help appreciated

  1. Chaoth

    Eggs Shifting/Walking in Incubator?

    Hello! I am currently trying to incubate quail eggs for the first time. Something has concerned me and my dad slightly during this, although it's only the second day, and we're a bit stumped on what to do if it's an issue. We are using an incubator with automatic turning, it uses rods without...
  2. N

    My duck lost her voice?

    Hello, I'm new to owning a duck and shes a few weeks away from being 1 year old. She suddenly lost her voice yesterday within about 2-4 hours since my dad gets up around 5-6 a.m. and she was quacking at him then, but after I got up to see her at around 7-8 a.m. she didn't make a sound. She tries...
  3. T

    Muscovy help...

    I got two Muscovy ducklings today, I currently have a flock of chickens and plenty of room in my coop and run (plus the 2.5 acres they free range) to put the ducks and chickens together... However I'm seeing conflicting information on how long the ducklings need to be on duck food before they...
  4. P

    Baby chick bald spot

    Hello everyone, first timer here. Just got 8 chicks a week ago. 4 jersey giants and 4 midnight majesty’s. I have one chick who has some bald spots on their back. I have looked and I don’t think I see any mites or lice? And I haven’t seen the others pecking this one. Any advice? Thanks! -This...
  5. R

    Chicken Exhibiting Concerning Behaviour :(

    Hello! I’m making this post to help my friend with his chicken, i’m attaching the text he sent in regards to how she’s acting. He said after researching that most sources told him it wasn’t anything big but he’s still worried and wants to make sure it’s actually okay ! For reference, the hen is...
  6. ChickChic00


    Would feeding my young chickens (8weeks old) fish once or twice a week along with their current feed help them bulk up in muscle meat? They are mixed breeds that I hatched out. Delaware, Rhode island red, black Australorp, Barred rock, and Buff Orpington are the Mothers. Father is about 7-7.5...
  7. Sunnydeni

    Help please

    Hello friends. I was hoping someone more knowledgeable than me could help to identify this breed of chicken..? The mystery chickens are these two 6 week old chicks with disorganized, spotchy white & black feathers. They don't seem to have a pattern to speak of, in fact one of them has much more...
  8. Plushness

    How Do I Socialize An Stubborn Chick?

    To put it brief, my about three to four weeks old flock, 3 of the 4 chicks I have in my brooder are a lot more chill with my hand and even want to jump up on my arm. Two of them especially are enthusiastic to roost on my arm or even my shoulder! However, there is one chick that always run away...
  9. S

    White leghorn broody or sick?

    I have a flock of 6 white leghorns who are all around 1 year old. I'm worried about and one of my girls. She's been displaying signs of being broody for around a week, staying in the nesting box all day and not eating and drinking, and if i take her out, she'll peck around for a minute or so and...
  10. ChickChic00

    Gamefowl Chick Feather Sexing?

    I normally feather sex a lot of our chicks that hatch out. I'm right about 80-95% of the time. What I don't get is that all of my game fowl chicks that hatched in the incubators and I got them from family, all their wings are alternating in the feathers. All of them are Up and Down. Not a...
  11. phoenix2077

    Is this just debris or some kind of infection?

    Hi.two of my ducks have dark spots between bill and eye.i tried to remove it but it's hard and sticked to thier skins.
  12. ChickChic00

    Chickens and Dogs

    I am looking to buy 2 puppies at 8 weeks age hopefully, and put them in the pen with our chickens. I have two Chihuahuas that guard the outside of the pen, and a lab mix that watches and guard the whole 5 acres. What breed should I get to raise around the chickens, and safely have it running...
  13. D

    Poorly duck?? First time duck mom not sure if this is a worrying sign!! Help please

    4 week old ducky has been doing this quite abit is it a sign of anything worrying? I don’t want to over look- she’s eating fine pooing fine and otherwise seems ok I’ve put the link to watch on YouTube as can’t upload on here.
  14. O

    Presented as wry neck - now I'm not so sure.

    We received 17 chicks (9 Buff and 8 Lavender Orpingtons) on Friday afternoon, by Saturday morning, it was apparent that one of them wasn't quite right. All the signs of torticollis, easy enough - Segregate, Nutri-Drench, Vitamin-E, B-Complex, Selenium - done. After a day, there were...
  15. ChickChic00

    Rhode Island Red

    My question is, Can you breed regular stock RIR so much that you get darker RIR? Or will I have to buy a darker rooster every other generation to get darker? Any help is very much appreciated!!
  16. ChickChic00

    Breed Guess

    If you had to guess what breed these two were, what would they be?
  17. ChickChic00

    My 2 buckeye roosters look different

    I bought 10 straight run buckeye chicks from TSC about a year ago. I only have 2 roosters left. One looks like a buckeye, and one looks a bit like a Rhode Island Red with rose comb?? I have Rhode Island Reds and they have straight combs. I've not had any that where rose comb. Does anyone think...
  18. Prairie Hills Homestead

    Old GQF Sportsman 1250

    So I just purchased an old 1250, it came with a new thermostad I need to install. Has anyone used these or does anyone have one? I am going to be installing the new thermostat but it isn't the old wafer style one it is the nob.. I am not sure just how much I am going to need to do to it. I can't...
  19. ChickChic00

    Mixing Feeds?

    Is it ok to mix Flock Party Rising chick feed, and Flock Party Egg Maker Crumbles together for adult quail? The Chick feed has 22% Protein but the Egg Maker has only 16% I want the higher protein but also want the calcium. Is it a good idea to mix the to bags of feed together? Thanks so very much!!
  20. ChickChic00

    Early Alaska Garden Peas

    Can I grow early Alaska Garden Peas and feed them to my chickens? Like, de shell them, and boil them? Or are they ok dry? My chickens eat dried purple hull peas and are fine, just wondering on the early Alaska Garden Peas. Thanks!!
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