
  1. E

    day 22 northern bobwhite eggs havent pipped

    i dont know what to do, they havent pipped.
  2. Patiocoturnix

    Quail color help

    So I have asked a couple of times about colors and don’t think I asked about this one I think it’s a scarlet. correct me if I’m wrong though I’m still new and don’t know all the colors.
  3. foog


  4. LilbirdsMama

    Newbie introduction

    I am new to chickens.I live in NW FL and have two, a rooster that is a blue copper Marans and a hen that is a black Copper Marans. My grand-daughter brought them home this spring from her fourth grade incubator project at school. I Let them free range in our small 1/3 acre yard and they go into...
  5. Patiocoturnix

    What colors are these?

    I know it’s probably still too early to tell what they are but was wondering if anyone on here would be able to. If not I will post weekly pics of them as they grow to figure out coloring. Thanks. If it helps the last 5 pics are the parents. White one is the dad.
  6. E

    How mean is too mean?

    Hi all, I am new to poultry and would like to know if my male quails are being too mean and maybe it's time to add some to the freezer. We have 10 quail (now 9 wks) and split them between 2 cages. The top cage is really frisky and aggressive. I noticed one of the hens had almost all of her head...
  7. rick0200

    Keeping Quail cool in the heat

    I've been raising quail now for about a year and a half. The roughest part of raising these hardy little birds is watching them suffer the heat. I live in NW Indiana and we can get some pretty hot, humid days without wind on a steady basis throughout the summer. Average temps in June...
  8. Patiocoturnix

    Day old chick crowing?!

    Ok so ummmm I don’t know how but my chick hatched less than a day ago and it’s making an unmistakable crow. Do they do this or is my chick special I’ll try and post a video later.
  9. T

    Quail swollen eye and top of head

    Hi, I have a quail who has a swollen eye and top of head maybe. See attached pictures. It is just on one side. Haven't had much time to watch her as I was gone for a few days for work travel. So far she seems to be acting fine, not sluggish, not breathing through mouth all the time, haven't seen...
  10. S

    Quail wounds--pictures--inside job or predator?...

    My 10 week old hens live outside in a pen. Maybe 3-4 weeks ago I reinforced it with small chicken wire 2 ft up from the base after one of my hens was beheaded by a predator. (I reinforced it that afternoon.) Then, the following morning another hen had a head wound. not too bad, bloody and some...
  11. Oob Child

    Female Quail Humping Things..

    So.. I think the title explains itself. I have a quail that I've always thought was male. It's a silver named George who isn't feather sexable and turns 7 weeks old on Wednesday. She is very hyper compared to the other two quail she lives with. I didn't want to vent sex her as she wouldn't have...
  12. Wandering_r0gue

    Serial Prolapse

    I have had 3 hens in the last few weeks show signs of varying degrees of prolapse. I've been trying to researching into causes to see if it is anything I am doing and what I can do to fix it. I have been treating them with witch hazel, and 2 seem to be ok, but just had the third show it today...
  13. HattiLongSoks


  14. R

    Button quail going broody??

    I took out her first ten eggs to give to someone else. I didn't want to hatch them bcuz they looked small. My button quail first laid two eggs after that. They are both next to each other in the cage. I didn't see anymore days following that so I assumed she was done laying. However, I checked...
  15. Oob Child

    Hatching without shell- I'm doing it!

    So, on YouTube there are videos, shorts, etc that show chicken eggs being incubated without shells. I have watched all of these and been fascinated by this for a long time. There was a Swedish YouTuber called SlivkiShow EN who tried this. It took him 3 full years to finally get one to survive...
  16. Oob Child

    What colour is he?

    I have no idea what colour this guy is. At first he looked cinnamon, then silver, then Italian, then Egyptian? Does anyone know what colour he is? You can't really see in the photos, but he's white/peach with light brown patterns on his feathers, but from further away he looks silver/white In...
  17. Patiocoturnix

    Tuxedo coloration question?

    Does anyone know what type of tuxedo this would be called?
  18. Oob Child

    Under $70 incubator?

    I'm looking for an automatic incubator for jumbo quail eggs. I currently have a cute little $30 incubator with no humidity control and manual turning. Not sure where it's from, but I had a 25% hatch rate with it last time which was a bummer. I'm getting some rare quail eggs soon and a 12 egg...
  19. AJ916

    Button Quail Surprise!

    Today is lockdown day for my button quail! We have 16 going right now, all healthy and growing as of last night, and as I was adding a fresh moist towel near an air vent to keep wet with a dropper during hatching for humidity, and setting up for lockdown this morning I noticed some of the eggs...
  20. Squeeing_Onion

    DIY Incubator - did i do this right?

    This is a very small incubator i intend to use for quail eggs. It has two thermometers for redundancy insurance in case one goes goofy, one glass and one digital (needs batteries but it works!). The bottom has a plastic tray for holding water. A hose extends down into the tray so water can be...
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