
  1. P

    Backyard hens in Amsterdam

    Hi, Does anybody know where can I get hens for my garden near Amsterdam? I also need someone with the skills to build them a shed. Thank you!
  2. DC_WIngnut

    Hens head and neck feathers

    So I recently had to rehome a rooster who was just hitting maturity. About a week ago. We have 16 hens, 7 that are around 8 months and 8 that are approx 4months. The rooster we rehomed was from the same hatch as the 4 month crew and we still have an immature rooster who joined our group...
  3. BroodyBambi

    Howdy y’all! I’m new here.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I grew up with chickens and various farm animals all my life. I’ve always had chickens! As life went on I lost my little flock because I became a adult and moved. But now, I got some girlfriends! My husband is new to chickens...
  4. ChicksofHeaven

    combining young roosters with established hens

    Looking for advice and shared experience. I need to combine three young roosters with three laying hens. A little background: I raised three chicks that I got from a guy on FBMarketplace. All three turned out to be roosters. Sigh. They will reach 20 weeks at Thanksgiving. I recently took my...
  5. C

    Integrating new hens or keeping a separate flock for my second rooster

    I have a flock of 12 hens and 2 roosters. They are all roughly 8 months old. One of the roosters is clearly dominant. The other spends his day on the outskirts of the flock or with the occasional hen if they can find privacy. The only time he seems to have much company is in the evening when 3-4...
  6. cowanchickens

    Does anyone know the breed of my hen?

    I have had this hen since she was a chick. I bought her at tractor supply and she was in a bucket with barres rocks. I seen she was different than the other chicks and that’s why I got her. Now that she is grown, she is clearly not a barred rock. Does anyone know what breed she is? I have...
  7. N

    23 week old hens not laying yet

    I have 1 Ameraucana, 1 Red Star (I think), 1 Whiting True Green, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 Buff Orpington hens who all turn 23 weeks old tomorrow (Monday, September 11th). Last week, one of the buffs started laying very small eggs, and has laid 3 eggs since her first egg 6 days ago. But all the...
  8. Muscovy-palooza

    Chicken sitting yes or no, quarantine, etc

    I have a friend that is battling health issues and is going to be traveling out of town for 3 weeks. She doesn't have the strength and stamina to secure her old dilapidated coop and run before leaving. I offered for her to bring her 6 chickens over with their tractor so we could care for them...
  9. T

    Help! Losing hens

    Hi. I have a flock of 10 chickens. Some are close to 4 yrs old. I lost a hen a few months ago and we still don’t know the reason. She had a pasty dirty bottom, walked sort of bow legged, seemed lethargic. Was drinking and eating fine. I treated her for vent gleet, cleaned her bottom, etc. she...
  10. Foundry Barn

    Four 15 week old Sex Link Pullets

    Four healthy sex link pullets available. These girls are in Petaluma, CA and raised by hand. All Marek vaccinated and purchased from NPIP hatchery. These are the sweetest girls and just a few weeks from laying. Sex links are great producers of medium to large brown eggs.
  11. tabs_flock

    Gen 2 Babies

    Hey all! It's been a while (insert guitar chord here) and having a flock of hens has been amazing. The problem has been el doggo. Y'see I got a doggo in December. I love him very much. He's a German Shepherd/Husky mix and is about 10 mos old. The problem: he has a significant prey drive. I'm...
  12. tannahdodds

    12 laying hens for sale Omaha NE

  13. B

    Buying chickens in Central Coast California

    So after buying 3 Pullets in April and having all three turn out to be cockerels, I am a bit discouraged. I was assured they were hens, but…either the breeder did not know, or they were unscrupulous. Either way, I don’t want to do that again. I live in the Monterey Bay area. Anybody out there...
  14. S

    Hens or Roos?

    All bantams. Might be too early to tell with some of them! But curious if anyone has any guesses.
  15. M

    2 hens raising chicks, 1 hen biting

    I got fertilized eggs from a neighbor and 2 of my hens hatched 6 chicks. I put them in separate enclosure, but one hen (Betty) is biting one of the chicks that is a different color from all the others and causing a bit of mayhem. It looks like the other hen could take care of all 6 just fine...
  16. C

    Any guesses on my flocks different breeds?

    First two pics are of one of our girls. She’s big and docile. I’m thinking splash Orpington? And then I’m wondering about the two in the front of the third pic. - the black and white one (Sussex?) (lays pinkish eggs) - the red one (to the right of the other one) (lays light green eggs...
  17. C

    Integration Advice Needed

    Hello :) I need some help figuring out how to introduce the new members of this flock together. Currently have 8 laying hens. 9 in the brooder that are 13 weeks old. Acquiring a 15 week old Black Australorp rooster next week. What would be the best order and way to introduce these birds? I would...
  18. isabellajosie

    Help? Hen with white spots on her comb.

    Hello. I have a year old Easter Egger hen who I noticed yesterday has these raised white spots on her comb. They almost look like calcium deposits that are stuck to the comb. When I researched this, most results that pop up are about it being early signs of fowl pox. I have not noticed any...
  19. C

    Broody hen hatching eggs

    I have over 150 chicks and chickens all barred rock and I have a question about my broody hen that has been sitting on eggs for the last 3 weeks. Her hatch day was yesterday and she hatched 4 babies out!! She has quite a few under her still. I originally gave her 12 but she accumulated a few and...
  20. proudduckowner22

    Egg eaters

    I have a flock of about 20 hens, mostly lohman browns. I have been experiencing egg eating happening a lot lately, and is getting out of control. I got 3 eggs from them today. Should be getting my usual 1 and a half doz from them. This is so frustrating, I have them always with 17% poultry...
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