
  1. J

    4 week old Rhode Island Reds gender?

    So last week I was worried that one of these two might be a roo (the one with the lighter head). This week we are starting to think we either have two Roos or two pullets. Their combs look to be about the same size now. They were supposed to be sexed pulletd.
  2. Johnaimeelee

    18 week Rhode Island Red Rooster or Hen?

    Hi back again to ask (lol)...Any ideas on if these Rhode Island Red chickens are Roosters or Hens? Any help would be great! We have had a few eggs so far. (There are two marked with purple band) I think the green band one has laid an egg but I thought it was a rooster. Just caught it in the...
  3. K

    RIR with other breeds

    Hello everyone! I posted a week ago about my ISA hen who was a rooster (a very handsome one at that). Thank you all for helping me positively identify him - I found an amazing home for him with other chickens and kids. He will have a wonderful life. My flock is now down to two, a Barred Rock...
  4. SBFChickenGirl

    Bielefelder over RIR - sex links?

    I have a question abou sexlink chicks. I've been reading for a good hour now about sex-linked breeds and nowhere can I find something about breeding barred over non barred. My biels, are (what I would consider) barred. My RIR's are not. So would I get sexlinks? Or would that not work because...
  5. micahdanielr

    Rhode Island Red Rooster crossed back with sex-link hen??

    Hello, I am wondering what will happen if I cross my RIR rooster back with some of my sex link hens. Will the hens that come out, lay just as big eggs or will they not lay very much at all.
  6. KerriChick

    New Chicken Lady-hello!

    Greetings and glad to be here! We finally bit the bullet and bought a mixed flock of 4 brown egg layer chicks in early April of this year when it became clear we would be spending a lot of time with our 3 kids(11,7,6) at home in the coming months! We live in the far east bay burbs of SF. It has...
  7. Grey Gables

    Not sure what’s wrong — dehydration? Parasites?

    Hi, My 5 month old RIR has not been herself the last few hours. I went to let my chickens out of their run and everyone excitedly ran out. She did not, which is very unusual. She eventually slowly walked out toward the others. She kept stopping and standing still for lengths of time. High was...
  8. C

    15 Week Rhode Island Red gender help

    Hi all, Could someone please tell me if this 15 Week Rhode Island red is a cockerel or a hen? No one seems to be sure and we're trying to find it a good home. It's such a friendly and calm chicken.
  9. C

    8-9 week RIR - sexing help!

    I bought 8 RIR pullets from TSC back at the end of March. So far, 6 have solid combs and a few even have the dark/glossy curved tail feathers coming in. I’m *hoping* that I really don’t have 6 roosters out of this batch, but based on reading previous threads, I’m worried it’s true. The two in...
  10. BookThief

    When to introduce chicks to hens?

    I'm very new to having birds, and I need a little help. I have 2 RIR hens, about 3-4 years old, they where gifted from a friend. I also have 15 chicks and 2 ducklings. 5 of the chicks are 4 weeks old, the rest are 3 weeks. The littles are currently in my garage, and I know it's early, but I want...
  11. BookThief

    Chick is growing slower then the others, is there something wrong?

    I have 15 chicks, 5 of which are Rhode Island Reds. I was told the chicks were all about 1 day old when I purchased them on the 7th of May, making them just over 2 weeks old now. 4 of the 5 seem to be developing just fine, with no problems. The last one, however is not. The one seems to be in...
  12. 4sillymonkies

    BO, RIR Roo or Hen?

    I purchased this lot of three from a local feed store on April 1st. They were approximately 1 week old at purchase putting them at approx. 7 weeks now. I'm fairly certain that the RIR is a cockerel, but I'm concerned that both of the BO's are also cockerels. Can anyone help me identify. Please...
  13. Esshea

    Is this really a RIR?

    I got 6 Heritage Rhode Island Reds from TSC. They are about 6-7 weeks old now. As soon as this one’s feathers came in they’ve had blackish “laced” tips. She (or he 😳) is also a bit smaller than the rest of the RIRs. She’s always seemed to fly better than the rest and gets up higher than the...
  14. ourfeathers

    What kind of chicks will I get from these crosses...

    Hi everyone! Sorry if I am not posting in the right thread, I tried to find one more suited to my question but this was as close as I could find. Anyway, I have a cuckoo lemon orpington & leghorn mix rooster. I have a rhode island red, Plymouth barred rock, easter egger, Golden Laced Wyandotte...
  15. Sherryspat8

    4 week old RIR Drama!🐔

    Hello! I am a new chicken mom 🙋‍♀️! I brought home six (2 day old) chicks on Feb 27th from the local feed store, where they stated 90% of the chicks are females. I got 2 buffs, 2 EE's, 1 BR, and 1 RIR. From the get go, I knew one of the buffs was a male (Lemon) - and he happens to be the most...
  16. ourfeathers

    Hello from North Carolina!

    Hi everyone! I'm Taylor & I have a flock total of 13 chickens! I first started with chickens a year ago -- I got a flock of 5 standard size hens since then I have added a rooster to that group & started a flock of 7 silkies. I document their adventures & life on Instagram @ourfeathers !! Now...
  17. fishin_dad

    New hatch

    3 days old. SLW Roo over RIR, GLW,and golden sex link
  18. C

    Barred Rock rooster x on 2 Production Brown hens, 1 smaller Easter Egger & 2 RIR hens

    I have a lovely Barred Rock Rooster. We hatched 5 eggs in the incubator. One egg was blue from my small Easter Egger, two dark brown from the RIR, and two lighter brown from my ISA Brown hens. Since we were gone when they hatched, I have no clue who hatched out of which colored egg. Wish I did...
  19. cjsl

    Thoughts on what breeds these are? Cochin, Brahma, RIR, PBR, B. Orpington?

    I’m a complete newbie; starting out with 8 chicks, hatched 11/4/2019. I wanted a variety and thought it would be fun to figure out what they were from a couple of the Meyer’s assortments. I ordered 3 from the production pack, 2 from the rare assortment, 2 from the rainbow assortment and also...
  20. Paulownia

    Rhode Island Red laid a white egg?

    Our RIR chickens are 15 months old and one of them laid a white egg today. Has this happened to anyone else? I read it could be because of molting but I also read that molting doesn't usually start until 18 months. Would love some insight from anyone knowledgeable in this. :-) thank you!
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