live. I let my babies run around outside and everything during the day they also go inside when they'd like during the day but at night I bring them into...
  13. C

    Hatching with no incubator

    I woke up this morning to sadly see that all my chickens got killed and I had a hen that has been sitting on some eggs for about a week now and there was one egg left I have it under a heat lamp right now can someone tell me what I need to do to hatch it? Should I put it in a bowl of water under...
  14. Sunshine Flock

    Recent example of why you shouldn't use heat lamps in the chicken coop

    I thought I read somewhere that you can't post direct links to social media, but I'm not seeing it in the terms and conditions. Please let me know if this isn't allowed. This photo is heartbreaking. She lost her flock of eight chickens to a heat lamp fire that destroyed everything. I'm guessing...
  15. Jayecookie

    What wrong with my Brooder?

    The heat lamp is on the other side of the brooder (other side of water) but there all in the cold spot... so I thought is was to hot but there all huddled together meaning there cold. I don’t know is there a draft? The heat lamp is 20 inches above and I just don’t want the chickens to be to cold...
  16. Jayecookie

    New help with heat lamps

    For baby chicks you need a heat lamp to warm them up just like the mamma would do, but my question is which heat lamp should I get? Some people have a 200 watt or 250 or 150... does this effect the heat? I only have four so I was wondering which one I should get.
  17. Dee Dee N Desiree

    Heat Lamp at night & winter?

    Our flock is 7 months now and laying eggs. I use the heat lamp at night in the coop, but not in the roosting area, to keep them warm at night, plus I had read it can keep them calm. I have it on a timer, on at dusk off at dawn. I've been thinking (dangerous), does it affect their sleep and egg...
  18. C

    Brooder heating in garage question

    I just took home my 2 week old chicks yesterday. I set up their brooder in a large storage bin with a heat lamp on a stand in my garage. California weather is mild right now. I read they should be a good 85 degrees in there. Last night i adjusted the lamp to an exact 86 degrees (according to...
  19. Savannah.Tucker

    Wisconsin Winters

    Im new to chicken keeping. So far I love it, but I can't seem to shake one thought. I'm driving myself crazy thinking of how my chickens will handle their first winter. Or, more so how I will handle the thought of them being outside when I'm inside warm and cozy. It August, they are little right...
  20. peacockfeather

    Do I need a heat lamp?

    It's summertime and near 80 degrees indoors, where my ~2 day old chicks are currently staying. I was wondering if a heat lamp is even necessary? (I've offered warm, rice filled socks and haven't heard a peep being too cold since they've been out of the incubator (they were in there 24 hours))...
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