
  1. The chicken nurd

    List of chicken breeds

    Hi This is kinda random but I’m putting together a list of chicken breeds (not hybrids) from all over the world and I was wondering if anyone has any websites or links to help I’ll post it eventually Thanks in advance
  2. PippinTheChicken

    Pippin's Random Ramblings!!! 🐣😜

    Welcome to my chat thread!!! Please follow all BYC rules! Don't forget to visit my flock thread 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/pippins-flock-stories-pictures-and-updates-%F0%9F%90%A3.1500033/ Thanks and have fun!!! @the_peanut_coop
  3. ButtonHoarder

    The Random Thread Of Randomly Random Randomness

    Random stuff. Chat. Questions. Spam. ANIMALS. Burp. Go.
  4. ShrekDawg

    Weird animal facts

    I am full of weird animal facts today 😂🤣 Just learned them so figured I’d share 😂🤣 Like that killer whales sometimes eat deer and they also have their own distinct cultures and even languages :ep and apparently some even mosh 😂 they even have coordinated hunts and pass their hunting...
  5. ShrekDawg

    Anybody else...

    Constantly finding yourself trying to use BYC emojis elsewhere!? Cause I am. Like... I’ll be on Facebook or Twitter or texting someone and I will literally type out : lau or : love (without the spaces of course). Or I’ll be wanting to use this one :ep or this one :hide because 😱 or 🙈 just...
  6. kelzey

    my little weird flock

    starting this thread so that i can have a place to post some pictures i take of my chickies, starting with some that i took today when i let them free roam for a bit outside of their run. (the first one is probably my favourite.. i love those funny, mid action shots haha) but as you can see...
  7. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Welcome to Insanity!

    Welcome to my Madhouse! Please join me in the insanity and feel free to share your insane experiences! I’ll start off with by listing my “herd” * 50+ chickens egg chickens and meatbirds * 11 Ducks 1 pekin, 5 mallards, 5 khaki campbells * 4 Toulouse goslings, more eggs in the...
  8. ChickChic00

    Chick Breed?

    I got a dozen eggs from a friend and 10 out of 12 are fertile and have hatched. I don't know what breeds she has but some lay light blue to light pale green eggs and I think there was a silver leghorn rooster also that I saw but I'm not 💯 percent sure. It definitely looked like it though. Had...
  9. WallyBirdie

    Birds are my Family

    My favorite part of having little peeps and/or keets is watching them grow and play. Their size, combs/wattles, feather patterns... It's a wonderful thing to witness. As they grow older and learn to socialize and create boundaries and relations among the flock, it can be very entertaining and...
  10. rascal66

    Sudden death in 2mo chick?

    Last night when I was getting ready to bring the chicks into the coop, I found one dead. It had just very recently died as the body was still very warm and limp. The chicks were all eating and drinking and acting just fine. What in the world caused him to suddenly die?? I'm worried for the other...
  11. Bat

    Forever broody

    this post is a bit cross-purpose. One of our hens has been broody for about 4 weeks now and we don’t have a mature rooster. She’s lost a lot of weight and half her feathers - she’s a frizzle, about 18 months. We bought her and her nest inside and have been fattening her up. We’ve put her on...
  12. Matt119911


    Did any of you watch foghorn leghorn as a kid
  13. ladybugchickenfarms


    Hello everyone! I wanted to play a game with you all! It's called Continuation. Basically the game goes: Someone says a word and the next person has to say a word that begins with the last letter of the word before it. Example: Boy. Yellow. Word. Dog. Goat. And it keeps going on! The word...
  14. Cynful481

    Never a dull moment

    I will start with a little back story for those who are not familiar with what has been going on. This past spring my daughter Kayley signed up for the 4-H cackle club. We received 6 beautiful Rhode Island Reds. I just have absolutely adored them since the moment we brought them home at 2 days...
  15. ladybugchickenfarms

    Random fun!

    Hello everyone! This is my first thread since I made my thread months ago about me being new and stuff. I'm bored so I thought that I might as well make a new thread where we could all just have a bunch of fun talking about random stuff! A few people I invite to join are: @Flufferes @Teila...
  16. Star and eclipsa

    Just random

    Post pictures of your chickens, tell stories, or just talk about anything! I want to know about the cute, weird, and funny things your little feathered friends have done!
  17. Chicken_Guru

    Game I Created.

    So I was just bored and I decided to make a game using my knowledge. Here is how the game works, so you start off with a word ex. Chicken. then you have to keep naming thing related to the word like ex. Chicken -> Bird, and have to keep going on, at least 12 times until you get back to the...
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