
  1. P

    Newbie to BYC; Chicken Farmer Since 2019

    Hello, all! I am a pretty new chicken farmer, but I love it! What got me started was two things: Drawing caricatures of kids (it was one of my regular jobs for decades!) and the Mark Lewis documentary, "The Natural History of the Chicken". If you haven't watched that, you can see it for free...
  2. K

    Hello chicken havers!

    I am very new to chicken keeping but I've been doing a ton of research on coops lately so that we can be prepared to get some chicks next spring! I'm a big DIYer and consider myself pretty handy. My hobbies are vast but all center around creating things, fixing things and visual artistry in...
  3. M

    Chicken transportation

    This may be a dumb question, but I’m new to this adventure of backyard chickens and don’t actually have any yet but was just curious how everyone transported their hens home from wherever they purchased them at? I have a medium size dog kennel that could fit in my suv but didn’t know if it was...
  4. TropicBirb

    Hello from Thailand, a Newbie

    Greetings from Thailand to all of you on BYC :) Still a newbie here. I've been raising chickens since Corona struck and got an offer to rescue Rhode Island Whites that were scheduled for culling. I have no prior experience, so it forces me to learn as I go. It's been an enjoyable ride as I...
  5. Chickn10der

    Hey Ya’ll 🐓

    I’m terrible with introductions, so I’m just going to do a lil copy/pasta 🙃 (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Pretty new. We had chickens and ducks off and on growing up. My husband grew up with Chickens. We got our first chicks for our home this spring. (2) How...
  6. B

    Hi yall!

    Hey everybody! I'm a newbie here! I'd like to introduce myself and my feathered friends. I just start raising chickens a few months ago after a year of raising ducks. Ducks just werent for us. My family didnt lime the eggs. Anyway, I've got 4 new hampshire laying hens and 1 roo, 6 barred rocks...
  7. Justbackyardcrazy

    Evening everyone! New and no clue!

    Evening everyone, I’ve been on here getting some well needed advice from many of you seasoned chicken keepers, this is my first and probably last hatch. I sincerely don’t know how you guys do it. My hat goes off. I have a few eggs we decided to hatch from a farm but we haven’t any idea what they...
  8. G

    Chick pipped egg then died. Upon opening it hadn’t popped the air sac though.

    Hello! New here so I need some advice. I’m incubating chickens for the first time after mainly just doing quail. I ordered eggs on eBay and noticed an egg a little cracked on the outside but thought it’d be ok in the incubator ( might’ve been my first mistake ). Things go smoothly and I go into...
  9. L

    Newbie with big dreams 🙋‍♀️

    I started a little backwards here. Posted my questions before my intro...oops... I have been using BYC as a resource for a few years now. Recently had some processing questions I couldn't find answers to so I finally signed up. And everyone has been so helpful!! I had chickens all growing up...
  10. Lauren51

    Newbie from NW IN introduction! Chick with diarrhea ... ugh ...

    I'm a homeschooling gramma with a 9 yr old granddaughter. I thought chickens would be a good way to stave off any food crisis in the future AND be really educational for all of us. Needless to say, this has just been TOO MUCH FUN. We got them before Easter and today they are in their new coop...
  11. Chicken_Mammy

    New but eager to learn!

    Hi everyone! I’ve technically been a Chicken Momma for about 5 weeks now, but I want to learn from all of the seasoned pros in this forum! I’m here to make sure I’m doing all that I can to make my chicks as safe, happy, and healthy as possible!
  12. GhostGirl

    Newbie from PA!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? -I actually have had chickens before, but originally found this site because I got ducklings and there was a lot of helpful stuff here so I thought I’d join! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? -2 ducklings (3) What...
  13. Shugercube

    Hi y’all!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m a proud new chicken owner! I’ve always wanted chickens, and we finally moved to where we’re allowed to own them. So of course I wasted no time! Lol (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 8! (3) What breeds do you have...
  14. A

    Quick Question for SoCal Chicken keeping!

    Hello everyone! This will be my first official post on these forums and I just wanted to ask a couple of questions. The main one being is, and I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere. What is required for me to own a small flock in the back yard of my property in SoCal? Specifically...
  15. Thecharmingchickenmama


    Hello, I’m Charming. I live in northeast Louisiana. I have 4 chickens for now. I’m learning a lot. I’m so glad I found this place.
  16. Chookmama72

    Hi from Marion Alabama!

    I just moved here and live in cow country! I just got some chick's (4) girls and am in love already. 2 are Barnevelders and 2 are blue Plymouth Rocks. I'm trying to tame them but they're so skittish. I've only had them for a few days so I'm hoping they'll warm up to me. I'm happy to be here and...
  17. FluffyzGMa

    FluffyzGMa iz a n00b

    Hiii!!! We (reggietherooster and out 2 littlez) just got our first chickyz today!!!! Barred rox, GL Wyandottez & RIRz! We are expecting some xtras, bantams & ducklingz next week. Oldest baby is pumped for the silkies. She is naming one fluffy- therefore i am Fluffy's Grandmother. [hence The...
  18. Clodhopper

    We had chickens when I was a kid. This’ll be easy!

    Yes, I’m one of those guys who thinks I’m hilarious. Just bought these cuties yesterday and am grateful for a wealth of wisdom and information that will keep me from losing my mind as I experience the agony and ecstasy (yes, I can also be melodramatic) of chicken husbandry.
  19. S

    Cayuga duck eggs, busted yolk?

    So this is my first time ever incubating eggs or even seeing fertile eggs. I have 9 Cayuga duck eggs and one of them looks different from the rest. None have any veins yet, that I could see when candling today, we’re on day 5 of incubation. Is this egg okay? I think there is a vague smell. No...
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