
  1. P

    Not sure if chicken or turkey

    Hi, We adopted these two yesterday from a rescue. They were abandoned. We're not sure if they're chickens or turkeys though. Thanks
  2. Twalk12

    New to poultry and waterfowl.

    Hi there! We have 27 red sex links and some new unidentified ducklings. In may we will be getting our lavender orpingtons delivered. We are very new to backyard chickens and hoping to learn a lot here!
  3. Sonson

    Meyer hatchery BBS Ameraucana without beard/muff?

    Hello! Long story short, can anyone confirm if it's possible for a Blue Ameraucana to be without a muff or beard? I was under the impression that they always have a muff and beard and that the Meyer ameraucanas are true ameraucanas; Meyer's website even lists them as having beards and muffs...
  4. EdgeC

    Duck or Chicken egg?

    Hello, first year raising chickens... or any animal for eggs. We started with ducks (around March 23rd) and followed with our first run of Chickens around 4/14/23. We also have a few younger runs... With that said... I kind of expected duck eggs a month or so ago but nothing... Then today This...
  5. S

    Help identify eggs?

    Can anyone post pictures of their barred rock eggs and of their bantam eggs we have a dark brauhma bantam and a porcelain that could be laying Trying to figure out if the brauhmas could be laying early by chance or if our barred rocks are just laying smaller and way lighter eggs compared to our...
  6. S

    Easter egger chicks?

    I just got 2 super fluffy cute Easter egger chicks! I was wondering if anyone had any that looked like them and have pictures of what they ended up looking like? Thanks In advance!
  7. joycekarschner

    What kind of chicken is this?

    I received this chick as a freebie when the other 15 I ordered? I think it looks like a Brahma but I'm not sure. It is around 6 weeks old. Can anyone help?
  8. J

    Wasp Advice/Assistance please?

    I discovered (amd I don't know how I missed them until now) wasp or hornet nests in and around my coop and need some help to A) Identify if possible, and B) Know what to do with them. I don't necessarily WANT to kill them, but I don't really like the idea of an active nest INSIDE the enclosed...
  9. T

    What breed is this?

    Was supposed to be a black australorps. Has a pea comb by the looks of it.
  10. FarmerMoogan

    Help identify these chicks!

    Hi All! These were sold to me as “6 week banny chicks” they seem extremely small and I am just confused on how big they will be. Can anyone identify what type they are exactly? I have other 6 week chicks and they are huge compared to these little guys! Thanks!
  11. gwells1980

    Calling on EE owners, Help ID this rooster parents!

    Hello, i was given an "Ameraucana" that is actually an Easter Egger, which I am fine with, he is an amazing looking rooster. However I am having a little difficulty identifying his parent's breeds. Obviously one was an Ameraucana. The other is???? A Cream Legbar perhaps? I saw several...
  12. gwells1980

    Ameraucana or Easter Egger?

    Hello! A gentleman in Lucasville, Ohio gave me an amazing looking rooster this evening. I finally have a rooster to look after my 5 hens. I have never raised any Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas before so I have no idea which this is. He said it was sold to him as an Ameraucana but it probably...
  13. R

    Bantam Frizzle hen or rooster?

    Hello folks. We added 4 new chicks a few months ago, making them about 3 months and 1 week old. Unfortunately, the Crested Polish was a rooster, but I'm having a bit of trouble identifying this frizzle. No arching tail yet. The unusual feathers make it hard to tell whats pointed. There has...
  14. L

    Silkie X Polish cross Gender

    Polish X Silkie cross 12 weeks old Was pretty sure was a pullet, now not so sure.
  15. SouthCoastEasterEgger

    Gender on 3 month bird

    I need help identifying the gender of The light brahma(?) In the front of the pictures. I'm thinking cockerel 😩 but hoping for pullet 😅 Bought about 3.5 months ago as day old assorted bantam. Thanks!
  16. W

    Identifying young ducks

    Hi! I’m new to this forum! I’m searching assistants on identifying my 3 young ducks. I got them as duckling from a feed store but they were unsure of the breed. They are 8 weeks old now. I need help identifying their gender and breed. Thanks! I attached some pictures I took today (8 weeks old)...
  17. SouthCoastEasterEgger

    Bantam Identification

    Hi there! I bought these Bantams from a mixed bin and was just looking to get help identifying breed and gender. They're about 5 weeks old now. Thanks!
  18. C

    Does anyone know what kind of rooster this is i can get better pics tommorrow

    This rooster was give to me does anyone know what kind he is he's pretty friendly for a rooster
  19. T

    Not what he was claimed to be.. so what is he?

    I had to get a new roo as mine got killed defending his ladies.. This guy was given to me. I was told this guy is a silver ameraucana.. I didn't want to insult the lady and say it isn't, but it is very obviously not, as my last roo was a silver and looked nothing like this one. does anyone...
  20. Ashley4

    Please help settle this debate

    My husband thinks this baby is a Easter Egger Polish mix. I think it is from our cream barbanter. What are your thoughts of what this baby is?
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