mama heating pad

  1. L

    Last Minute Questions

    Hi BYC! My first ever poults are set to ship out on Wednesday and I am anxiously/excitedly awaiting their arrival. In the meantime, I'm reading through as many new BYC threads as I can trying to make sure I have everything ready to go, and its brought up some new questions for me: - Is it too...
  2. S

    Brooding Question

    Hi! First time chick owner here. I am getting a mixed flock of layers (full size and bantams) in mid Oct. I was researching brooding options and came across the Mama Heating Pad method. I was wondering if I could get help figuring out if that is a good option for my chicks. Originally I was...
  3. Hickorywildchix

    Brooder Heating chicks per heating pad?

    Hello, I know there are a thousand and one threads but I am looking for specific info regarding size (I purchased 2 xl sunbeam pads) to the number of chicks it will accommodate. I have 50 Babies arriving mid Feb, I will be raising them in a cold warehouse space in Buffalo NY and would prefer not...
  4. ShrekDawg

    Heat plate?

    Do you have to use a heat lamp for meat birds??? I usually use heat plates or a heating pad cave (MHP) with all my chicks but I’ve read you can’t really do that with meat birds? Wondering if that’s true or not??? I’m considering getting some meat birds and would really prefer not to use a heat...
  5. CharmingBranson

    Mama Heating Pad Help - New Chick Mama

    Hi everyone! New chick mama... 😬 These girls are more nerve wracking then raising human babies 😂 I have created a mother heating pad set up. It’s 12 x 24... it’s 1.5 inches high in the back and 3.5 inches in the front. The ground under it is measuring 85-90 degrees depending on the height of...
  6. confettifarm

    Hello from Oakland!

    Hello chicky friends! Super excited to be here! My fiance, our poodle, and I are about to embark on our backyard chicken adventure. We've just moved from downtown to a more suburban spot with a big half acre -- ripe for raising chooks and growing veggies :) Tonight we're headed to the local...
  7. SlatyGapSis

    First timer with Outdoor brooder

    I built a small raised coop that I plan to brood in with the mama heating pad method. It has plenty of hardware cloth windows for future ventilation - I planned it based on Prince T Woods fresh air poultry houses. I’m going to cover the lower openings until the chicks are feathered out and ready...
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