please help

  1. Chickenwithnobrim

    Majorly deformed egg. What the h*ll is this

    My chicken laid this small soft shelled egg, then laid a normal egg the next day, and next thing she lays is this monstrosity! She was having issues all day laying it then finally shot this out with an audible squelch this is the first small softshell one ^ and then this is the weird one. This...
  2. G

    Need help figuring out what’s wrong with my serama rooster, thanks.

    My serama rooster about 2 years old was fine yesterday but I was feeding them and changing they’re water like I do every morning when I realized he didn’t come off his perch and I checked on him and he’s pale like most of his face and comb is almost white and I figured out he’s blind too I’ll...
  3. The chicken nurd

    My chickens feet are swollen and I don’t know why please help

    My chicken feet have been swollen for the last weeks or 2 and I don’t know what it is I’ve been soaking her in warm water and Epsom salts and that help bring down the swelling and walk a little easer I thought it was bumble foot at first but haven’t gotten worse and theres no scab I’m starting...
  4. C

    What Gender is General Tso?! Silkie

    General Tso was always a much bigger chick than all the rest. We assumed it was a he because of this fact and temperament. This chick was very feisty and kind of in the other chicks faces. General Tso is about 20 weeks old! What do you think? We already had to unfortunately had to re-home 2...
  5. C

    Chicken having leg problems

    I have a three week old chick who had curled toes when we got her and we tried to fix it, but her legs ended up getting splayed and we tried tying them together with pipe cleaners but it’s causing more problems. We don’t what to do now. She’s definitely smaller than our others of her same age...
  6. sandloaf


    Im so worried about my baby please help Original Post: Hi! Im worried about my pekin duck shes usually very very active and running around but shes been sitting in one spot all day. I made an article previously to this one about how she may be nesting but now shes sitting with her mouth open...
  7. sandloaf

    Worried about Pekin.

    Hi! Im worried about my pekin duck shes usually very very active and running around but shes been sitting in one spot all day. I made an article previously to this one about how she may be nesting but now shes sitting with her mouth open and bobbing her head. She walks very slow and wobbly...
  8. M


    I bought a Brinsea Advanced II. I have chicken eggs inside... I did not put the water in the machine. I honestly thought I was to put the water in during the last two days... Did I completely mess up? Can I still save the eggs?
  9. ChickChic00

    Layer Pellets

    Which layer pellets do you use or think is better? Purina LAYENA Layer Pellets DuMOR Layer Pellets Nutrena NatureWise Layer Pellets
  10. NubbyRyuu

    Help! My Ash isn't doing well!

    While I solved the one problem with my baby Pepper and her slipped tendon, I'm faced with another. My 6mo silkie roo, Ash, has been fighting something for a while that I thought I knew what it was. For two nights, I noticed he'd be the only one with an empty crop before bed, so I'd have to...
  11. D

    Help, day old bantam silkie chicken is walking on curled up toes

    Hey all, I've got a batch of day old silkie chickens and one has curled toes. Most of them have polydactyl toes but this one also has curled up toes. I think from a traumatic hatch, and I say that because I've read about it in this forum when we first noticed it, only one has both feet- one only...
  12. A

    Chicken attacked by dog, please help!

    A dog we’ve been fostering got loose on our chickens yesterday. She attacked one of the chickens by the neck. The chicken is still alive, but she sustained serious injuries. At this point, I don’t know what to do going forward. So far, all that I’ve done is applied hydrogen peroxide regularly...
  13. NubbyRyuu

    Have You Seen Us?

    My neighbor's 3 new Cochins went missing without evidence of a predator attack, and we think someone stole them. She had just adopted them recently from Nevin's Farm in MA; we live in Southern NH. They were part of a group that was abandoned in a cat carrier. The two hens are Rose and...
  14. Katiesue432

    My ducks legs are shaking

    I have 3 ducklings, 2 chocolate runners about a month old and a fawn runner about 3 weeks old. One of my chocolate runners legs are shaking. I know about the niacin, I have them on a chick boost probiotic that has niacin in it along with vitimans A D3 E C and B12 and am following the directions...
  15. K

    Help! Hard Biting!!

    I have two beautiful turkeys, around 8-10 weeks old. My white one was super friendly, never bit and my little black one did bite. I can’t tell if they are being aggressive or just turkeys. I would post the video of how the white one is biting but the platform only does pictures. The white one...
  16. N

    first hatch pls help!!! work in 1 hr and baby has a foot problem.

    ok so I had 2 eggs hatch earlier this past sunday the 31 and then yesterday the 1st i had the cutest baby come out but bam i noticed he has a huge amount of unabsorbed egg yolk and it was still attached to his shell. so in a massive freak out bc almost everything i read told me he’s gunna die i...
  17. D

    Chicken laid in my garage

    I let my chickens out so I can clean the coop. One just dropped a egg that was soft in the garage and now they are trying to eat it. Is this normal these are my first chickens that are laying they have been laying for about 2 months. Could just not like how dirty the coops is this is late in the...
  18. Skyla

    Healthy young chicken's sudden death without explanation, please help

    Hello, yesterday morning I had checked on my flock of 5 chickens and all appeared well and healthy. It was then later that night when I put them to bed I noticed one was showing signs of clear illness. I have lost many chickens for the short amount of time I have kept them (4 years), most for...
  19. C

    Please help my sick quail!

    Hi all, I'd appreciate any advice anybody can give. I have 12 quail and they are 2 weeks old now. It has all been going fine but today I noticed some are not thriving. There are 4 in the flock who have stopped being able to walk. they are just lying down and sleeping and when I put them on their...
  20. P

    My baby chick is being PICKED on by all the other chicks

    I recently bought my second batch of chickens on Wednesday, ( 6 female Sussex and 1 don’t know gender yet Crevecoeur ). The first day they seemed fine had little pasty butt here and there nothing alarming. The next day I started to see a little pecking when it came to the 1 crevecoeur and the...
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