new chicks

  1. czarinapl

    Help! Chicks dying like flies .... :(

    Hi there, I am new to keeping chicks, and my first week of experience has been extremely disheartening. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. tl;dr 2 out of 6 4-week-old chicks have died, 2 look like they're at death's door. Providing they survive, can I safely integrate the 2...
  2. A

    New chick seeking guidance.

    My name is Amber. I have had chickens for a year and a half but am new at hatching chicks. I live in Alabama and have 5 bantams and a mallard. I solely have these chicks and ducks for the love of them. They are like my children. I am seeking knowledge and advice. We naturally hatched...
  3. MIchickenlady

    Where can we get just four Buff Orpington female chicks??

    Hi everyone! So we got the ok from the village we just moved to recently that we can have four hens!! We brought our empty coop with us, (profile pic) so now we just need to find new babies. I've been online today searching for Buff Orpington chicks, one local hatchery an hour away wont sell...
  4. SBmember

    Brooder heat plate confusion

    Brand new to chicks. Our chicks came in the mail yesterday at 3 days old after a 2 1/2 day trip, we have a fairly large brooder 3x4 1/2 roughly. 3 feet tall. It is a wooden crate with a hardwire cover, a premier heat plate in a corner, water dish with rocks, small feed dish, twigs/branches and a...
  5. Saoapril

    What are my breeds

    Hi! I have order a mixture of chickens from Murray hatchery and have no idea what breed my chickens are. Any idea?
  6. Saoapril

    First timer

    Hello! I'm new to raising chickens and we just got our first 17 yesterday! I have no idea what breeds I have. I bought a verity pack. I was heartbroken today as we lost one tonight. It had a pasty butt. I cleaned it and separate it from the others, kept it warm and try to revise it with some...
  7. Jrobinsonmtplus3

    Diving head first into becoming a Chicken Momma! Need all the advice :)

    Hey Y'all! We are getting into the thick of gathering supplies for our run and I'm trying to find a decent coop for our needs. Our chicks are due to hatch the week of June 5. We have 2 of each of the following coming, All sexed females: Speckled Sussex Barred Plymouth Rock Golden Laced...
  8. jennajolynne

    New to Poultry

    Hi everyone! My name is Jenna. I am from upstate NY and I am a newbie to poultry. I am a new mother to two pekin ducks my uncle so generously bought my daughter for Easter without my permission but then I went with it and added on to the funny farm. We have a two week old rouen and a two week...
  9. M

    Hello from Magnolia, Tx

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and also to the chicken world, and as a mater of fact, one of my chicken has 10 eggs and one of them has opened. I don't think if it's time to hatch because the embryo is still inside a bag with liquid. I took the shell off thinking it was dead, but it moved, so I...
  10. RHChicks

    New to the chick world

    Hi, in our neighborhood we have re-purposed a kids playhouse and sandbox into a community chicken coop. We are starting with 9 chicks. 3 Silkies, 2 Buff Orpington, 2 Rhode Island Red, 2 Bantam Barred Rock. We are going to use tubs for the brooder. I have uploaded a photo of our work in...
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