
  1. elimasmz

    Week old rescue chick with impacted crop.

    Hi ! I rescued an abandoned chick that was on the curb yesterday. I took her (or him) to a vet that said she was 4-5 days old and has nasty infection in her eyes (they were swollen shut and crusted over). I have been cleaning them and applying an ointment and she looks way better already, is...
  2. sokeefe28

    New member Wappingers Falls NY

    Hello all! My name is Shawna O’Keefe and I’m a new member. I currently own several breeds including barred rock, australorp, RI red, americauna and silkies. Myself, my husband and my 3 kids are huge into Rescue mainly dogs but all other small animals too. I’m looking forward to being a part of...
  3. Misty’s Felicity

    Rooster Rescue! (and other chichens)

    So I have decided to open a rooster rescue because there is so many roosters that are in terrible living conditions or abandoned so I figured I would do something about it! I take in all different kinds of rooster and hens I also take other unwanted birds of all kinds if you or someone you know...
  4. H

    How To Catch An Injuried Feral Rooster? Help!!

    Hi everyone! I volunteer at a horse rescue nearby and at the rescue there is a small bantam rooster and four hens. I can catch the four hens without much trouble but the rooster has always been very wild, he won't even go into his coop at night and usually sleeps in with the goat. He's always...
  5. W

    Help!!! Rescued Chicks and They're Dying!

    My boyfriend volunteers for our fair and 50 chicks were not picked up. Instead of leaving them there to die, he brought them home. I fell in love immediately but we are having so many problems. Seven have died at this point and we've had them for 5 days. We have them in our downstairs bathroom...
  6. ChickenNamedTaterTot


    A neighbor has hens and a couple os roosters. She just didn't want them anymore and so i took them. This rooster is now named Jamison Fawkes and he was attacked by an animal while living with his previous owner. She did a good job keepin infection at bay but his leg keeps bending at the joint...
  7. AshleyNicole06

    Rescue duck? What should I do?

    There is a duck that I think needs to come live with me instead of the small pond it lives on in town. It used to live on someone’s property but they dumped it off there. (It’s the only one there) It doesn’t fly at all.. I’m worried for it..beings winter is coming and it gets real cold here! I...
  8. Squeak61


    Hello fellow chicken lovers. Today, I received a email from a friend of mine. There are two chickens that need homes near me. I’ve decided to take them in. However, how in the world do you go about quarantining birds when the weather is below freezing? It’s already cold here in CT. I also have...
  9. F

    Abused rooster looking for home

    I took in what I thought was a chicken. Had no comb, dewlap or tail and beak was cut way back. Was nothing but skin and bones. Now two month later things have started to grow back and it's a rooster. Also is attempting to crow. We can't have a rooster where I live. So I'm hoping to find him a...
  10. G

    Turkey fell off slaughter truck- Rescued but needs help!

    Hello everybody, I just found this today, and I am in need of some help! Yesterday my girlfriend and I got a call saying that there was a scared looking turkey along side the highway near my town. Naturally we hopped right up and zoomed in to rescue the poor guy. I don't have any fowls, but...
  11. msabney

    Are your ducks spoiled? Show 'em off!

  12. annaBsChick

    Adopt A Bird Network

    Did you know you can adopt chickens, ducks and other poultry in need?? This is so cool! - Here is a link to their initial site - They also have pages on Facebook - and Instagram -...
  13. E

    Question in Regards to Breed&Gender of Peachick

    Hi BYC Community, This is my first time posting, and I have the classic question. Ha! So here is a bit of the back story. I live in Mexico, and unfortunately here as in many other countries, there are a lot of strays. Ive lived here most of my life, and have a tendency to take in pretty much any...
  14. Lennea10

    ISO Silkie Hens - Western Suburbs of Chicago - willing to travel

    I am looking for a few more silkies to add to our flock of 6. We upgraded the coop and have room for a few more. Most online sites require multiples to be shipped.
  15. RainForestBird

    Emergency Please Help - Mother Duck Rejecting / Killing

    My broody duck has been sitting on 15 eggs for 4 weeks now. I thought they would hatch 3 days ago but as you know, when a hen is in charge you never know exactly when they will hatch. Last night I was using my cordless drill to make a new duck house for the anticipated little ones to live in...
  16. ChickenMommy83

    New chickens don't know how to be...chickens?

    So I just got two pullets (approx 5 months old) to add to my current flock of 8. I have them in a chicken tractor separated from my other girls for now. My problem though, they don't seem to know what they're supposed to do? They've always been kept in pens with tons of other birds as far as I...
  17. R

    Advice Please Rescuing Muscovy Ducklings

    Some Muscovy ducklings that are almost grown were hit by a car on my street the other day. I have seem them grow since they were very small. Two died , one is limping and two others cant walkl They crawl on their bellies with on leg hanging limp and their wings and other leg propelling them...
  18. bridgetlas

    Help, My girls are jerks to our rescue hen

    I've read a bunch of posts about introducing new birds and we've tried to follow all of that. Now we are weeks of this new chicken not being accepted. Two weeks in a run next to the existing flock and they still won't accept her when we try to mix them. I know it's better to introduce more than...
  19. Katherine Robertson

    New Member from Greene County, VA Kate R!

    Hi everybody! My name is Kate and I have been into animal husbandry for years. My love of birds started with my first budgie, Freddy, and then I adopted several more feathered friends. Right now our family consists my quaker parrot Ozzy, my lovebird Chirpy, and my green cheek conure Agrippa...
  20. Starlings and dogs


    Hi heres some stuff about me I love cooking I love riding horses I love to rescue animals I have 1 dog harriet, 3 cats baby bear, puppy, misty, right now Sadly this is a list of my babies that are gone ruby a dog, dumbo a cat, ave a starling, bobo a cat, oreo a cat, king a dog, jake the...
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