new chicks

  1. S

    Brooder sizing help

    We have our chicks coming April 1st. We ordered 6 EE’s and plan to get 2-4 more the same day, probably Australorps maybe split 2-2 with Plymouth Rocks. So 8-10 total. What size brooder should I use and how long are they able to stay in that size brooder. We are looking at possibly using a...
  2. The_Chicken_Tender

    Can I put chicks from the store under my broody when her eggs hatch???

    I have a broody and her eggs should hatch in about eleven days (hopefully they are fertilized!) A farm supply store nearby is getting chicks a day before our eggs hatch, and I wanted to get a few new breeds. Can I put the chicks under my hen at night when the other ones start hatching? Would she...
  3. DClopein

    Tips For Introducing Younger Chicks To An Established Flock??

    Hello. 👋 I recently got 2 Polish Chickens. 😃 They are around 10 or 12 weeks old & right now I have them in their own separate pen right up against the big coop so they can all get usto seeing each other. I was curious as to what you do to safely introduce younger chickens to an already...
  4. A

    So glad I found you - thanks for having me!

    Hi. I was lucky enough to learn a little bit about chickens at my former job where I worked at a therapeutic riding center that had chickens and sold eggs. I loved when I could help out and take care of them - trying to soak it all in - hoping we would have some one day. Fast forward some...
  5. J

    I’m not so smart in some areas

    My brooding hen has been given extra eggs, fertile, by me. When they hatch will she treat her bedmates any different? Will they still be welcomed? Do I need a second coop? I’ve got three grown hens riding on your answers. Please inform me on what to expect.
  6. Harmoni

    Dog crate question.

    At least one of my 2 eggs have hatched, either last night or early this morning. I have a make shift nest box with food and water inside a dog crate. I know the chicks will be able to fit through the bars. When do I take the crate away? I figure I will leave the box for sleeping since they need...
  7. chickenchicklady

    Splayed leg?

    Is this splayed leg? I just received my box of chicks in the mail this morning. All of them seem to be doing well, even this little guy, other than his leg and having trouble moving around. He’s quite lively.. the only one who has eaten food yet.
  8. khloee

    New guy

    Hi everyone. I'm a new member to the backyard chickens team. I'm one of the younger chicken mommas. About 4 years ago I had a flock of four hen, three of which were named after the Three Stooges, the other was a bantam and a silkie roo. Unfortunately all but one of my birds was killed by a...
  9. CHlCKEN

    I need help with a DIY chicken run separator!

    My littles are growing up so fast! The three big girls have met them through bars and although don’t think much of them now, they will when the 4 chicks move into the big run with them. I want to make a temporary diy run separator for my omelet run, one with a door so there is simple access. How...
  10. O

    New Button Quail Chicks

    I just got 10 button quail chicks 2 days ago. They had just come out of the incubator that day. I’m struggling to get them to eat and drink? I don’t know if I’m expecting them to eat and drink more than they’re going to? They’re currently just curled up together by the heat lamp not doing much...
  11. tiawieclaw

    Scared Leave Chicks Alone While I Go To Bed

    This is really stupid but I don’t know what to do. last night was the first night with my new chicks and i’m scared to leave them alone for longer than an hour and a half. What can I do to make sure they are ok for a couple of hours while i sleep? They have had pasty butt but they are all clean...
  12. M

    Integrating New Chicks to Flock HELP!

    Okay I am VERY new to this. I got my first ever day old chicks the 1st of April, I wanted 7 chicks but two ended up being roosters so now I have 5 twelve week old pullets. On Friday I went out and picked up two more pullets who were also supposedly the same age. However, these new little ladies...
  13. Q

    New member intro

    Just returned to chicken raising after a gap. It all started with a turkey egg hatched at home in a box (thanks for the info to get that far). She now has a number of little friends that served as tutors for eating and drinking. She, “Giblet“ , is doing great. Unfortunately, one of the...
  14. Silkiechicmom

    My Broody Hen is finally getting what??

    Hello! My silkie hen has been broody for almost a month. I have finally sourced some silkie chicks and I am planning on getting a few and sticking them under her come nightfall. I would love advice on this process. Do I need an additional heat source in the coop? I have a radiant heat...
  15. Grimx18

    I don’t know how to get a few new chicks to safety

    Hi guys, I haven’t been on here for a very long time, but I came back with an issue, we got some new chickens a while back, that are very timid and afraid of human contact, I have been staying with them most days to try and get them to feel comfortable with me, recently one of these chickens...
  16. C

    Sexing help!

    Opinions on what these littles might be! 1. Lemon pyle brahma 2. Cream legbar/brahma cross 3. Cream legbar/brahma cross
  17. B

    Chicken+ Guinea Update

    We've gotten addicted. It's only been a few months and I'm hopeless. Update on the Chicken Flock We got 22 new chickens. All of them are female but three, but the person who gave them to us accidentally bought full Rhode Island Reds instead of Bantams, which is definitely a problem seeing as we...
  18. chickenbritt5908

    How to vaccinate freshly hatched chicks...?

    I have a week before my incubator babies are supposed to hatch. I want to give them the best chance so I understand vaccinating can help with that. When, what, how do I vaccinate them once they hatch?
  19. snkjohnson

    bigger chicks picking on smaller chicks

    I have four 5 week old chicks that I got as babies. Yesterday I was picking up feed and was offered three more chicks for free with my purchase (getting older and they're trying to get rid of them I suppose). They must have looked a lot bigger in their small brooder at the store because when I...
  20. BluebirdHomestead

    What Do I Need On Hand

    Hey all! I’m getting a batch of 2 week old chicks tomorrow and I’m wondering what do I need to have on hand aside from the obvious (brooder and feed)? Thanks!
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