intro introduction new member

  1. jlaffeldt

    Saying Hello

    Just posting for the first time! My name is Jenna and I am a self-proclaimed crazy chicken lady. (My husband agrees) My family had chickens when I was growing up, and I always thoroughly enjoyed them. Now that I am a little older, I have started a flock of my own. My specialty is Salmon...
  2. ILoveSilkieChickens

    Hi from Missouri

    Hi, I’m from Missouri and I’m newbie here. I’ve loved domesticated chickens since the year 2000 but I could never get to have pet chickens until this year. I’m an animal lover and birds are among my top favorite animals ever. I have three chicken chicks. One is a Light Brahma, the other is a...
  3. wyandotte102

    How do I help my ducks get along???

    Hey guys! My name is Stella, and I recently moved to country to start a little farm. I have two ducks, a drake and a hen named Honey and Butter. I recently bought two more ducklings (Happy Feet and Biscuit). I believe that one is a girl and the other a boy. I've had the ducklings for almost two...
  4. teignch1cken

    Hello from new member

    hi there! I just joined this forum but I have been referencing this website for various chicken questions for the past several months. I thought it was time to join! I have four chickens- two speckled Sussex pullets, one buff Orpington, and one Cornish. I bought them from a farm I used to...
  5. xleslieanne


    Hello all! I'm Leslie, located in southeastern Michigan and am pretty much completely new to chickens! My best friend had some as pets growing up, but it's been about 20 years since then, haha! My fiance and I have been discussing options for quite a while and my daughter has developed a...
  6. brb5

    Hii whats up!

    My user name is BRB5 and live in oahu, hawaii . I got my first chicken back in 2005 and now 14 years later i now have 12 chickens. Theyre all named after local chicken dishes but i dont eat them i just use their eggs. I have two ameraucanas named miso (hen) and mochiko (rooster), two RIR hens...
  7. B

    Finally Signed Up!

    Hey yall! Heather hailing from Alabama here! Just wanted to take the time to introduce myself. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I've been taking care of my mother in laws chickens since July of 2016 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have a little...
  8. Hensley Flock


    My name is Kat, I’m fairly new to chickens in general. I got them around March this year (2018) and I’ve never been happier. They helped me through my horrible stage of depression and continue to do so! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I suppose I am quite new to...
  9. J

    Aloha all!

    Aloha, My name is JadeCardinal and I live up in Maine. This is the first year we are raising chickens! I am mother to 8 chickens in all, 3 Brahmas, 1 Bantam Brahma, 3 Andalusians, and 1 magnificent indoor pet Sultan ! I love my chickens, even if they do test me like Game of Thrones.. as their...
  10. M

    Introducing myself, and the ladies

    Hello! My name is Richard and I live in Hungary, near Budapest. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? (1) We first got chickens when I was around the age of 6, and I got my first own bantam pair for my 10th birthday, and, considering I'm 30 now, I would say that I'm...
  11. sable43140

    I'm so excited to be here!

    Long time reader, first time member, I've finally made the leap! Here goes nothing as they say! 1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes and no, we moved to the country a little over a year ago, but almost immediately bought chickens right after. (2) How many chickens...
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