
  1. smitty0889

    Starlight Green Egger - Pullet or Cockrell

    Starlight Green Egger 6 -7 weeks old - Pullet or Cockrell, Hen or Roster ?? I've had this little guy for 5 weeks exactly and I believe they were about 1-2 weeks old when I got them at Bomgars Has more and had earlier comb formation than my 3 others of similar age but they are different...
  2. S

    Are these 8-week-old chicks hens or roosters?

    Hi everyone. I have 8 chicks that I am hoping you can help me determine if they’re hens or roosters. I appreciate any help! They’re 6 Candy Corn Polish and 2 marans. Picture #1-2 Nancy, #3-4 Marilyn, #5-6 Daisy, #7-8 Peanut, #9-10 Emmie (black copper maran), #11 Nala(white maran), #12-13...
  3. Crazy chickn lady

    Please help! What gender?

    So, my friends went for a bush walk up in the Perth hills and found this lil cutie. As I'm known as the crazy chicken lady, they bring it to me. I determinded that its a Golden Laced Wyandotte, about 4 weeks old, but unsure if it's a rooster or a hen.. as they found it in the bush Im worried it...
  4. thronesandroses

    10 week old Americauna/Easter Egg (unsure?) - rooster or pullet?!

    Really hoping for a pullet of course
  5. M

    Polish-silkie mix - hen or roo?

    IT is 4 month old today and hasn't crowed. I have no clue if it's a hen or roo .. I think it's a hen because of the saddle feather NOT showing strong. Behind her is an olive egger roo and I see saddle feathers more defined on him even though he is younger. But I am not sure...
  6. Stellasmomma

    Hoping to tell gender

    HI All, I posted earlier trying to see if anyone had some guesses on gender of these chicks they are silkie mixes so I know that can be hard one of them is 14,5 weeks the other two are 12.5 weeks. I am hoping that if it is thought these are males that I can rehome them while they are still...
  7. K

    Bluebell gender

    Almost 3.5 months. Very aggressive towards our other hens. I’m not familiar with this breed. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!
  8. S

    23 week Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen or Rooster?

    Here is my 23 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte, Lacy. I haven't seen her lay an egg yet so I don't know for sure. Here are some pics of her. Also, do most Silver Laced Wyandottes have odd combs like this? Thanks!
  9. Snowstormmoon

    We got a group of SILVERRUDDS BLUE can you help verify the genders of them?

    Some of the chicks we got are 5 weeks old, and the others are 7 weeks old. Here are the 7 week old chicks! and here are the 5 week old chicks:
  10. A

    Help me figure it out!

    Hi everyone, We are first timer chicken owners and we’ve bought several chicks from a couple different local breeders. They were all supposed to be pullets but I am wondering if our pretty gray Easter Egger is actually a roo. He/she has been squaring up with our other bigger checks and has...
  11. W

    Hen or roo?

    Help! Is Chick 1 a hen or roo? 7.5 weeks and wattles and comb are more red than the other two. I posted a few days ago but wondering if the consensus has changed. I want to add a roo to the flock but not if I already have one! Chick 2 for comparison.
  12. Brown Chick

    Cream legbar question hen or roo?

  13. Phamilton

    Buff or Isa Brown? hatched from eggs! But didnt see the parents!

    Hi guys, I got some fertilised eggs from a nearby hobby farm, but the farm couldn't tell me what breed of chicken (I'm not sure why, I think they just didn't keep a record). The eggs are hatched and my 5 chicks are now 3 weeks old. The farm did say the darker the chick the more likely it is to...
  14. montanacowgirl

    Hen or Roo?

    I’m looking at getting this gorgeous blue laced red wyandotte, but before I make my final decision, I’d like to make sure its at least MOST LIKELY a hen. This year has been quite unlucky with my rooster to hen rates and I’m a city dweller, so roos are a definite no-go. Can anyone tell me if this...
  15. Elgorham

    Buff Brahma a rooster?

    Hi everyone. It’s been confirmed that our barred rock Penelope is a rooster. They are about 9 weeks. We have 3 buff Brahma as well and there is one who often is fighting with Penelope. Her/his name is Charlotte, eh, Charlie? 😂 the one in question has overtaken the other two Brahmas in growth and...
  16. ChichiZ

    Welsummer poulet- hen or rooster????

    Hi everyone, This is my Welsummer poulet Olive. We got him/her in March at the age of about 10 weeks along with another poulet of the same age. We know for sure that the other poulet is a girl but we are unsure about Olive. He/ she is around 24 weeks old now and the breeder says that Olive is a...
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