
  1. M

    Newly hatched chuckars (game birds) are acting sick, not sure what it is!

    I got eggs from a neighbor, a mixture of chuckars and quail. 7 have hatched over the last 3 days. They are falling over backwards and can't seem to be able to get up on their own. They have all drank water, which contains vita charge liquid boost. They lay out flat on their stomachs and look...
  2. C

    Redness around rooster's tummy and legs! Help!

    Hi! I have a rooster who is 15months old. He seems to be doing fine but a few days back we started noticing that he has this redness on both his legs near the thighs. He was also shaking his head a lot and we found little red insects (mites i suspect?) in his feather. We cleaned up his coop and...
  3. The Camo Bulldog


    I checked on my chicks today and found one of them wasn't running around like she usually does and when I picked her up I saw that her whole butt was missing all of it's feathers and it was bloody I don't know what happened! I had to put her out of her misery and it was so sad. :( I have two...
  4. K

    My duck has a broken foot!!!

    So, I have a Pekin named Lou who is a year old. When he was a duckling my stepdaughter accidentally dropped him. He started limping and we bandaged it up right away. We took it off about a week later and he was absolutely fine. Then in October of '16 I noticed he was limping and not keeping up...
  5. CC Fluffy

    Cockerel Dog Attacked, Won't Move Leg! Sprained/Broken???

    My young cockerel (Olive Egger) has been dog attacked. Looks fine overall. Minor cuts and bruises, some broken shafts. But he won't move his left leg too much. Felt his hips, joints and feet. Don't feel any breaks, leg is kind of loose. He is favouring his left, and lying down more on his left...
  6. jennajolynne

    What is wrong with this roo?

    They had BOGO at a local Ag store when I went to go buy a few pullets and I ended up bringing this guy home because I felt SO sorry for him. Nobody was going to buy him looking like this. He is naked. He is supposedly a cochin bantam with frizzle gene. Someone please tell me when he hasn't...
  7. Relynn

    Do I have Roo's?

    So, I went to a hatchery close to my house, and I got 2 black star sex-links, 2 barred rocks and two that were supposed to be French Cuckoo Marans. Well I believe one of those Marans is a BCM, because it is all black with just white feathers under the wings. I am starting to think both of the...
  8. L

    Mangled Duck Foot

    We found our duck by the pond in the morning and he was all bloody. He let us just walk right up to him and pick him up. We found that it appears his foot may have been attacked by a snapping turtle. One of his little toes are broken and the bleeding did stop. We have soaked his foot in epsom...
  9. mcmom48

    My hen has an abscess, help

    Help my girl has an abscess on her left leg. At least i think its an abscess. Her leg is swollen and she has opened it. Tissue and blood are whar is on the gauze when i change it. Ive cut her geathers away from the spot and keep applying neosporin before covering with gauze. She can walk on...
  10. Chevalia's feathered farm

    Help! My call duck is breathing funny.

    My female Call duck is acting weird, she looks like she is panting but its cool outside. She was fine this morning and then this afternoon she is breathing weird, her nose is clear and I cant see or feel if anything is stuck in her throat. She drinks water but is sitting down all the time. She...
  11. fangedknight

    First timer Goose/Duck Mama!

    Hi guys! So I'm pretty familiar with chickens (this is my very first season having babies and watching them grow). So far we have my 20 Wyandottes that should be around 6 weeks +/- that are in the big brooder while the coop is still under construction. Well this week I added a few more additions...
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