incubating eggs

  1. Lazy Farmer

    LEAKING L.G. INCUBATOR. repairable?

    Incubator leaking. Draining out of 2 channels. It's a Little Giant Styrofoam Bator so some chems might melt it. Was a slow leak and have had a plastic pan/tray under it for a couple of months. But now it drains fast. Any ideas..? Tape gets soggy quick and Doesn't work. Any styro-friendly cures...
  2. Lazy Farmer

    Is it Possible to have " too much" Humidity? (INCUBATION)

    Is it possible to have a level of humidity which can be detrimental to the development of embryos of pre hatchlings? If so, what could the characteristics if the possibility of such an event occurred? Keep in mind the temperature would be carefully monitored by digital and analog devices...
  3. Lazy Farmer


    Right on time, exactly at 8 a.m.. Placed the eggs in the Little Giant Incubator 21 days ago at 8a.m.. Far out! Time to play the lottery. 51 eggs all hand turned average 4 times a day. Candled at day 15 and had 37 positive fertile eggs. We put hot tap water soaked washcloths rolled up in all 4...
  4. Aziara

    Persistant shrink-wrapping problem

    I have done 4 hatches so far in my incubator, and this problem occurs in all hatches, to about 25-50% of the hatch. It has occurred with chicks from several breeds, and also to a Chinese painted quail chick, so I know it isn't a genetic issue. The incubator is a little giant still air...
  5. Lazy Farmer


    A short time ago, a drunk driver took out a power pole on our street early one morning. It knocked out our power feed. The utility crews replaced the pole after the rescue and the police did their stuff. The whole ordeal lasted about 3 hours. We had 2 Incubator going. One was on day 15 and one...
  6. Watercrystals

    Overdue Eggs - Please Help!

    Apologies in advance for lots of reading, but this situation is rather strange and I'm new to this. Okay, so long story kind-of short...My mother wants to raise chickens. She set up an incubator etc, and put in about 36 eggs, different breeds (I had no idea she was planning this so don't know...
  7. CourtCalee

    Is it too late for this duckling?

    Help! My incubator humidity dropped and this guy internally popped two days ago. He is still giving me small movements. I broke open the shell to give assistance and have been wetting the membrane for the past 8 hours with no further luck. What should I do now? Is it too soon still and he wasn't...
  8. S

    Dark eggs/ enlarged and multiple air pockets.

    I currently have 2 separate batches going on in my incubator at the moment. Well my first batch has only been in for 6 days and I have 2-3 eggs that either are completely dark on the inside and I'm wondering if they are bad. I have another that has multiple air pockets. I'm not sure if they are...
  9. DameHillDucks

    The Shells of Infertile Eggs

    Hi everyone, We keep ducks, and have noticed a phenomenon I just haven't heard a lot about. Not infrequently, we get a "striped" egg. Just looking at the egg, it doesn't seem different from any other. Thickness is good, size/shape is normal. We noticed these when my sister began blowing out...
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