incubator advice

  1. Faisal12

    Seeking help: High egg mortality rate and peachick loss during breeding season!

    I'm experiencing a problem during this breeding season... I've encountered significant losses with my eggs in the incubator, and I can't identify a clear cause for this issue. I had a total of over 20 eggs from two different pairs, but only 7 of them successfully hatched. Most of the remaining...
  2. saving grace

    Incubator's Temp Alarm Won't Stop Beeping

    So, I bought a cheap HHD Chinese incubator second hand a couple years ago and I'm finally trying it out for the first time. I got it all set up and tested it for a day with great results. The temp stayed pretty steady the entire time, and there was absolutely no beeping or any issues. I put...
  3. CalBickieMomma

    Concern about Chick Legs Getting Caught in Incubator Grate

    Hello Chicken People! The first grade class where I work will be hatching out Serama eggs - or at least we're going to be trying to hatch them out. I think I've got everything set up properly, but my concern is when hatch day arrives, the itty bitty legs of the chicks might get caught in the...
  4. A

    Less than half of fertile eggs are developing

    Hi! First time incubating chicken eggs. I bought 12 fertilized eggs from a local farmer. I put them in the incubator after letting them rest on the counter for 8 hours. My temp has been at 100.5 and humidity at 50%. I candled them yesterday at day 5. It seems like 5 of them are developing with...
  5. MCchickies

    Can I move my less developed eggs into incubator? URGENT

    I am in a little of a pickle… My hen has gone broody and has been laying on eggs for 17 days now. There are 3 eggs that are on day 17 expected to hatch on January 13th (21 days). There are also 3+ eggs that are developing but probably on day 7-10. This happened because my other hen has been...
  6. J

    Failed Attempt at Hatching Pekin Bantam Eggs

    Hi there everyone! I recently went to a breeder and got 6 Mille fluer and Porcelain Pekin bantam eggs. I have a Janoel 24s incubator. She had been saving them for a week which I have read is perfectly fine. I candled the eggs at day 8 and saw that 5/6 eggs were developing which was great! Soon...
  7. D

    Hatching chicken and duck eggs - declining rate

    Hi all, I hatch duck and chicken eggs for a local farmer when he needs to increase his flock maybe 2 times in spring/summer, have done for the past 5/6 years. In the past, I’ve usually put 6 eggs in a small incubator and got at least 5 if not all of them out successfully. However, this year...
  8. F

    1502 Sportsman Incubator not keeping high humidity

    So I bought the 1502 sportsman incubator a few weeks ago and I have guineas hatching right now. Keeping the humidity up has been a constant struggle, once I finally get it up it goes right back down. My Guinea keets are pretty much all stuck inside the egg due to low humidity and I’m having to...
  9. R

    How to keep my incubator at the right temperature?

    Hello! I am new to this site but I have seen many people’s questions get answered so I figured I’d give it a shot. This is my second time hatching eggs in this incubator (Little Giants Incubator) and the temperature DOES NOT stay at the correct temperature. If the set temperature is at 99.5 the...
  10. C

    Opinions Needed ! Incubating an abandoned Egg, Unsure of what day it's on !

    Hello ! First post on this website, I am hoping that some people have some words of advice for my situation. Note : Am new to incubating and raising chicks overall. So as of near a month ago, one of the bantams of the coop went broody. She had a clutch of about 4ish eggs but the numbers kept...
  11. Reawsphant01

    Problems with Brinsea OvaEasy 380 floor

    Hi guys, It been a while, unfortunately I sold all my hens and my hatching business because I had to focus on my Alevels. But I still have my Brinsea OvaEasy Incubator in my garage sitting there collecting dust. So I decided to sell it, upon doing so realised that the metal on the floor of the...
  12. Shipgirl

    Do you need to turn on the incubator early?

    I have the NR360. I’ll be getting hatching eggs in the next couple days. I read the instructions so I understand how to turn on and use, but my question is, do you have to turn it on early or preheat it? Or do I wait until the eggs are in?
  13. R

    Incubation Humidity Dropped Over Night

    It’s day 15 of incubation and my humidity dropped from 55% to 38% overnight. When I came to check I immediately brought it right back up. Now I know the humidity is high, but I read that in Oklahoma my humidity should be about 55%-60%, I’m not sure if that’s actually true, but I am keeping it...
  14. R

    Incubator Fell from Auto Turner and New Incubator Recommendations

    I am using a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance with the auto cradle, and when I had lifted the lid a few times to add water my incubator for some reason has fallen from the cradle 2-3 times :/ I know this can hurt the chick and I only checked one egg right now and it has a blood ring. I’m going to...
  15. Tiltom

    Day 23 more than half haven’t hatched???

    Hello! I am new to incubating and hatching. This is my 2nd run. The first hatch was amazingly successful. We got 24 hatched out of 30 with only one rooster. Not even sure how we did that! We have the Maticoopx and live in a camper so with little to no room we set the incubator outside in our...
  16. R

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    This is my first time hatching any type of chicks. I have already hatched 7/16 chicks so far and they’re all fine! Now this one pipped last night sometime between 10 and 12, I went to sleep and when I woke up it was a little more open. Now it is nearly 6 and there has been no more movement. I...
  17. R

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    I have already hatched 7 chicks so far and they’re all fine! Now this one pipped last night sometime between 10 and 12, I went to sleep and when I woke up it is not a little more open. Now it is nearly 6 and there has been no more movement. I took most chicks out and put them in the brooder a...
  18. M

    HELP my incubator got to 110° do they still have a chance?

    Help my incubator got to 110°F it got to that in 30 mins before I found out. So it wasn’t on that the whole time but I’m really scared I killed them. They were my first time incubating coturnix quail and I have had trouble the whole time. I couldn’t candle until day 8 or 9 for some of em and...
  19. T

    Experience with this incubator?

    I’ve never incubated before, but I’d like to give it a shot. I hoped someone had insight into this incubator. Brinsea is WAY out of budget! KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator with Humidity Display, Egg Candler, Automatic Egg Turner, for Hatching Chickens All suggestions...
  20. M

    Just Hatched D

    This duckling hatched about 10 minutes ago and seems to be doing fine except for this large attached bulb. What is this? What can I do about it? Is this normal?
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