
  1. T

    Introducing Myself!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens, although my husband has had some experience raising chickens when he was a child and teenager. My dad raised chickens after I was already out of the house and while I learned a lot when visiting, I...
  2. Angeltears247

    8 week old RIR.. can anyone help me identify if it's a he or a she?

    This is Soren, my awesome 8 week old RIR, I'm watching this one and trying to figure out if this is a he or a she! I'm suspecting "he" as I noticed that Soren has some black feathers coming in the tail and wings...no crow yet, but maybe to young? I read that RIR pullets are born with a dark spot...
  3. Hannahnanigans

    Breed/gender guesses for some 8-10 week olds?

    Hello BYC! I've lurked around here for a bit and finally decided to join the fun. I've recently started in on my first flock and would love some breed/gender guesses. Long post, lots of chickens. I appreciate any help :) When we got them, the lady quickly told us their breeds, but I've...
  4. R

    new to BYC

    Hi everyone, on I turned my dog cage into my chicken coop. So far it is working out well. I let my 6 RIR out during the day to hunt and then lock them back up at night. I have lost a few to hawks but more to dogs that are strays. My information for raising chickens came from my mom who...
  5. sierraboots

    Needing some insight :)

    Hello all! This is our first year raising chickens. We were born and raised in the city and recently moved our family to an acreage a few hours from the rest of our family so we are BRAND new to this and loving it! Wondering if anyone can give some insight. Our kiddos are wanting to get to...
  6. FlomatonsFlocks

    Rhode Island Reds...Rooster AND Hen?

    As far as we know, they are the same age. Bought at the same time from a local breeder. They look SO different, we believe we have one of each! So please tell me...is it true? Do we have a future Hen, and maybe a Roo?!
  7. AuntRonnie

    New to the chick world but eager to get on with the Chick-nanigans

    Been following for a while now, in anticipation of owning my own. That day has come. We have six chicks (3 wks old now). Two RIR, two White Rock, and two Hard Rock. We've named them and renamed them so when they've held the name for more than a week then we'll share that bit of info. How...
  8. C

    Help eggs look good smell rotten

    I was hoping someone could please help me out... I have a RIR that started laying two weeks ago. Her eggs look fine, normal size, normal shell, the yolk is a bit on the yellow side and they are terrible! They smell like rotting meat and taste is about the same. She isn't acting sick at the...
  9. rgmarch_

    Chicken breeds?

    hello chicken mamas and daddies! I am still less than a year into having my flock, but I have no idea what kinds of chickens I have. I know my roo is a Rhode Island, and I have two girls that are lavenders, but I’m stumped on the others. Any ideas? Thanks, y’all! ♥️
  10. RainForestBird

    Bantam Hatching Eggs - Olandsk, Wyandotte, RIR, Barred Rock

    I have bantam size eggs from hens that are a Barnyard mix of Bantam Columbian Wyandotte and Rhode Island Red, and Barred Rock crossed with Olandsk Dwarf. The hens and roosters (which are second generation) are bantam sized. The second generation bantam size roosters are not related to the hens...
  11. CaptainCrunch

    My RIR pullet aint right :(

    Went to close up the coop for the night and one of my RIR pullets was just sitting on the ground near her feed. I have 1 Australorp rooster, 3 RIR pullets and 3 Golden Laced Wynadotte pullets. All the others were active and running around, but this girl let me pick her up and hold her in one...
  12. My Backyard Chickens

    My Backyard Chickens

    June 24, 2018 Beginning Flock Well, our beginning flock is very different from our dream flock (see "beginning thoughts" below). A friend, and chicken owner, is moving and needed to downsize her flock and asked if we could adopt a few. Of course I said YES! So thanks to her we have 2 Dominiques...
  13. Barn Yarn Chicken

    New Layers Eating Their Own Eggs?

    So after waiting and waiting I finally got an egg from my RIR hen! I decided to fence in a place for them, and buy oyster shell. I found this egg in a little dirt nest, it was busted. It was a small egg. But how can I keep my hens from eating their eggs?
  14. Barn Yarn Chicken

    RIR Chicken Laying Question

    Hi everyone! I am new to BYC website, but not new to owning chickens. I have owned chickens for a little over a year now. And decided that I was going to raise some chicks. I got my RIR chicks in March. So here is my question. My chickens are over 7 mos old and still haven't showed any signs of...
  15. claire4867

    Chickens friendlier after starting to lay??

    So 4 out of 9 of our hens are laying (I think number 4 started this morning because I woke up to the lovely egg song) 2 RIRs and 2 WRs, and I feel like everyone's friendlier since they started?? Like today when I went out to care for them, one of my rocks got on top of the dog house beside me...
  16. Lani loo

    Rhode Island Red gender help

    Hi there can people help me with this RIR gender? unsure of age; guessing 7 weeks?? thankyou :)
  17. boskelli1571

    Roosters - Welsummer RIR

    I have 2 Welsummer x RIR roosters for sale. They are May hatchlings, nice boys but I have too many! They are in search of some ladies to take care of. Situated in the Finger Lakes, Upstate NY. I prefer not to ship if possible. Thanks for your interest, Sue
  18. S

    Coop/Run Size and mixing breeds

    Hello all. I purchased two Rhode Island Red Chicks from Tractor supply about 5 weeks ago. I have been working on building a coop for them but was slowed by hurricane Irma and the damage it caused. I have just completed the coop and it has about 9 square feet of space, one roost, and two...
  19. RhodeIsland2017

    20 weeks Rhode Island Red not laying yet, why?

    They turned 20 weeks old today and still not laid a single egg. I feed them growers pellets(which has 18g protein) and oyster shells (that I don't see them eat it) and I let them free range all day long utill night and our backyard is full of crickets and insects. One thing I'm concerned about...
  20. Chicken_Guru

    Kind of new member

    Hello, I am a kind of new member and never properly introduced myself. So, I am from the San Francisco bay area, my flock consists of 2 RIRs, 1 Leghorn, 2 Cuckoo Marans, and 1 Easter Egger. One of the RIR's name is Nugget, and the other one is tender. The leghorn is the one in my profile picture...
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