hens and roosters

  1. F

    Straight Runs - Turned Out To Be Roosters

    Hello! It seems to be that out of the 5 RIR straight run chicks I got, 4 are most likely male, and possibly even the 5th but still hoping the 5th is a she. They are 5 weeks old. Its my first time with chickens and was hoping the ratio would have turned out to be better. Does anyone have any...
  2. P

    Cockerels for sale - very friendly - great pets

    I have a pair of cockerels about 12 weeks old. They are mixed with easter eggers, australorps and black marans…but they look more like black marans...very attractive. They have been handled regularly. They get along well and have been together since birth. They are even a bit comical...
  3. deltathechicken

    What to feed next?

    I have three orpintons about 18 weeks old, two are hens and one is a cockerel. I was wondering if i should continue using grower food and adding oyster shell for the ladies or switch to something else ?
  4. Sergio19Peter

    My flock

    This is my flock of hens and one rooster that I had incubated about 4 years ago. Today my hens are very good layers and I have recently started a new flock. It was a struggle to keep their health in good condition but after many years they're doing quite well. Australorps, Blue Easter Egger hen...
  5. Momma_Z

    Integration: young rooster (9weeks) into large hen flock

    Hey there! Quick question :) so I have two 2 y/o polish hens, one 1 y/o naked neck hen, seventeen 8 week old RIR hens… my husband just picked up a 9 week old Ayam Cemani rooster a few weeks ago. I’m trying to figure out the best way to integrate him. Should I keep him inside the house until...
  6. EastStephensEggers

    Sapphire Gem Gender?

    Okay all, I'm a new chicken owner and bought 6 straight run chicks in March (so they're about 11 weeks old) of various breeds. I think myself and my neighbors (much more experienced chicken owners) have identified the gender of all of one - my Sapphire Gem. We think it's a rooster but we go back...
  7. Rabi Gabriel

    New to BYC . Desperately in need of Advice/Guidance

    In the morning caught the rooster pecking the hen on the head so badly that she was bleeding i quickly removed her from there she was fully wet and tired from running getting beaten up. I've cleaned her wounds applied Polyfax Ointment. Feathers were a mess, huge patches of plucked out feathers...
  8. WallyBirdie

    Where No Chicken Has Gone Before!

    I was watching my birds today and one managed to gravitate to a part of the property that I usually steer them away from. I got up to herd them back towards the others but stopped to watch... as the little fella hop-hop-hopped... into a patch of weeds and after a grasshopper. He ate the...
  9. M

    Pullets or Cockrels?

    We are trying to decide if any of these are pullets or cockrels. We are down to our last hen and looking to adopt two other birds to keep her company. We are not sure of these birds breeds. The guesses are seabright and maybe Brahma? Does anyone have any inclinings as to if any of these might be...
  10. PlayTheGame

    Hen or Rooster?

    I bought 4 Buff Brahama pullets or so I thought. They were all the same size now at 4 weeks old one is so much bigger and taller than the others and is kind of aggressive towards the others. Could this one be a roo?
  11. Martha-s Crazy Chics

    Hello Chicken Lovers!

    Hi I'm Martha! I just joined. I am looking forward to sharing, and learning from you all. We have had chickens for a few years now. We have one Light Sussex (did have two ), and several rescued brown hens and roosters. Right now my husband is turning a small shed into a coop. I want to help, but...
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