
  1. J

    New to chicks and chickens

    Hi everyone, I’m new to chicks, chickens and chicken keeping. I bought 10 Red Production chicks last Friday from a place close to my home. By the following Thursday 4 died and I went back and got replacement chicks, that are now a week behind my current chicks. They are RIR and Americana chicks...
  2. PrairiePeckers

    What colors can I expect?

    I have a Rhode Island Roo with Smokey Pearl hens. Has anyone bred the mix? If so what was the color produced? I have 9 eggs in incubator and 19 under a broody hen! Just curious as what I can expect with mix.
  3. Exhibitionhouse

    RIR and barred rock Gender?

    I have two barred rocks and one of them looks lighter than the other which is making me think it's a roo and my RIR is the most assertive of the bunch. I was also wanting to add a blue australorp to our flock, but are they heat hardy? were in New Orleans and it gets up to 99 here. All of them...
  4. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Fairy Egg & Other Quirks: Should I be Concerned?

    I recently posted about my RIR Willow, who is ~ 4.5 years old. Last week, she started a habit of plucking my molting hen's blood feathers on her vent, so I had to keep her in a separation pen (still in the main run--big enough for a dust bath area, food, water, and a perch). Around that time I...
  5. C

    New Member Introduction!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first flock of Rhode Island Reds back in 2020. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 33! (3) What breeds do you have? 9 RIRs, 23 American Bresse, and 1 Sicilian Buttercup (my only named chicken - Princess...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mid-June Molt?

    I have a flock of five hens who are all a little over 4 years old. Two of the five are starting to molt--a buff orpington and a RIR hybrid. The buff orpington had a light/mini-molt already in May, where she stopped laying for a couple of weeks and lost a small amount of feathers. This molt is...
  7. crazychickenmamamia


    Here is some better pictures of my 4 week old RIRs that I’ve been told are boys by my husband best friend who has been raising chickens his whole life so I’m just curious what you guys think. Thank you :):jumpy
  8. abby_robinson

    Hello from New England -introducing more to flock

    Good afternoon everyone! I'm Abby from NE. I currently have 5 RIR and a mystery bird (if anyone can figure it out, i attached a photo) that just started laying. No matter how much research I've done, this has been a massive learning curve. But its been a lot of fun watching them grow up and...
  9. RIR chick enjoys new run extention

    RIR chick enjoys new run extention

  10. Silkiesaz

    5 week old chicks Gender please!

    I will post pictures of each chick separately there are 4 of them. The yellow ones and Buff Orps/RIR the others are RIR. Thanks for any help you give me!
  11. J

    RIR gender

    Back in April I bought 9 pullets from the Tractor Supply Store. But the more they grow I think I have 6 cockerels and 3 pullets. What do you guys think?
  12. Diveks

    Fairy eggs!

    So one of my RIR pullets has been laying fairy eggs. First time finding this small of a chicken egg, even smaller than my bantam eggs. They look really cute although not much of a meal :p. I wonder when do they stop, guessing its just a hiccup in egg production. Heres a pic:
  13. R

    RIR sexing, first time raiser

    I have 11 RIR all together 10 weeks old. Can anyone help me decide if I have 4 hens 7 roos maybe? First time chicken raiser and this was the batch I've been raising.
  14. lbell908

    Is this rir a roo like I have thought

    I bought this rir 13 weeks ago at atwoods. It was very slow to feather. It has always had curly tail feathers until about a week or two ago. It was the first to develop comb and wattle though. Roo?
  15. C

    Louisville KY - Hens for Sale/Trade RIR & Australorp

    I'm downsizing my flock and I have 2 hens left to sell. Both are about 1.5 years old, healthy, and laying about an egg a day. 1 Rhode Island Red (RIR) 1 Black Australorp Make an offer. I can accept cash or trade for plants, seeds, produce, etc.
  16. R

    Rhode island chick with wartlike growths around the eyes

    Has anyone encountered muscle-like cyst growths around the eyes on a 2-4week old rhode island chicks. No issue found on their eating/drinking. Still active just has the growths. Photo is attached. How do you treat this? Thank you in advance for any response.
  17. Greystone farm

    Starving hen with mass in abdomen

    My hen, Rhody, has a hard and distended abdomen. My vet checked her out shortly afterwards and prescribed her some meds. A few days later, I left to vacation at my cottage and left some reliable family taking care of Rhody. Unfortunately, she has stopped eating and drinking and has become very...
  18. Barredrocker99

    White Leghorn laying soft shell eggs and has very swollen vent.

    I need help :( over the last two or so days I’ve noticed my White Leghorns wings have been drooping and she keeps falling asleep in the middle of the day, and just overall doesn’t look great. I’ve been finding one egg nearly everyday that doesn’t have a hard shell… I’d say for probably the last...
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