
  1. paradisepentacoop

    5 week old Australorp with issues

    Good day everyone, I spend a bunch of time observing my chicks to get a feel for their personalities. I have a mixed flock of two Silver Sebrights, three Golden Sebrights, and two Australorps. They have been moved from their dog crate brooder to a much larger temporary coop and have been loving...
  2. V

    Hawk got one girl, noticed blood on poop board

    On this past Wednesday, November 22nd, a hawk attacked one of my chickens and messed her up pretty bad. Her back was a bloody mess and I took her to my vet who gave her a couple stitches, gave me antibiotics to give her, and charged me 360 bucks. Oh my goodness. My hurt girl is in my bathroom...
  3. R

    Strange poo, is it worms??! Help a newbie pls

    Hi, everyone! We have two 2-year old bantam silkie chicks, and I have just found som very strange poo (see pic). They have never pooped like this before. Can anyone please give me some tips on what the cause may be? It sure reminds me of worms, but is it really? When you break it apart, it...
  4. Kattzombiee

    Cocci or something more serious now?

    Hi all, 2 weeks ago we had our first sign of coccidiosis with our babies (now 6 and 7 weeks old, then 4 and 5) it was the obvious first signs with bloody Poo from one or two chicks, and another one had very mucusy poo. I got corid, I followed 1 tsp to 1 gal dosage for 7 days. Things were cleared...
  5. ahodges

    Surprising red/orange mucus in poop - please advise!

    We are very new to backyard chickens but so far have successfully raised 8 newborn chicks to be an 8 week old happy healthy flock! One turned out to be a rooster, so about a week ago we gave him back to the farm we got them from, and they were kind enough to trade us a hen who they estimated to...
  6. Chickenwithnobrim

    Grey beige poop?? Help

    Hi, so for the past day and a half one of 3 chicks is pooping these light poops? I have two adult hens and never seen this poop, it looks pretty close to the color of their feed. Heres pics of the small beige one next to a normal poop. No sickly symptoms, is eating and drinking normally, i just...
  7. E

    Small amount of dark red in poop - Coccidiosis?

    Hi everyone! By way of introduction- I am a long time lurker but first time poster! My girls are nearly 2 years old and they are my babies, I hatched them from an incubator by myself. I am a complete and total helicopter mummy and am devoted to my 3 beautiful girls. The issue at hand: When...
  8. T

    Runny poo from chicken

    Hi! I've got 6 chooks, and one of them - a Silkie x Araucana cross - consistently gives really weird wet poos. One of my brahmas also sometimes gives a weird wet one (the middle picture with the slightly more blackish poo is hers), but most of the time it's fine... The Silkie x Araucana...
  9. B

    Not eating enough because picky? Food & Poo Questions. (attached photo!!)

    My peachick is about 4 days old, and likes cooked egg, but doesn't like starter feed. I can sometimes get it to eat if I moisten the egg and put starter feed on it but its not as effective. I feel it isn't eating enough. maybe a teaspoon a couple times a day. What can I do to get it to eat more...
  10. S

    Chicken poo help - lumpy after surgery

    Hello BYC community! My hen had underwent two prolapse surgeries - one on 18th and a second one on 21st. The second one was done as she prolapsed again after the stitches from the first one was removed. Last night, we noticed lumpy poop. We thought it was some rice grains that we had fed her...
  11. 6

    Milky Poo?

    I looked at chicken feces charts, and am unsure how to categorize this... Also, it dried a bit, but a few minutes ago, it had a bit more white around the main fece.... Yesterday, and for the last few days it has been 60-70 degrees. Last night it dropped to 37 degrees, and it still is. So...
  12. Sassy-ChikN Mom

    Normal Poo?

    It seems like every day, I learn something new about my chickens… today it’s again the subject of poo… 💩 from what I’ve read quickly online I *think* it’s normal, but just wanted to check with y’all because let’s face it, I trust y’all more than I do google searches! :rolleyes: First of all...
  13. Sassy-ChikN Mom

    Is this “healthy” poo?? (Pics inside post)

    So I’ve recently been dealing with runny noses and worms in my backyard flock (mix of breeds/ages; but all old enough to be outside together. Recently I’ve noticed some worms in poo (while washing off my porch - a WHOLE other can of worms! Pun intended) as well as a few with runny noses. On...
  14. 6

    Mystery Poo

    Question 1: What does this type of feces mean? Question 2: Is it intestinal shedding?
  15. T

    Abnormal poop?

    Hi there! So this morning I noticed this weird poop that was laid by one of my pullets... just not sure who. Does this look like normal poop? I don't think anyone ate anything that color :(
  16. Goosebaby

    White diarrhea!

    My problems just keep coming.... For the last 7 days I’ve noticed all of my goose flock has increased urates, something’s bothering their kidneys. I’ve also noticed very mild respiratory problems, the occasional head flicking, sounding slightly congested with slightly runny noses in the...
  17. luckysamara199

    Is it normal for chicks to have green poo??

    hello, thank you for taking the time to answer and read this question. I have 3 polish chicks. They are 2 months old I noticed that their poo was a dark green today. I’m not sure if it’s normal or not and I was wondering if anyone has any advice or tips if this is normal or not? I’ve never seen...
  18. Goosebaby

    What causes droppings like these?

    Blood, mucous, possible intestinal lining, gas. Any thoughts?
  19. EggsNchooks

    Cocci?? Help please

    Hi, I live in Australia and it’s heading into winter. We’ve had a bit of wet weather where I live and I was cleaning out my cages and noticed one of my big chooks has had mucus blood in its poo and one of the little pullets. (they live in different enclosures). None of them appear to be sick...
  20. A

    Bristol Stool Chart for Chickens

    Well, not quite a Bristol chart, but as close as I have found. It hasn’t captured every fecal variation, but it has a lot of good information. Maybe we can build on this and have a “Visual Poo Clearinghouse” for normal and abnormal poop to aid in our hen care...
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