incubating eggs

  1. B

    New incubator anyone had it ?

    Hiya everyone I recently bought a new 24 egg automatic incubator and I’m just wondering if anyone has had it and if they think it is any good as I have spent a lot of money on my different eggs and really want my eggs to hatch iv been keeping my humidity between 45-50% and heat 37.5C sometimes...
  2. A

    HELP!!! Broken egg on 19th day

    i have an egg that is due in two days and i was opening the incubator (which i know im not supposed to do in lockdown but i have a staggered hatch) and the incubator lid fell on an egg and its really badly cracked and had a little trail of blood. i feel terrible as this is my first major...
  3. Silver6780

    HELP! I threw that white thing that came with my janaol 10 egg incubator!

    When I unboxed my 10 egg incubator there was this white circle thing inside the incubator and when I saw YouTube vids about this incubator they said that u needed that white circle thing that was inside ur incubator. I ACCIDENTLY threw it I didn't know it was needed :( what should I do now...
  4. SuperMyke

    They are NOT Bantam Bunnies!

    :bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun:bun :weeWell off for a new adventure! :wee I hatched regular chicken eggs with about 80% hatch rate. Now the Bantam eggs are next. Sunday I...
  5. Leihamarie

    Dropped egg (and cracked open) 2 days before hatch!! Is it hopeless?

    Hey all- so... I just did the unthinkable. I couldn't leave well enough alone and was candling the fertile eggs under my broody one last time before hatch. One of my chickens flew up and knocked an egg off the counter. It fell and cracked open. I quickly wrapped it in a wet paper towel and put...
  6. BabySweetsTurkeys

    Blood ring day 6?

    Can someone tell me if this is a blood ring or not? It’s still early so it’s hard to tell.
  7. StarnesCoveFarm

    Hatching & Incubating Eggs Using Janoel 12 Incubator

    Hi, I purchased the Janoel 12 Incubator to use to hatch out some of my chicken eggs and my Pekin duck eggs. I tried to read the manual, looks like I need a NASA engineer degree to understand it!!!!! This will be my first time using an incubator and I would hate to lose any chicks or ducks over...
  8. MiBirds

    Incubating 2.5 week egg correctly?

    Hey peeps! so my mama silkie has been sitting on her egg for about 2.5 weeks now (that's my estimated time) but today we cleaned out the coop because it was dirty in preparation for the chick. I know you're not really supposed to move the hen when she's sitting on the egg but we thought it would...
  9. Adrien515

    Hiring Someone’s Else to Hatch my Eggs?

    Hey guys, I just ordered 12 BCM eggs and 6 Ameraucana eggs for the grand total of $110... that’s a lot of money!! I’ve only incubated a total of three times, the first time confusing humidity and temp, second time I left for a week and the person didn’t read the instruction, third time power...
  10. LaLaLaLauria

    Quaility Control- To float or chance a bomb on day 14?

    Hi guys, noob first time quail (anything actually) incubator. Today is day 14 and we will be going into lockdown. I do not have faith in my ability to candle these little spotted eggs effectively so my question is: Do I not candle, not float, just put the eggs in lockdown and pray for no...
  11. skidoolady

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    My first crack at incubating- went in this afternoon! If all goes well we’ll have some little chickies for St.Patties Day!
  12. Tiana's chickens

    unusual ways to incubate eggs

    When I tell friends I recently hatched chicks in an electric frying pan, they all think I'm crazy lol! But I just got a bit creative and made do with what I had at the time. I was just wondering if anyone else has any stories of hatching chicken eggs in different ways? This could be an...
  13. Carlswani

    Age of egg advice needed on lockdown

    Hello! I’ve had two failed hatch attempts and think the second was due to too high humidity during the whole incubation process but the problem is 5-10 days into the last hatch I got a frizzle rooster and was so excited to see if he was fertile I put the first one of his eggs in just to see if...
  14. The Golden Egg5

    Broody hatching help

    I had my 6mo pullet go broody a couple weeks ago. After a little while of sitting constantly, I gave her a clutch of 5. The next day she decided to give up. I don't know how much she sat on the through the day, but that night a different one of my girls went broody and she is looking like she is...
  15. Leaguinea

    Candling during incubation

    I am curious about candling eggs during incubation. How do you candle the eggs without allowing them to cool too much? Is it harmful to them to be picked out of the bator and candled and then air hole marked before replacing in the incubator? Does this temp fluctuation affect them? and also how...
  16. Smanwaring

    Hatching chicks in incubator

    Hello everyone! I am wonderin if my eggs have a chance of hatching since there was no water put into the incubator at the start. The eggs are due to hatch this Friday or Saturday. This is the first time I have every tried to hatch eggs in a incubator, I followed the instructions on the...
  17. Kealey

    Unknown Difficulties

    I raised the first half of my flock from chicks bought at a farm supplies store, I just recently started trying to incubate my own eggs now that most of the flock are laying and I'm running into a lot of issues. The first three eggs that were going to hatch did not make it. We had one the never...
  18. D

    Automatic Turners?

    So recently I've been trying to hatch some of the eggs are chickens lay to try and build up our flock. So I started using our automatic turner, and I've been able to get the eggs to day 18 with living embryos, but it seems like as soon as I remove them from the turners, which they're in a...
  19. StrivingForBetter

    DIY Incubator

    I just started my first batch of incubating on the 7th (a dozen lavender Orpington eggs and a dozen blue laced red wyandotte eggs) in some homemade forced air styrofoam incubators. So far the temps are stabilizing really well (one at around 100 and the other at 99.5) But my humidity is low (I...
  20. Lazy Farmer


    I am always looking for improvements as far as increased hatch rates. No matter if it will be performed by my trusty broody hens or my climate controlled incubators. No matter the method I choose, I feel that if my eggs are stored correctly while I am waiting for enough inventory to place into...
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