mating ducks

  1. M

    Male ducks doesn't finish mating

    Good evening all, I have two male ducks and one has recently been overthroned by the other and chased around by the other make (there are plenty of females to go around). I've noticed that recently when he is able to get hold of a female duck, he starts his business, but doesn't finish. This...
  2. DovesFlock

    Why do my ducks nibble me so much?

    I have 2 male Pekín ducks I raised as babies (as well as a female muscovey but she’s on the skidding side. I didn’t raise her.) And they LOVE to nibble on my kinda hard. I don’t think they mean to do it so hard but I also can’t tell. If I don’t have closed toes shoes on they chase my feet...
  3. basiljowii

    Ducks trying to mate with Humans

    A few months ago we hatched a female duck and she’s always been attached to me following me around and wanting to be picked up. Recently when I’ve been picking her up she’s been trying to mate with me. She’s in a flock with other ducks (male and female) so we’re not sure why she’s doing this. Is...
  4. BlessedChaosHomestead

    Runner mating with non-runners?

    Forgive the ignorance and what not. Still new to the poultry/waterfowl world especially with the mating area. We have a male runner duck. We have 2 female runner ducks. (One is almost 12wks, the other laying.) Then we have a hodge podge of different breeds of ducks. Swedish Blue & Black...
  5. D

    New to this duck raising

    Good day, well I’m new to this. I’m not quite sure how to use this but I’m gonna give it a shot. I hv property in a small town in Washington state. I am close to water way. Across the street from me. So with that said I shave a large pond feed by underground springs. And it is full all year...
  6. Launchpad

    When to get females to fix Male : Female ratio/behavioral between flocks

    This will be a somewhat lengthy post with 2 major points: When to get the rest of the females/what age/breed Where/how to house them since each of my two duck factions has a male and they are in the only 2 enclosures I currently have Quick recap: Got a pekin male (Niles) and female (Daphne) and...
  7. The chicken nurd

    Any way to keep my duck from mounting the other ducks

    I currently have 3 duck hens and 11 chicken hens no drakes or roosters One of my female ducks who’s bigger then the other 2 will mount and try and mate with them I’ve also seen her favor one of my chickens I know this is normal for no drake in the flock but I’m a little worried she might hurt...
  8. T

    Mating in Ducks

    I have 6 ducks (2 females, and 4 males). They are around 6 months, and we just got our first egg. Recently, they’ve been showing signs of aggression which I’ve heard is common during mating season. They have been together since they were a few days old. I’ve noticed they’ve started ganging up...
  9. T

    Aggressive duck mating; drake attacking hen; pulling out feathers and causing bleeding

    Hey all! We have one drake and three females. He is very aggressive when trying to mate with the same duck. He pulls her feathers out to the point of exposed raw skin and bleeding skin. I crate him separately at night but I’m at my wits end and thinking of re-homing him. Anything else I can do...
  10. S

    Should I keep my ducks separated?

    Hello, all! Quick question. I have 2 ducks, about 4 months old, a male and a female. The male keeps pinning down the female by her neck. I took this as bullying and separated them, because I read somewhere that they're not sexually active until they're 1 years old, and any behavior like this...
  11. BrOwOke

    Will my female "over mate" the other female

    I have two female Pekin ducks, Shia and Beepers. Ive had Shia since she was a chick and I got Beepers back in September when Shia's mate died. Beepers was my Aunt's duck, her mate died as well and so my aunt gave her duck to me so our ducks wouldn't be lonely. They get along nicely, they walk...
  12. Jenthecanadian

    Runner duck over mating?

    I have a lovely Muscovy girl that I believe is being overmated by one of our runner drakes. He constantly follows her around and mates with her. He first tried in the pool but I think he couldn’t, erm, make it work mechanically, so now he chases her around on land. I didn’t realize he was...
  13. S

    Male duck trying to mate me😩

    So my male pekin is coming up on 4 months old and he is obsessed with trying to mate with me! He has females but he’s not interested?😩 it’s getting to the point where I’m covered in bruises from him and don’t know how to make him stop! I thought he wanted a lovely cuddle last night and to my...
  14. TT43

    Ducks eggs, separation

    Do Ducks lay on eggs in the fall? Can I seperate my female duck from my males Ducks, to give her a little break? How do you introduce new ducks to a new flock? I put a female in with 2 males and another female and the males pulled out so many feathers and hurt her. Also, my males ducks are...
  15. H

    New flock member- mating/separation question

    I just acquired a new female Duck who is about 2 months younger than my existing flock. She hasn't reached mating age yet, my existing flock has been mating for quite a while now. My question is, do I need to keep her separated from my drakes, or is this something that I don't need to worry...
  16. EronicaV

    When is it safe for ducklings to be mated?

    Last week, my 2 adult ducks (Pekin female, khaki Campbell male) and my 4 two-month old Female ducklings finally got to spend extended time together while I watched over them. The drake would chase the ducklings now and then and keep them away from any treats, but nothing too bad. The female...
  17. eliz_anne

    Mating/ Laying Eggs

    Hi everyone! This is my first go at ducks and having duck eggs. Last week, one of my female mallards flew away for a few days but has since returned. Upon her return, the male ducks began mating with her. Something that has not happened before. Today i went out to do my daily cleaning of their...
  18. April and Andy

    One male one female duck

    Hey guys! My two ducks are finally to that age where I can confidently gender them, Andy is definitely a boy and April is definitely a girl. Is this okay? They are Cayuga ducks, and getting another duck is not an option in my space. I got them for eggs, and one of them just was mistakenly a male...
  19. Maddiejayne

    mallard duck mating

    I have 9 week old female mallards (my latest babies) and they’re starting to free range. I have 6 older male mallards showing a huge interest in them, but I don’t want them mated too soon. What’s the best age for when the babies are safe to mate?
  20. R

    Larger duck attacking mallards

    Hello! First time posting on here :) I have a garden with a pond and for several months there have been a couple of mallards (male and female) spending the majority of their time here. They're very sweet and we have no problem with them being here, I even bought some duck food to occasionally...
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