my flock journey

  1. LilFinnGirl

    Happy Healthy Hatching!

    Stuck at work currently, wanted to share my three newest arrivals (since, ya know, I can’t be at home snuggling them). Bertha and Nugget hatched yesterday around lunch and Dale hatched early this morning. Will use this thread as my photo dump for these little ones as they grow up. Bertha...
  2. Sparkzthechickenkeeper

    Starting the Sparks flock

    I’m starting a flock @19 years old, I still live at my parents house (yes I know it’s in the works) my mother raised chicks and had chickens of her own 10 years ago. I had been wanting to raise chicks again for a long time! I figured with all the egg crisis stuff going on, my family goes...
  3. Bonkerelli

    The Life of being Little... my Seramas from eggs and beyond

    Hello all! In a few hours, I am getting some Serama hatching eggs and going to document each step of the way. From incubating, to hatching, and growing up little! I love these tiny birds. They are full of character and generally are very sweet. Hoping you join this journey with me! @sourland...
  4. How I Found and Created My Chicken Flock and Coop.

    How I Found and Created My Chicken Flock and Coop.

    Me and my aid/special needs assistant started our chicken flock 3 weeks before building and buying the chicken coop and run. We went to tractor supply after eating lunch and looked at the list of live baby chicken chicks in large grey tubs with heaters and feeders and waterers. We each picked...
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