pullets and cockerels

  1. MountainMarans2012

    Yes or No Poll:

    Do you think Hatcheries should use methods to kill off unhatched Cockerels during Incubation, leaving only Pullets to sell as day old chicks? I have read different articles about methods now being used to determine Cockerels verse Pullet chicks during the hatching process. Links to Articles on...
  2. Eggsandbeyond

    First time egg layers and first time hatching!

    2 out of my 5 pullets are starting to lay finally! It's been about 2 weeks of laying every day to every other day. I was going to wait until next spring to incubate some, but I am just way too excited!! Is it too early to try hatching them? I want healthy chicks, of course. The rooster has...
  3. Imprezznu

    3 baby Roos?!

    We got 4 pullets from Wilco last Wednesday. 2 barred and 2 black sex links. We are first time chicken owners and just watched videos on how to sex the chicks by looking at their wings. We just looked and I think we ended up with 3 Roos…. 🤦🏼‍♀️ We wanted all hens and now only seems like we have...
  4. POD

    Easter Eggers, pullets or late bloomers?

    I’ve got two suspicious looking 15 week old birds here and I’d love to hear your thoughts. These birds were raised by a hen, I am not sure what breeds they are mixed with. I got them at 12 weeks and they are now nearly 16 weeks. There has been no fighting or crowing but they are both at the...
  5. Sylvia0223

    3 weeks old pullet ?

    I have this cute 3 weeks old chick 🐥 she supposed to be an Olive egger pullet , is she a pullet or still too early to tell ?
  6. Sylvia0223

    3 weeks old pullet ?

    I have this cute 3 weeks old chick 🐥 she supposed to be an Olive egger pullet , is she a pullet or still too early to tell ?
  7. FiftyCentChick

    Who wants to share their chicks awkward teen phase?

    I think the little awkward teen phase is actually pretty cute and exciting. Is it a boy or girl? Is it the breed you thought it was? Who knows, but they are pretty cute and silly. If you want, please share your awkward teen phase chicks pictures and maybe take a guess at what they are. No...
  8. Texas Transplant

    10 Week old Mottled Javas, all pullets?

    I've got three healthy and ridiculously skittish (and at times aggressive) 10 week old Mottled Java chicks, 2 have flogged me (Ursula and Lavar). One has exhibited flogging behavior since it was 1 week old. They have a lavish lifestyle with zero stress, eat Scratch and Peck organic grower and...
  9. YaYasDottes

    How many roosters can you find?

    Please tell me if you think these Wyandottes are cockerels. The black Star chick is 5 days old. Don't males have a star on their heads?
  10. karenmragan

    Adorable Kiddos

    Hello everyone! I just want to share this video of my new birds. They're about seven weeks old now. Thanks to BYC for giving me the hanging cabbage idea!
  11. Josip

    What Breed or Gender is this 5, and how old?

    I buy this 5 last week, The owner say they all are 4 months and pullets. I gave them unisex names just in case:) I dont think they all are same age but am New at this. HELP me guess gender, breed , if they are mix breed help me guess mix of wich breeds. When you coment just put the name so I...
  12. WallyBirdie

    Eggs at 4 months?!

    My newer chickens turned 4 months old on September 10th. They're still very young. I went outside this morning, saw a handful of scattered feathers and immediately had to check on the birds. Everyone is accounted for and everyone seems fine, but there was one little egg in the coop! I don't...
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