new chickens

  1. Chickenvader

    New chix..who dis?

    Hi all! I'm Katie from the Eastern Panhandle of WV. My fam & I just got some new chix. They're 5 weeks old. We have 5 right now. 2 Speckled Sussex & 3 Blue egg layers. We're getting 2 more in July (Buff Orphingtons). QUESTIONS: 1. TEMPS: At 5 weeks, they're huge. As I understand it, as long as...
  2. K

    New chicken bullying old flock

    Hi all, We recently added 4 adult chickens to our existing flock of 5- we had them in a fenced off part of the yard for 3 weeks, and have let them mingle in the 1/4 acre yard the last week. The two flocks are mostly just ignoring one another, but one of the new hens (a blue laced Wyandotte) has...
  3. S

    Introducing myself

    Hi everyone! We live on a little over 5 acres in semi-rural Illinois. We had discussed chickens and bees since we moved out to our little slice of quiet life almost 6 years ago. This year, I decided I was ready and spoke with a lady in one of my Facebook groups who ran a small farm and raised...
  4. T


    Hello, I’ve been poking around this website for years. Finally made it official and became a member. I had a flock of chickens about 15 years ago, and another a couple of years ago, so I consider myself a newbie. We went to a feed store that has some little peepers, and I thought it would be...
  5. thlayli

    New House, Old Coop

    Heyo! Old member coming back after several years -- I had a flock of 17 when I lived in Washington after getting out of the military, but still-enlisted Husbando got orders to California and the chickens couldn't come. Now that Lady Navy no longer gets a slice of me OR my man, we've contracted...
  6. Cloverr39

    3 new silkies!!

    Sorry, I'm just so excited that I had to share this somewhere. Just got 3 silkie hens today!! They're so cute!! This is actually my first time owning silkie hens. Last year almost all of my silkies turned out to be roosters and the 1 pullet ended up being killed by our dog. Sad... I'm not sure...
  7. A

    Introducing new birds to an unestablished flock

    In the spring I will be receiving 6 RSL hens and two weeks later will be introducing 6 Orpingtons to the flock. My coop is currently empty and I've cared for both breeds before but have never had to introduce new chickens. Most introduction methods talk about established flocks however I'm sure...
  8. MiniBarnFarmMaine

    Which Is The BEST Incubator?

    Thinking of hatching some of my eggs that my new layers just started laying. Cracked one the other day and it is indeed fertile (white bullseye). Which incubator have you used faithfully that gave you the best hatch rates?
  9. Birdie mom

    Moving away from my chicks 😢. Preparation???

    We are moving away from NC, and heading up to PA. Unfortunately, we have to leave our chickens behind 😢. However, our friends will be renting our house, and they are planning on combining their and our flocks. We have about 18 hens and 4 roosters (I should probably cut down our rooster...
  10. B

    Ading chicks to the flock

    So I bought 20 chicks (19 dead), the last one seems to be fine. I bought few chickens(grown up) and only one left. So can i add that small chick, my only hen seems to be kind cuz she basically ignores him if he is near. Even if i can, how?
  11. lunahills

    Younger chickens sitting most of the day

    I have two 8-9 month olds and two 8-10 week olds. I’ve been alternating them between a coop/small run and a tractor each day. You can read the full background of this set up here: The younger ones are active when...
  12. lunahills

    Bloody poop from new chickens

    We just brought home 3 new chickens on May 22 to join our one lonely hen. I’ve since noticed runny poop and now bloody poop. I have an idea which it may be coming from (one of the 8 week olds), and based on what I’ve read it is probably coccidiosis or worms. Should I treat all the hens with...
  13. Kirmi8

    DE eye irritation

    Is it possible, or has anyone encountered severe eye irritation or respiratory issues due to using DE copiously? Just wondering if my two new hens are experiencing this, as they are absent of any other symptom other than sneezing occasionally and some eye discharge. They have treated with oxy...
  14. Norma_Lorp

    New girls - new drama

    picked up a silver Wyandotte and a buff orp yesterday to add to my three original girls who are almost 2 yrs old. Lost one of my brahmas last week due to unknown cause- it was always a little off so maybe there was always something wrong with her. Sad. The Wyandotte has quickly become the...
  15. S

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi there, New Chicken mom here. We live in NYC and after reading up on backyard chicken keeping, my husband and I decided to try our hand at raising a few. We purchased 4 Production Reds when they were 10 days old. They are now 7 weeks old. We have a coop that is designed for 4 chickens. The...
  16. C

    Newbie looking for some help im kinda worried

    Hi all!!! I'm new to having chickens. my other half has some experience but not enough to help with my question. I have been having some issues with my chickens. they were laying perfect before we got them, for a few days after we got them and then it changed. only one was laying then they both...
  17. S

    New to backyard chickens!

    One of our granddaughters who lives with us turned 17 today. She wanted chickens for her birthday! In Evansville, Indiana, you're allowed 6 backyard chickens, so she just walked in the door with an Isa Brown, a Buff Orpington, a Barred Rock, a Black Australorp and 2 Rhode Island Reds. We have...
  18. T

    New hens seem weak

    Two days ago I got my first chickens. They came from family friends as they have plenty of chickens and had no problem letting me take a few. Two of the hens seem to be very strong and healthy. They scratch, eat, hop around, dust bathe, roost, etc. I have yet to see an egg, but I’m assuming...
  19. W

    We have chickens again!

    Hi! I’m a returning member. We just built the new coop at our new house and got 6 chicks. They are 3 Auracanas, and 3 Buff Orpington. I’d say they are about 3 weeks old. we live in San Diego, California in an unincorporated area and we have a pet potbelly pig and 3 dogs. The chicks have a...
  20. P

    New chickens + old chickens at night

    Hello everyone! So, we just got two new chickens to add to our two-chicken flock. We made the calculated decision (although it ended up being a mistake, which we knew it could be when we did it) to let them interact after one day of separating them through cages. Pecking order ensued. My...
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