
  1. Liv_loves_chickens

    Please help! Chicken emergency!

    Today I was collecting the eggs, and I noticed that one of my polish chickens was limping. I picked her up and I noticed that one of her toes was hanging by a thread from her foot! My father helped me gently remove it and we put some "blue coat" on her foot, which is a disinfectant made for...
  2. Stargazer04

    Chickens ate dead mouse???

    My cats are hunt offten and bring back dead mice and I just witnessed my chickens tearing atlest four dead mice apart and eating them?????? They have scratch and clean water with food out aswell?? Will my chickens get hurt from this??
  3. majasdee

    *Help!* Chicken with crop/constipation issues

    So we have a 1 year old Chinese silkie hen that has been nesting recently and a few weeks ago i had noticed she had lost a lot of weight so i separated her from the rest and have tried to put weight back on her. Long story short i had issues with putting weight on her so i took her to a bird...
  4. Jeanierose

    Janis needs a new home

    Janis Joplin is a White Silkie Roo....She or now I should say HE started crowing recently. Unfortunately My town does not allow Roos :( . I am very sad, this sweet, pretty guy is so cute. I wish I could keep him. I would be willing to trade for a hen or sell him for $25. From Waltham...
  5. 3lilFeatheredDemons

    Bumblefoot Help Needed

    Bumblefoot is no stranger to our flock, so it was easily recognizable when our three-year old welsummer (Summer) came down with it recently. Usually we take our ladies in to the vet to have it taken care of, but our avian vet is on vacation and the soonest appointment offered will be more than...
  6. HuffleClaw

    HELP!! Chick remains in ‘fetal’ position!!

    This Chick hatches a few hours ago and won’t open it’s eyes and it stays in this position!! HELP! What do I do!!!??
  7. Q

    Male attacking laying female? Please help!

    so, I have had a convoy of 4 quail for about a month..when we purchased the birds we were told it was a male and three females...well it turned out to be two males and two females, however there was no aggression or fighting so we kept them together. We have been discussing getting more females...
  8. Nats Chickens

    Please Help! An egg has collapsed inside my favourite hen.

    Hi guys. my favourite girl, a Black Star named Jewel, has a had and egg 'collapse' inside of her. [think its called a prolapse ?] anyway, I need to know how you fix this. she is the sweetest little thing and I would be very sad if she passed. I can't do pics [sorry] and she doesn't seem to be in...
  9. farmfreshhens

    Premie duckling?

    I need some advice please. This is my first attempt at hatching call duck eggs. We started with 41 eggs. Our females wouldn't sit. After a week we candled and the number dropped to 14. Out of 14 we had 4 die in their shells, 6 hatches. One was a "star gazer" and perished within 12 hours...
  10. C

    Aggressive peacock ?

    so we have had Ziggy for 2 years now, he hasn't caused a single problem. Now for some reason he keeps chasing the geese He chased one geese off the property and the poor thing was near death and blinded when we found him, We also had two ducks and they "mysteriously" disappeared. I think he...
  11. faylinnc

    April the black Swedish duck UPDATE: still worried?

    I very recently started a thread about my year and a half old black Swedish, April. She was having some problems with her poop and she was passing on these weird rubbery leathery white hollow looking things. I received a lot of suggestions and answers, so thank you so much for all of the...
  12. R

    HELP! Canadian Goose

    I found a goose egg on March 30th in the pond half submerged, it was about 45degrees. We took it home and started incubating, miraculously the egg developed and is now fully formed in the shell, no internal pip though. Today (day 30) we noticed two little spots on the shell that oozed a clear...
  13. C

    I have no idea what I’m doing...

    Hello Keepers of Chicken Knowledge! I am a total newbie to all things clucking. I mean, I know how delicious they can be, but that’s it. We are a homeschooling military family who have stumbled into stealth chicken keeping. My sister bought our kids (my 2 and her 2) baby chicks. Somehow, I have...
  14. P

    Help with new mother hen please!

    We had a hen go broody and her first three chicks hatched yesterday and today, we just let her stay in the nesting box and that’s where the chicks are hatching. We remove the divider and added extra wood chips and chick food and water, this morning. Just now we checked on her, and her head...
  15. Soleil_A

    please help! chickens toe about to fall off!

    hey guys. i have my lovely alfredo girl and when i first got her her feet were pretty bad. they were doing pretty good until today when i checked on them, her toe is literally about to fall off. what should i do? i’m pretty sure it is from frostbite. it gets pretty cold here in MI. thanks! here...
  16. Soleil_A

    what’s wrong with berthas eye?!

    hello again chicken lovers. i have had my lovely bertha for quite a bit now. she is around 6-8 months old. ever since i first got her, she had this eye thing. i have done EVERYTHING i can. (well, almost anything) saline, vetrx, warm compress, etc. she used to have a pus ball in her eye, and...
  17. Master Quaillius

    Help! Quail Very Weak!

    I just got home from school and I found my 5 month old Golden Quail super weak and she couldn't move an inch by herself! -Possible causes: Last night I bought some hamster bedding for the quail. It's 100% natural, birch shavings and it has no alterations, no sawdust. She ate some the previous...
  18. theturkeymom

    Large lump/tumor near turkey's oil gland??

    Hi there, I'm worried about my turkey hen who has been acting sickly for the past three days. She looks very miserable, with her tail drooping at all times and her back feathers ruffled. She has little to no appetite (managed to get three little pieces of bread in her yesterday) but is...
  19. SilkieGirl 1

    Help! My chick is not moving, pooping blood?

    I went to take care of my chickens this morning when I seen a chick laying down, dead. It broke my heart! Nothing could harm them! i have them inside the coop where it's closed off. I went to see how the other chick's were doing and one seemed to just stand there and do nothing. I felt how cold...
  20. bantamluv

    Sick hen! Please help!

    Hi, I have a 3 1/2 y/o Golden Comet or Red Sex Link hen who hasn't been doing very well for the past few days. She seems to have a sour or impacted crop, but I've been making her vomit about 15 times a day, and syringe feeding her applesauce and water to flush the impaction out. When I was...
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