
  1. CALB00

    Sick Turkey

    I have a 2.5 month old turkey who's been acting sick these last couple of days. Hunched over/droopiness, ruffled feathers, pale, definitely weak and not as active as usual, some weight loss (from loss of appetite), and this weird green diarrhea. She's such a sweetheart I would hate to lose her...
  2. B

    Urgent help please!!

    Unfortunately my male quail is very unwell. This has happened all of a sudden as he was fine midday but nearer evening time he became very sleepy, tired, keeps shutting eyes, lump near throat area. Not eating or drinking, blood a few times in poo. Very slight redness around backside. I’m...
  3. RareChicken

    Help! Rooster NOT doing well (photos included!)

    I have a rooster that’s been ill since the 3rd. Here’s the story… I noticed that he didn’t seem his typical insane self on the 3rd. That same day we had a rooster get his comb almost ripped off by what I believe was a barn cat from someone else’s property. I believe it grabbed him through the...
  4. CreativeChicken08

    Groggy chick. Need help!

    So, we hatched a bunch of eggs on October 30th and 31st, and one of them, who might be half golden laced wyandotte, has been acting groggy lately. He stands kind of huddled and fluffy up, he stays by himself sometimes, when I give water to him he won't drink. He also wobbles when he walks, and...
  5. P

    What is killing my hens? Two died, a third one seems about to.

    Hi. Sorry, this is probably going to be a really long and complicated case. If you find it too long to read, please tell me and I'll shorten it. I adopted 3 hens from my neighbour, about a month ago. Two of them died, in circumstances I'll detail later. In total, I have 7 hens. I had 9 before...
  6. A

    Chicken missing feathers

    I have 3 hens, and one of them has feather loss on her chest/neck and belly. It doesn’t always look red, but sometimes it looks REAAAAALLY red. For example when i took the attatched photos, ten minutes earlier it wasn’t red at all, and then it looked like that. Ive wormed them and given them...
  7. L

    Rooster is looking extremely weak

    I’m first time owner of small flock of 7, I think my rooster might have coccidiosis. My rooster is looking really weak lately, he’s not really lethargic but he looks very weak, he can barely support his weight, his legs are shaking, walks around like drunk, little confused and has very watery...
  8. H

    Egg bound or egg broken inside?

    I’m new to ducks. I got 2 pekins. One male and one female. Had them for a few months now. Yesterday all was good. I went to feed and both came running and quacking and she was bobbing her head as usual. No problems. This morning I go to the pen to feed and my girl Dixie is laying down bobbing...
  9. S

    Help! Sick chicken!

    My favourite girl Ethel has suddenly become ill. She’s huddled up can’t keep her eyes open not interested in food (she normally gobbles everything) and she’s very slow wondering round the garden. I’ve checked her bum and vent can’t feel anything and no discharge. Her crop is soft. I can...
  10. E

    Fowl pox in chick 12-16 weeks old; vaccines/treatment?

    Hello, I have a happy, seemingly healthy young chick born mid April. She showed a few black spots on her comb. One quickly became inflamed and scabbed over. Now she has one on her eye and one on her chest. They get bigger daily. Is this fowl pox? If so, do I just use the sprays or vaccinate? If...
  11. R

    duck wheezing and sneezing

    hi, first time owning ducks, i searched for similar questions but still not sure so i prefer to make a thread i have 5 ducks, 4 weeks old. they sneeze a little and one of them is wheezing, not all the time but if i'm near them long enough i will hear it, i think only one of them is wheezing...
  12. L

    Chick with a gas-filled crop! I need advice!!

    This chick had to manually be hatched. It is 6 days old. Today I noticed that it was stumbling around and it's crop was filled with gas. It hasn't eaten all day but it is drinking. Any advice??
  13. TOPChickens14

    What is going on!?

    I made a post on here not too long ago asking about a hen of mine that is ill. This one: This is a follow-up post because she has gotten worse. I have confirmed that she isn't egg-bound, and doesn't have...
  14. S

    Possible Fracture or Break (Sick BCM Roo)?

    Hi BYC— This is Sir Robin. (pict below, I cannot figure out how to place in-line) He is a seven-month old Black Copper Maran who, if not the bravest roo in our flock, is certainly the most handsome. He was quite the vocal young rascal and ladies man shortly after he grew up. Unfortunately...
  15. J

    Hen passed away, not sure from what

    So my hen passed away today and I'm trying to figure out from what and if I need to worry about the rest of my flock. So I knew she was sick but I didn't think she was this sick untill yesterday. So I'll start from the beginning, as you can see I have a previous post about it. It first started...
  16. B

    Indian runner duck suddenly won’t stand or walk

    We have a 2 year old Indian runner duck who has suddenly gone off his legs and just cannot stand up for more than a few steps and then slumps down onto his tummy to lie down again. We have no idea what’s going on as she was fine a few weeks ago. She lives with 6 chickens in a coop and run and...
  17. S

    Something is wrong with one of our ducks

    Hello, we have four ducks a month old almost exactly. They just started spending days outside. It is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. They have water and food in a 5x5 pen I made them. Recently, starting this morning, one of our little ones, Peanut, has been acting lethargic. She sits there...
  18. P

    My chicken has seizures and can't walk.

    My 1 year old hen has became ill all of a suddena and can't walk and gets seizures all the time and jumping in pain what medicine should I give him NOW
  19. S

    Turkey screaming and itching?!

    Hi, I’m new to backyard chickens! my turkey poult (almost 3 weeks old) is the only turkey amongst ducklings and chicks. He was doing fine and was very active and happy until earlier today when he started screaming constantly and running around everywhere only stopping to itch his neck or stab...
  20. L

    Wobbly Chicken

    Hi all :), We have just bought two white leghorns around two weeks ago, apparently at point of lay but am presuming they are younger due to size. One is doing well, however the other one has become lethargic in last day or so, will eat and drink have a short walk around but as soon as it...
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