
  1. Mo_fawaazzz

    The Thorfinn Homesteads' photo dump

    life with chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail, and guineas in a neighborhood 😅 rainy day photos: Chicken government committee meeting (mr boss rooster is on the far left side of the circle) Mallards are super quiet for 99% of the day but when the females quack they quack loudly for a good 20...
  2. LizzzyJo

    What are your homesteading goals for the year?

    Mine are to raise more meat chickens, to not have to buy vegetables for a few months out of the year, keep up egg production, raise my first grain for bread making, bee better at harvesting my bee’s honey, be more efficient with the compost from the rabbitry, and can/freeze more from the garden...
  3. L

    Introducing Birds on Bridgepath

    Hello! I found this forum while researching ways to help my duck with an infection. I’m still battling this issue and may make a separate post later if I can’t find the answer in another post. I started my flocks a few years ago. We hatched chickens through my work at the local elementary...
  4. GenerationHomestead

    Thanks for having us!

    Thanks for checking out our post! We’re completely new to chickens and are currently incubating about 35 eggs in a Farm Innovators 4250 on day 10! We have gotten our eggs from friends that have Rhode Island Reds (of course), Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons, and Australopes. We have a homestead...
  5. LizzzyJo

    Homesteaders unite!

    Anybody out there trying to begin homesteading or grow your lifestyle? What's something that you did this year to advance your goals? Did you have any failures? I had a few wins and some losses - my wins were doing meat chickens for the first time and making good money off of rabbit sales. My...
  6. Isadora

    Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

    Hello, guys Over the last several days, we turned these two: into all this: And that doesn't include the bacon! Today I'm going to start the wet cure process. 😋 My husband left the hides, heads, and legs on a tarp off the porch while we cut it all up and the neighbors dog stole one of...
  7. AGDependentFarm

    Quail Condo Update

    Quail Update Attached is an update video of my Quail Pen if your interested.
  8. BlackTigerCurse

    Rabbit Breeds Suggestions?

    Hello! I'm planning on getting rabbits in the pretty distant future (like minimum 4 years away yet) and I was wondering what breed people would recommend for me. I've kind of done some research but I haven't really fallen in love with anything yet. They would be mainly meat rabbits for my dogs...
  9. Kittys Coop

    Can you use edible flowers if your chickens free range?

    Hi! A lot of my birds free range and it’s brought up a question. Can identified edible flowers still be used if your birds free range? If you know anything about Upstate NY in May a lot of our fields are covered in Dandelions and I would like to make some jelly. I would of course be cleaning and...
  10. U

    Wanna-be homesteader

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens! I first got my freshly hatched chicks in November 2021. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 (3) What breeds do you have? Hy-line Brown (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard...
  11. DramaBrahmaMama


    Y'all... My husband is a magician!!! Last fall my husband and son were able to do some salvage work on a building that was going to be demo'd. They pulled studs, and plywood and screws and nails. There was some steal siding and peak caps laying behind the building. I put some ideas down on...
  12. WinniesHenHouse

    Greetings from the Florida Gulf Coast (Panhandle area)

    👋 Hey y'all! I'm Winnie and I live in the Florida Panhandle on the beautiful Emerald Coast. I'm new to chickens... in fact they haven't even arrived yet but will be here on Thursday. I found the thread with the new member survey so here we go... (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you...
  13. GemmaGA

    GemmaGA: My Suburban Homestead/Self-Sufficiency Journey!

    So we started with backyard chickens a couple years ago (it really is the gateway drug to farm life....don't ya know...) About a year ago, we bought a new house on 4 acres. It's just on the edge of the suburbs out here in Northeast GA. I love this house. It needs work, and it's a little...
  14. B

    Hello! Newbie here :)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! Picking up our new flock this weekend! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 0 - will have about 6 (3) What breeds do you have? Buff and lavender orpingtons, faverolles, Rhode island reds, and americaunas (4) What are...
  15. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster Garden Paradise Project

    Starting this thread to record the progress of turning a wheat field into a garden/chicken paradise. At least that is my goal... we shall see how it turns out. I grew up in the Seattle area but I've always dreamt about getting away from the people and living off the land. I've started and left...
  16. jabou29

    Newbie Introduction

    Hello all, I’m a newbie in the community of chickens. I’ve had two hens for about a year now but I got them as adults and now I’ve recently added 3 Wyandotte pullets who are 2 months and 2 straight run Splash Ameraucana’s who are almost a month and a half. So it’s a mystery to see if I got two...
  17. S

    Hey Guys! Heres my Chicken cover crop mix. Thoughts?

    1. Red Ripper Cowpea 20% seed protein: 25% 2. Sunflower mix 15% seed protein: 30% 3. South Anna Butternut squash 15% (butternut squash x seminole pumpkin) seed protein: 30% 4. Amaranth mix 10% seed protein: 13-18% 5. Buckwheat 7.5%...
  18. ChickAsThieves

    Looking for a Business Mentor

    I have been raising and breeding chickens for over five years as a hobby only. My significant other and I have purchased 320 acres in rural Vermont (Northeast Kingdom) and are in the early stages of building our homestead. I would like to start breeding and selling rarer breed chickens as a way...
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